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windcicada windcicada
Major in Numerical Simulation of 2-Phase Turbulent Combustion.

AESC, Beihang University Beijing, China

Younghwa CHO younghwacho
Ph.D. Candidate at Hokkaido University

Hokkaido University Sapporo, Japan

Kind dev fulldev1023
Full stack Developer. React Next Python Django Golang Ruby on Rails

Freelancer In the World

Pooja Nema PoojaNem
A doctoral fellow at Technical University of Munich with a research focus on the chemical kinetics of SAF surrogates

Technical University Munich Munich

Golden MAN profreelancer222
Program development is ART

Lina, Austria

Zetao Huang Ipomoea97

South China Agricutural University


Sanofi Upper Providence, PA

Eeva Limb eevalimb
Energetic and outgoing individual
Zhan Ziyuan ZhanZiyuan
Computational chemistry & Python programming

Nankai University Tianjin, China

James Misaka QuantumMisaka
Intelligent catalysis coder in TMC-PKU


Jan Špale janspale
PhD candidate at CTU in Prague, FME; Researcher in Energy systems in buildings at CTU UCEEB; Fulbright scholar @CenterHighPerformanceBuildingsPurdue

CTU in Prague - UCEEB & FME; Purdue University - Ray W. Herrick Labs West Lafayette, Indiana

Wizard of FullStack code-wizard21
Behold, I am a mighty wizard of the digital realm, a master of the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) stack! I possess the power to conjure extraordi

Freelancer House

Hamed Hoorijani Hamedhoorijani
Researcher @ Ugent

Gent, Belgium

Anna Doner donerancl
Postdoctoral Associate

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Elsayed Saber Saber-Elsayed
𝐅𝐮𝐥𝐥-𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐒𝐨𝐟𝐭𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐫

Beer Sheva

Researcher at Utrecht University

Utrecht University Utrecht, The Netherlands

Micael Davi Lima de Oliveira micael-oliveira-ufam
Pharmacy at Federal University of Amazonas / Area of research: structural bioinformatics, molecular docking, molecular dynamics, drug discovery.

Federal University of Amazonas Brazil

Mohammad Rahmani kookma
Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering

Amirkabir University of Technology Tehran, Ir.

bluedone bluedone
Full Stack Developer with 5 years expereince in front end frameworks, MERN, MEAN, MEVN, PHP, e-commerce.

Singapore, Singapore

Xiaoming Cao xmcao-ccc
Professor, AI+DFT for Heterogeneous Catalysis, East China University of Science and Technology

ECUST Shanghai

Xiaorui Dong xiaoruiDong
A Ph.D. candidate in Green Group at MIT focus on cheminformatics / quantum chemistry / machine learning / scientific modeling

MIT Cambridge, MA

Peter Martens petermartens98
AI Developer | Cognitive Neuroscience Grad
Asif_em2r Asif-Iqbal-Bhatti
Computational chemist, material scientist, High entropy alloys, Solid state batteries, Hydrogen


Alexandre Aragão alexaragao
An always-in-training programmer who loves spend time doing some code. I don't know man, just code!

@stone-ton São Luís, Brazil

A PhD student in Theoretical and Computational Chemistry.

Zhejiang University Hangzhou, China

Gabe Gomes gabegomes
Assistant Professor at Carnegie Mellon University with the @gomesgroup | Departments of Chemistry + ChemEng
Dmitriy_Andreevich Azimka228
👨🏻‍💻 Front-end developer | Web3 front-end developer

Belarus, Minsk

Felix Döppel felix-doeppel
PhD Student @ Technical University of Darmstadt

Technical University of Darmstadt Germany