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VictorLee ZhenshengLee
Middleware Engineer in Robotics.


Jakub A. G. olorin37

@nokia Wrocław, Poland

ScarletFlash ScarletFlash
TypeScript, Angular, Rust

Frontend Spellcaster at @sibe-io, Former Frontend Architect at @bimeister, Founder of @noldor-solutions Valencia, Spain

翟志军 zacker330
The author of《Jenkins 2.x实践指南》


Yun Peng meteorcloudy
Bazel Open-Source Team

Google Munich

SRE. Interested in workflow automation, infrastructure management, blockchain technology, and privacy.

Planet Earth

JonyFang JonyFang
Simplicity, is hidden complexity.

@Bilibili Shanghai, China

小辉辉 MrXhh
A developer


Henrik Reinstädtler henrixapp

Uni Heidelberg, @AlgoEngHeidelberg Heidelberg

龚之皓 zhihao-gong

@TuSimple Shanghai

Cameron Smith cameronraysmith

Harvard Medical School Boston, MA, USA

Jeremy Poe Jeremy250MG

My great stay at home dad with Parkinson's disease! 2711 Timbermist Circle Benton, AR 72015-4725

Vladyslav vlady5lav
Science & Tech Enthusiast

Hobbyist Developer & System Administrator Andromeda Galaxy, Local Group, Virgo Supercluster, Laniakea Supercluster

Mikhail Mazurskiy ash2k
ash2k on Kubernetes Slack.



Kaohsiung City, Taiwan

Marco Lancini marco-lancini
Principal Security Engineer

@GitLab London

Amit Mittal amit-mittal
Software Engineer at @yext

IIT Guwahati New York, USA

Brian Gianforcaro bgianfo

@10xGenomics Seattle, WA

wolfi3 usmanakram232
Cloud Native Finance

@ginmon Frankfurt

Mariana Ardoino marshhxx
Staff Mobile Engineer @spotify

@spotify New York

yuanhong naonaoyh Guangzhou, China

Nliver Nliver
If you start striving now, the worst outcome is still becoming a late bloomer. 如果你现在开始努力,最坏的结果不过是大器晚成。


Radium Zheng ztl8702
Language Tech

@zingzeu Australia

Nicolas Paul nc0fr

Université d'Orléans France

Trịnh Đức Bảo Linh(Kevin) linhbkhn95
no pain no gain

@KyberNetwork Viet Nam

Moteesh moteesh-reddy
I love coding and designing tools that make people productive
mdh bivens-dev
Currently focused on @lit @dart-lang @flutter @GoogleCloudPlatform and experimenting with @bazelbuild
Cesar Bretana bretanac93
Senior Software Engineer @sumup | Passionate for innovation | Photography enthusiast.

@sumup Berlin, Germany

Lie Albert Januar Linarco ajanuar
Building Mobile Apps (iOS/Android/RN/Flutter)


Radosław Szamszur rszamszur
Discipline Equals Freedom | Way of the Peaceful Warrior | Can't Hurt Me \n I wish you a beautiful day!

Here, Now.