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Sergey Morozov Tr0sT
GameDev & Trading

AdoreGames Russia, Nizhniy Novgorod

Yann.Chao ityc
Treat high-quality code as dignity and personal reputation.


Xu Zi ang Effrontery
Shanghai Institute of Technology
No-needto-recall No-needto-recall
The trick is,before it's too late.
Sunny SunnyLy
A stupid bird should make a early fly.


Jack moto2002
Game Designer

NetEase Guangzhou

Silver.D.K icyhins
「でもまだそれでは、先生を殺せませんねぇ」 “但是只有这种水平的话 是杀不了为师的呢”
Aoxiang(Ace) Zhang ZHANG-AOXIANG
A QA tester in Amazon

Amazon China

陈俊 clergychen

alibaba Shanghai,China

Liu RunMing lts0131
A programmer who loves cycling and photography.

china hebei shijiazhuang

wk cudd1y
Hi, welcome~

快递 之 家

JoJo rustpy

HP Shanghai

Bcy sunbcy
