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Cheng Tan chengtan9907
Ph.D. student at Zhejiang University & Westlake University.

Zhejiang University & Westlake University Hangzhou, Zhejiang

ml / ai / bio / drugs

Charles University Prague

Nader AttentiveNader
Deep Learning Engineer

@Proteinea Cairo, Egypt

Jianmin Wang AspirinCode
Drug Design , Linux enthusiast , Medicinal_Chemistry_&_ Synthesis , Chemoinformatics , Data Science, Python and C/C++ programmer,Bioinformatics,Deep Learning,AI

Yonsei University 中国(China)

Safaa Sader safazahi4989

Village terre apartments

Pablo Lobos-Ruiz Pablo-Lobos-Ruiz
Scientist, Structural Biology, Higher ed. and Science Policy making.
Álex Pérez-Sánchez alexpsnchz
Computational Chemist - PhD Student at UAB & Master Student of Erasmus Mundus Master in TCCM

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Barcelona

Siddharth Betala sid-betalol

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Aviv (Vivi) avivko
Bioengineering PhD student @ Stanford University

Palo Alto, CA, USA


University of Science and Technology of China

Jeonghyeon Kim k-jeonghyeon
PhD student @ Stanford CSB


Morgan Thomas MorganCThomas
Postdoc in the @compsciencelab lab at Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona

Shogo Nakamura shogo-d-nakamura
PhD student @sekijima-lab. / interest: cheminformatics, organic chemistry /
Fanmeng Wang FanmengWang
Per aspera ad astra.

Nanjing, China

ZhangLiChuan ErikZhang-9762
Drug design and Deep learning.
Shivam Pandit Shi30
I am passionate about unraveling the secrets of life's dance, merging science and technology for groundbreaking advancements in drug discovery.

Bangalore , India

Ajay Khanna Ajaykhanna
Ph.D. Candidate in Computational Chemistry @ucmerced.

University of California Merced Merced, California

PhD student, Computational Chemistry, Modelling of protein-RNA complexes

University of Southampton

Airscker(Yufeng Wang) Airscker
We go on until we go wrong, then we keep on until we are right

New York

Jacob Rintamaki jrin771

Stanford University

🧬 Bioinformatics

FPT Software AI Center Vietnam

Lakhder Amine LakhderAmine99
Making real magic with code ✨ Graph Representation Learning & Knowledge Graphs Researcher - PhD Student

Freelancer - Data scientist & software engineer Morocco

Jurren de Groot j-degroot
MSc Artificial Intelligence LIACS
Alireza Moradzadeh moradza
Ph.D. from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Computational Science and Engineering

NVIDIA United States

Ye Wenbin criterion326
I am Ye Wenbin, a postgraduate from Shanghai University.

Shanghai University Shanghai University

vincenthus davincios
🏃 Jogging

Amsterdam | San Francisco

Surya bulbgod
Lazy researcher, applied mathematician, origamist, Hapkido-ist. Asst Prof, Biomedical Informatics - @CincyInformatix @CincyChildrens

Cincinnati Children's USA

Z yangnianzu0515
PhD candidate @Thinklab-SJTU

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Alexander Goncearenco neksa
AI/ML-driven Drug Discovery at VantAI. Leading Structural Computational Biology where we learn from evolution to design induced proximity drugs

VantAI New York City

Jordy Homing Lam jhmlam
Structure Enthusiast 🇭🇰

Hong Kong