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Sam Morozov sammorozov
Data Scientist / Web3 dev / ex-Analyst in fintech 🇷🇺


Sorayya CrazyCoder107
Ive only coded on a very small scale and probably like most of you guys I started on scratch and then upgraded from there and now im going to attempt kotlin.


Keira Stavast RoseThorn78
A brilliant mastermind, capable of anything (except programming).

@Murray-Bridge-Bunyips Holding Cell #23, FBI Secret Underground Lair, Antarctica - 76°19'36.1"S 59°02'19.0"E

Lucas Bubner bubner
2023 South Australian/Northern Territory iAwards winner | MBHS Student Robotics Club captain | Passionate software developer
Lachlan Paul lachlanPaul
I've been randomly hitting keys on a keyboard and it keeps working.

Black Mesa Research Facility