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MichaelO michael811125
Game Developer (Gaming can make a better world)

Taipei, Taiwan

Dez Surfndez
Entreprenuer, Educator, and life long developer/programmer/all around tech enthusiast. :) @NVIDIA @Epic @unreal @Developers


Diego Esteban Suarez disofenix117
| Multimedia Engineer | Videogames Developer | Postproduction Ability to use computational and multimedia engineering standards


ghadah adam adam4designSSS
interiors ,graphic designer,interest of vr ,metaverse ,learn coding by my self

ADAM for immersive technology cairo

Yi Peng reddream
Turn every scenario into a perfect one

reddream China Chengdu

ArtechFuz3D ArtechFuz3D-Studio
3D Technical Artist & Developer
Running man! Aspsine
I'm coding a world!


Elijah Daniel Elijahdanie
Software Engineer

Third Dimension Games Nigeria

ITSthe1 Apps itsthe1-apps

ITSthe1 Solutions Dubai