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NLPer|Hackathon Geeker|AI+Psychology

Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan, China

Eric StatML
Software Engineer

Beijing, China

Mingyang Kris20xx
A little bit every day


李小保 lixb123
1.Je pense, donc je suis;2.La lecture de tous les bons livres est comme une conversation avec les plus honnetes gens des siecles passes;3.eadem mutata resurgo.

Brave New World

MaoJun Zhang ZhangMaoJun
I want to learn Business Administration and CS, and I love to participate in local business events and love to use python to build some of my business plan.
laba lalababa0520
Keep happy and keep trying!


hustzx zhengxing-hust
AI Algorithm Engineer at Ant Group. Bachelor's and Master's degrees from Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Kaggle Master.

Ant Group China

Taotao Zhou tzhou4
Dr. Zhou is currently working as an assistant professor at the China University of Petroleum - Beijing.

China University of Petroleum - Beijing

mayulu mayulu

ISV Shanghai