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NOTE: hiveutil is an internal utility for use by hive developers and hive itself. It is not supported for general use.

The hiveutil CLI offers several commands to help manage clusters with Hive.

To build the hiveutil binary, run make build.

Create Cluster

The create-cluster command generates a ClusterDeployment and submits it to the Hive cluster using your current kubeconfig.

To view what create-cluster generates, without submitting it to the API server, add -o yaml to create-cluster. If you need to make any changes not supported by create-cluster options, the output can be saved, edited, and then submitted with oc apply. This is also a useful way to generate sample yaml.

--release-image can be specified to control which OpenShift release image to use.

Create Cluster on AWS

Credentials will be read from your AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables. If the environment variables are missing or empty, then create-cluster will look for creds at ~/.aws/credentials. Alternatively you can specify an AWS credentials file with --creds-file.

bin/hiveutil create-cluster --cloud=aws mycluster

Create Cluster on Azure

Credentials will be read from either ~/.azure/osServicePrincipal.json, the contents of the AZURE_AUTH_LOCATION environment variable, or the value provided with the --creds-file parameter (in increasing order of preference). The format for the credentials used for installation/uninstallation follows the same format used by the OpenShift installer:

  "subscriptionId": "azure-subscription-uuid-here",
  "clientId": "client-id-for-service-principal",
  "clientSecret": "client-secret-for-service-principal",
  "tenantId": "tenant-uuid-here"
bin/hiveutil create-cluster --cloud=azure --azure-base-domain-resource-group-name=myresourcegroup --azure-cloud-name=AzurePublicCloud mycluster

NOTE: --azure-cloud-name=AzurePublicCloud specifies the Azure Cloud in which the cluster will be created e.g. AzurePublicCloud or AzureUSGovernmentCloud.

NOTE: For deprovisioning a cluster hiveutil will use creds from ~/.azure/osServiceAccount.json or the AZURE_AUTH_LOCATION environment variable (with the environment variable prefered).

Create Cluster on GCP

Credentials will be read from either ~/.gcp/osServiceAccount.json, the contents of the GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS environment variable, or the value provided with the --creds-file parameter (in increasing order of preference). GCP credentials can be created by:

  1. Login to GCP console at
  2. Create a service account with the owner role.
  3. Create a key for the service account.
  4. Select JSON for the key type.
  5. Download resulting JSON file and save to ~/.gcp/osServiceAccount.json.
bin/hiveutil create-cluster --cloud=gcp mycluster

NOTE: For deprovisioning a cluster, hiveutil will use creds from ~/.gcp/osServiceAccount.json or the GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS environment variable (with the environment variable prefered).

Create Cluster on vSphere

Set credentials/connection information in the following environment variables. GOVC_USERNAME should hold the vSphere username, GOVC_PASSWORD should be set to the vSphere user's password. If the vCenter instance is using self-signed certificates or is otherwise untrusted by the system being used to connect to vCenter, GOVC_TLS_CA_CERTS should be set to the path of a file containing the CA certificate for the vCenter instance.

The following parameters are required and must be provided via environment variable or command line parameter:

Environment Variable Command line parameter
GOVC_USERNAME Must be provided as environment variable.
GOVC_PASSWORD Must be provided as environment variable.
GOVC_TLS_CA_CERTS --vsphere-ca-certs
GOVC_DATACENTER --vsphere-datacenter
GOVC_DATASTORE --vsphere-default-datastore
GOVC_HOST --vsphere-vcenter
bin/hiveutil create-cluster --cloud=vsphere --vsphere-datacenter=dc1 --vsphere-default-datastore=ds1 --vsphere-api-vip= --vsphere-ingress-vip= --vsphere-cluster=devel --vsphere-network="VM Network" --vsphere-folder=/dc1/vm/mycluster --vsphere-ca-certs="/tmp/cert1.crt:/tmp/cert2.crt" --base-domain mycluster

Create Cluster on OpenStack

Credentials will be read from ~/.config/openstack/clouds.yaml or /etc/openstack/clouds.yaml. An example file looks like:

      username: "test-user"
      password: "secret-password"
      project_id: 97aa533a6f094222ae76f097e2eb1df4
      project_name: "openshift"
      user_domain_name: ""
    region_name: "regionOne"
    interface: "public"
    identity_api_version: 3
bin/hiveutil create-cluster --cloud=openstack --openstack-api-floating-ip= --openstack-cloud=mycloud mycluster

Create Cluster on IBM Cloud

The IBM Cloud API key will be read from an IC_API_KEY environment variable. An IBM Cloud credential manifests directory containing cloud credential secrets for OpenShift components must be provided.

bin/hiveutil create-cluster --cloud=ibmcloud --region="us-south" --manifests=/path/to/manifests/ --credentials-mode-manual mycluster

Cluster Pools

Create a ClusterPool:

bin/hiveutil clusterpool create-pool -n hive --cloud=aws --creds-file ~/.aws/credentials --image-set openshift-46 --pull-secret-file ~/.pull-secret --region us-east-1 --size 5 test-pool

Claim a ClusterDeployment from a ClusterPool:

bin/hiveutil clusterpool claim -n hive test-pool username-claim

AWS PrivateLink

To create an AWS cluster using PrivateLink, the following steps could be followed:

Initialize AWS PrivateLink settings for Hive:

bin/hiveutil awsprivatelink enable --dns-record-type Alias


  1. This command creates a Secret with AWS hub account credentials extracted from the environment.
  2. It adds a reference to the Secret in HiveConfig.spec.awsPrivateLink.credentialsSecretRef.
  3. The active cluster's VPC is added to HiveConfig.spec.awsPrivateLink.associatedVPCs.
  4. HiveConfig.spec.awsPrivateLink.dnsRecordType is set to Alias.

Create an endpoint VPC with private subnets:

# Could be different from the active cluster's region
export REGION=us-east-1
export STACK=my-stack-name
export TEMPLATE=file://hack/awsprivatelink/
export AZCOUNT=3
# Should not overlap with the CIDR of the active cluster's VPC
export CIDR=

aws --region $REGION cloudformation create-stack --stack-name $STACK --template-body $TEMPLATE --parameters ParameterKey=AvailabilityZoneCount,ParameterValue=$AZCOUNT ParameterKey=VpcCidr,ParameterValue=$CIDR
aws --region $REGION cloudformation wait stack-create-complete --stack-name $STACK
export PRIVSUBNETIDS=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks --region $REGION --stack-name $STACK --query 'Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey==`PrivateSubnetIds`].OutputValue | [0]' --output text)
export VPCID=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks --region $REGION --stack-name $STACK --query 'Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey==`VpcId`].OutputValue | [0]' --output text)

Set up the endpoint VPC for PrivateLink:

bin/hiveutil awsprivatelink endpointvpc add $VPCID --subnet-ids $PRIVSUBNETIDS --region $REGION


  1. This command sets up networking elements on AWS to allow traffic between the endpoint VPC and each associated VPC.
  2. It adds the endpoint VPC to HiveConfig.spec.awsPrivateLink.endpointVPCInventory.

Create an AWS cluster using PrivateLink:

export CLUSTERNAME=my-cluster-name

bin/hiveutil create-cluster $CLUSTERNAME --base-domain $BASEDOMAIN --region $REGION --aws-private-link --internal

Remove the cluster after usage:

oc delete cd $CLUSTERNAME

Remove the endpoint VPC after the CD is gone:

bin/hiveutil awsprivatelink endpointvpc remove $VPCID


  1. This command tears down the networking elements that were set up using bin/hiveutil awsprivatelink endpointvpc add.
  2. It also removes the endpoint VPC from HiveConfig.spec.awsPrivateLink.endpointVPCInventory.

Delete the CloudFormation stack:

aws --region $REGION cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name $STACK

Disable AWS PrivateLink in HiveConfig:

bin/hiveutil awsprivatelink disable


  1. This command removes the AWS hub account credentials Secret created with bin/hiveutil awsprivatelink enable from Hive's namespace.
  2. It empties HiveConfig.spec.awsPrivateLink, restoring HiveConfig to its state before configuring PrivateLink.

Other Commands

To see other commands offered by hiveutil, run hiveutil --help.