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datepicker.js Build Status

All existing datepicker libraries suck, so I wrote my own.


  • Is not infinitely configurable, therefore small (~5.5KB JS, ~2.5KB CSS)
  • Requires zero configuration, it can be enabled and to some extend customized through HTML5 data attributes
  • Uses semantic markup to take advantage of HTML5's expressiveness
  • Exposes expressive CSS selectors, to easily swap styles. Write styles for the datepicker that match your UI theme within minutes.
  • Requires jQuery
  • Supports keyboard shortcuts

To give you some context: This library is less than 300 lines of JavaScript, the datepicker file of jquery-ui is over 2000 lines of JavaScript ...


Unfortunately, all common datepicker names are already reserved in the npm package repository. However, both npm and bower - the two most popular JavaScript package managers - support installation from GitHub repository.

# If you use npm
npm install --save-dev nsommer/datepicker.js

# If you use bower
bower install nsommer/datepicker.js --save


The datepicker requires a .datepicker-container container around the input for easier styling and event delegation. data-toggle="datepicker" automatically enables the datepicker on an input field, no other JavaScript required.

<div class="datepicker-container">
  <input type="date" data-toggle="datepicker" data-position="top">

Don't forget to include the stylesheet, the JavaScript and jquery!

Custom styles

The styles for the datepicker widget are found in scss/_widget.scss.

The most important style values such as colors, type size etc. are stored in variables with !default annotations in scss/_variables.scss.

To change the look and feel of the widget - for example to use your application's brand colors - set the corresponding variables before importing datepicker.scss. This is a popular technique to customize CSS frameworks that use a preprocessor (SASS, LESS).

Note: The default styles are written with under the assumption that normalize.css is included into the page.

JavaScript API

The datepicker is intentionally designed to be used without any custom JavaScript. Enabling and configuring it is done entirely by using HTML5 data-* attributes.

However, you can still access the datepicker instance and interact with it, if you need to. This is done by the jQuery plugin.

var datepicker = $("#my-datepicker").datepicker()

// Get the selected day as Date object

// Get the selected date as ISO8601

// Set a new date
datepicker.setDate(new Date())

// Hide or open it

// Rerender the widget (e.g. after modifying the date)

// Write the current date back to the input field

// Jump a day backwards or forwards

// Jump a week backwards or forwards

// Jump a month backwards or forwards

Browser Support

Well, IE sucks ...

... however, this library doesn't use any ES6 or other very new standards, so it might work on older IEs as well (if you try, tell me about it).


git clone
cd datepicker
npm install
grunt build

The Gruntfile provides some useful tasks you can use.

Task Description
grunt build Builds the js and css files including minified versions and source maps.
grunt watch Watches for file changes and rebuilds.
grunt clean Cleans shit away.
grunt server Serves the working directory via HTTP at port 8000.
grunt test Runs the tests.

All tasks, except connect and test, can be suffixed with :js or :css to only apply the task to the JavaScript or to the Stylesheets respectively.


  1. Open an issue
  2. Fork repo
  3. Create branch with meaningful name (e.g. pr-fix-xyz, pr-feature-xyz)
  4. Commit changes
  5. Open pull request




The source code and documentation of this project is available under the MIT license.