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@CoDongThon @SonPhat

王树贤 WangShuXian6
了解 vue 源码,k8s。熟悉常用前端框架、库、工具:Vue, Angular,React, Webpack,Gulp 等 了解 node, 熟悉 KOA,nest 熟练使用 Git,熟练 Gitflow 等常见开发实践 注重设计细节和用户体验,有较强的审美和自主设计能力 善于学习和运用新知识,有强烈的团队意

哈银消费金融科技管理部 beijing

Cristiano Godoy ChrisGodoy78
Humildade para avançar e honestidade para não retroceder.

Matinhos, Paraná, Brasil

Arron SugerMuxin
Unity programer.
Tadeo Hepperle tadeohepperle
Software Engineer (Rust / Dart / TypeScript)
Albany Timbó Mesquita AlbanyTimboMesquita
BS in Science Computer

Bit7 soluções em TI São Gonçalo-RJ

I was born and now I am alive.
Bayu Satiyo ✨ kiraio-moe
🎲 Unity | .NET | 💻 Front-End | 🎨 Graphic Design | 🛠️ Reverse Engineering | 🎮 Gamer (Waifu Hunter 😋) | 🎧 EDM enjoyer.

@ailidev / @bungaku-moe Brebes Regency, Central Java, Indonesia

G-throw\Hub Digital-gitz
I Love Art and technology Engineer and artist ready to work on cool projects. But My main goal is to blow up, then act like I don't know, nobody.


Jacob (jsh4) uniphonic
Developer by day, sound designer by night.


César Héctor kcorac
I'm an extremely handsome Muki that tries to make games with Kala.

Independent Freelancer Perú

Henrique Candolo hencan
Backend Developer


Aurélien Da Campo Adolio
Tech Lead at MindMaze SA & Indie Game Developer in spare time.


Ark Lu gtd138

Xinhui Guangdong China

AusintJaguar austin0072009
Problem Solver and Quick Learner! My habbit is developing game and AI relate project.

GlobalCloud,Tamron Yangon

giselle cactugigi
fun little projects
AnewCzs Anewczs Beijing, China