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Anderson de Matos Guimarães PadawanXXVI
Cursando Tecnologia em Ciência de Dados pela Faculdade de Tecnologia e Inovação Senac DF

Novacap Brasília

ummaabdul Umma-Abdul
I am a "forever-student", eager to build on my my IT experience and academics. I am open to opportunities and always interested in challenges.

jos, Plateau State

To work in a challenging and healthy environment to extract the best of myself, learn and grow at a professional level which helps in the organization.

IDRBT Hyderabad

Nithish Kumar S Nithishforns
My own project: Online Vehicles Rental System..
Arman Ahmed Taief taiefahmed
Hay I am Frontent Developer and Digital Marketer.I am First year Computer Science Engineer student.
Ephraim Igbinosa IgbinosaEphraim
Data Analyst || Python Programmer || Data Visualization Dallas, TX