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NumBBO/CoCO Framework in Java (Experimental Part)

If you have setup and tested everything once with python run-java, see here, type:

javac *java

to (re-)compile the example experiment and

java ExampleExperiment

to run it. Then change as needed.


Content of the build/java folder

This folder contains necessary source files to generate the shared library for calling coco C funtions and an example of testing a java optimizer on the coco benchmark


  • class declaring native methods (methods that have to be written in C and that will call C functions of coco.c)
  • CocoJNI.h & CocoJNI.C: files defining native methods in These two files will be used to generate the shared library
  •,,, define java classes (Benchmark, Problem, Suite, Observer)
  • defines an optimizer and tests it on the coco benchmark

Compilation without python

for Linux and OSX (tested on a Mac OS X version 10.9.5)

For generating the shared library, under build/java do:

	gcc -I/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Headers -c CocoJNI.c
	gcc -dynamiclib -o libCocoJNI.jnilib CocoJNI.o

To run the example:

  • first, compile all the .java files (by typing javac *.java for example)
  • then type java ExampleExperiment to run the example experiment

for Windows without Cygwin and with 32bit MinGW gcc compiler

For generating the shared library, under build/java do:

	gcc -Wl,--kill-at -I"C:\PATH_TO_YOUR_JDK\include" -I"C:\PATH_TO_YOUR_JDK\include\win32" -shared -o CocoJNI.dll CocoJNI.c

You should have now a CocoJNI.dll file in this folder. Now run the example:

  • first, compile all the .java files (by typing javac *.java for example)
  • then run the example experiment by typing java ExampleExperiment

for Windows with Cygwin and the x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc compiler

For generating the shared library, under build/java do:

	x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -D __int64="long long" -Wl,--add-stdcall-alias -I"C:\PATH_TO_YOUR_JDK\include" -I"C:\PATH_TO_YOUR_JDK\include\win32" -shared -o CocoJNI.dll CocoJNI.c

You should have now a CocoJNI.dll file in this folder. Now run the example:

  • first, compile all the .java files (by typing javac *.java for example)
  • then run the example experiment by typing java ExampleExperiment