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Andres Izquierdo an-izq
Currently a Sr. Data Analyst at Capital One who enjoys working in Data Science/Analytics.

Arlington, VA

Dan DaLuga dandaluga

West Des Moines, IA

Mason masonwood
Baseball fan

New Jersey

highlandcow highlandcow
so much to grok, so little to grok from
Timothy Fisher timothyf
Developer - Leader - Mentor

Washington Nationals Detroit, Michigan

Tex Pasley simplicio10
Lawyer by trade. Interested in data science and engineering projects. Enjoy getting into the weeds of legal, geospatial, and baseball data.

Chicago, IL

Former baby. Current aspiring front-end developer. Future ghost.

Seattle, WA

John Maynard johnnypballgame
Educator. Coach.

School District Lawrence, KS.

Jeff Nicholas jefnic23

@Pitcher-List Ohio

Matthew Goodsell magoodsell
Aspiring Data Scientist
.LAG boycaught
I leave as I enter: award-winning web app architect-strategist-cyberphile-sportsfan-faux screenwriter-air bassist-stanford-entj-seeker of truth and comedy.

CLEAR NEW GENRE | TCPG LLC San Francisco, California

Peter Martens petermartens98
AI Developer | Cognitive Neuroscience Grad
Yutae Lee leeyutae99
Texas A&M University Master of Science in Data Science. Passionate about learning data science algorithms and their implementation.