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Gerad Munsch unforgiven512
I'm a proud father, enjoy amateur radio operations as @KD9QZO on the air, and under @unforgiven-development I enjoy working on a variety of embedded systems.

Unforgiven Development Hainesville, IL, USA

I'm just figuring it out on the way.

Armlab Belgium

Pamela Ingram Humjujubee
I wanna make all my dreams come true... I believe I have what it takes...

Humjujubee Inc Tifton Ga 31794

Iorhan Vendruscolo iorhanV
Exploring Python within Revit API 🐍🏨


Panagiotis Doulgeris Pantastisch
👨🏻‍💻 SW Engineer. Loves tinkering with Arduino, ESP8266 and Raspberry Pi.

@adessoSE Dortmund, Germany

Jason Kaczor jkaczor
Maker, IT Consultant and all-around-nerd

Thought Cloud Inc. London ON, Canada

Enrique Latorres elatorres
Bachelor in Electronics Computer Engineer Master y Computer Engineering With a PhD on stand by Professor at ORT University (32 years) Former IT Manager

Universidad ORT del Uruguay Uruguay

LeiZhenYu leizhenyu-lzy
Lazy dog.

Tongji University Shanghai

i have no mouth and i must beatbox
Joseph Olabisi dabigjoe6
Full time tinkerer. Aspiring UX engineer. Passionate about Graphics/Game engines. Currently proficient in typescript, python, c++, java in that order.

London, UK

kasim ozacar kasimozacar

Tohoku University Sendai, Japan

Detlef_Dohnke dohdet
I am an electrical engineer and next year an old age pensioner. A lot of time for interests by my own, I hope so.
Patrick Roncagliolo roncapat
Robotics and Computer Engineer. Space addicted.

Thales Alenia Space Italy Turin (TO), Italy

Sam Rooney thesamrooney
I'm a Robotics Engineering undergrad at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Class of '25

New Hampshire, United States

Lucas Bueno lucas-bueno777
Aeronautical engineer and open-source projects enthusiast.


Martin Bérubé MabeProductique
Je suis un conseiller, architecte et développeur qui crée des solutions pour améliorer la productivité des entreprises

@productiquequebec Sherbrooke

Journalist Opposing Viewpoints FCC Licensed Radio Technician Field Service Engineer Electronics Repair kin·es·thet·ic Fixing Electromechanical Systems

DINKIN New England

Louis Law, louiscklaw louiscklaw
Validation Engineer | Hardware Engineer | js/python/php coder currently open for programming/scripting/coding commission

Hong Kong

Serge Volkov vserge

Smart Innovative Building Solutions Moscow