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Ralph Schuler ralphschuler

InHausAI Limited Gelsenkirchen

Thiago Zanluca zanlucathiago
👋 Hello, I'm Thiago Zanluca 🌐 Full-Stack Developer 📚 Lifelong Learner 💡 Problem Solver

@ContaAzul Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brazil

Marcin Dąbrowski mardab
Throwing stars at everything that inspires me, even if in most minute way.


Luther Marques Cordeiro Nephxlin
Eu sou um desenvolvedor Front-End com 5 anos de experiência, com foco no ecossistema Javascript / Typescript. Tenho trabalhado em CRMs, e-commerces e softwares.

São Paulo - SP

Akash Mishra akashmishra23
Just Experimenting with some Stuff

Bangalore, India

Kaleb Rupe Kaleb-Rupe
Full Stack Web Developer | BloomTech School Grad | JavaScript, React, Redux, Node.js, Express | Algorithms, Data Structures | Agile Methodology

Tampa, Florida

Alice Barker 🌱

puppycodes 0F1139EEBCF58FE1

Someone SomeoneSerge
Applied mathematics, inverse graphics, computer vision (dense image correspondences), Nix

Independent + Aalto U, former HSE & Skoltech Helsinki, FI

Ilya Snowmaze-dev
Kotlin developer
Lorenzo Delgado LNSD
Principled SW Engineer

@edgeandnode Valencia, Spain

Ryan Wold afomi
Everything, a system.

@civicstudio, @opentecture

Harald Hanek harrydeluxe
If it’s in the browser, i can do it.

DELACAP Nürnberg, Germany

Lőrinc Del Motte sumater
I'm mostly a hobbyist right now, but I have designs on creating my own software firm.

Sackville, NB, Canada

most well-adjusted macOS user. feel free to hunt me down about ideas to help me manage, dedupe, or add to my stars!
Robin Millette millette
I've contributed to hundreds of projects. You're welcome.

Beloeil, Québec, Canada

Todd Specht TheFourthDev
Freelance web developer.

Birmingham, UK

Quinn McHugh quinn-p-mchugh

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

s = 's = %r\nprint(s%%s)' print(s%s)
Just a person who likes games and computers.


Federico Zanardo federicozanardo
Consultant @ Cluster Reply | Master's degree in Computer Science @ UniPD (Italy) | Bachelor's degree in Computer Science @ UniUD (Italy)

Cluster Reply

Dr. Maxim Orlovsky dr-orlovsky
Researcher, engineer, transhumanist. @AluVM @RGB-WG @LNP-WG @cyphernet-dao @strict-types creator & lead engineer. // MD, PhD (Neuroscience)

@Pandora-Prime Zug

Michael Keller mhkeller
journalist and open source things

csv soundsytem, NY Times New York, NY