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Jose Antonio Marmol Romero JoseAntonioMarmol

Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) (Barcelona) Spain

CPME USA cpmeusa

CPME USA Burlington, WI

clubfullstack clubfullstack
GitHub criado para compartilhamento dos estudos, material da comunidade Clube Digital. Inicialmente estamos estudando a plataforma FitConnect-2024
Namık Kemal Arsu nkemalarsu
Hi! I'm Kemal, from Turkey.


ZacMo ch-zacmo
Hi, I'm Zac, from switzerland. Human being specialised in building automation. Initially a PLC programmer, I have developed knowledge in other language.

Automation 3000 SA Switzerland

hiyoko hiyoko1
Youtubeやニコニコ動画で動画配信しています。 トークロイド系動画、電子工作、作曲活動等幅広く取り組んでいます。

TB&K Company Seoul Korea

Robotics Engineer | Developer | Automation Engineer


Gabriele Sisinna gsisinna
Robotics Software Engineer | Robotics Simulation | System Integration

Robotics Lab @ Flexlink (Coesia) Italy

Juan Rodriguez rodriguezjf

webxcreen Monterrey, Mexico

P. Douglass pdo-be

Better Energy Denmark

Alec Medina alecmedina-code

Alcon Fort Worth, Texas

Process control engineer.


Ivan Nausley nausley

Nausley Services, LLC Michigan

toucan xiaohuangyu
Wuhan,HUST ,Mechanical Engineering NanJing,AAC
PSAon47 patomporn47
Hi I'am Aon


LI Zhuowei cheukwaylee
MSc Mechatronic student at Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Sebastian Karnapp SebastianKarnappPTW
Research Associate at the Institute for Production Management and Machine Tools (PTW) at TU Darmstadt with research focus in digital, sustainable technologies.

PTW TU Darmstadt

VictorLee ZhenshengLee
Middleware Engineer in Robotics.
