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Releases: nightscout/cgm-remote-monitor

Nightscout 0.12.4 Jellybean

18 Sep 19:45
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This is a bug fix / improvement release in the 0.12 series.


  • Most Javascript in the site is now transpiled (yes this is highly technical) to be compatible with older devices such as iPads running iOS 9, so devices that haven’t worked correctly with release 0.12 probably work after upgrading to 0.12.4
  • Medtronic Guardian Connect Plugin has been updated to be compatible with US users
  • Clock views now show the X to close on load, which then hides itself until screen is clicked
  • Several bug fixes to the clock views
  • Daily reports don’t show estimated insulin values for carbs due to potential confusion over this referring to dosed insulin
  • Profile conversion warnings were disabled
  • Fixed a plugin setting rendering bug introduced in the 0.12.3
  • German and Russian language updates
  • Mmol unit conversion fixes
  • Several small documentation improvements
  • Fixed an issue causing a client crash on first start of a new site
  • Temporary Target Cancel event bug introduced in the previous release has been fixed

Random tidbit: at the time of release, Nightscout is the 10th most forked project in the entire Github!

Contributor thanks (in no particular order) to this release go to @Erin879, @GermanBluefox, @PieterGit, @PetrOndrusek, @jpcunningh, @codacy-bot, @bassettb, @ireneusz-ptak, @unsoluble, @herzogmedia, @aviau, @apanasef & @sulkaharo

Nightscout 0.12.3 Jellybean

30 Jul 11:30
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This is a bug fix / improvement point release of Nightscout Jellybean

New features

  • Adds option to colorize the OpenAPS prediction lines, along with a new mechanism for plugins to expose their extended settings to the client UI, so this setting can be switched on and off in the client
  • CarePortal now validates Temporary Target values and prevents saving entries with broken data


  • Lowers the Node version requirement to allow Azure deploys. Azure deploys are still likely to fail on free Azure tiers due to running out of hosting resources to run the site. Microsoft is looking into this and hoping to provide us a solution to hosting Nightscout in Azure, but for now if you want to upgrade to this release, you will need to use a paid Azure tier or an alternate hosting solution like Heroku (instructions on how to migrate to Heroku are to be found at
  • Updated documentation regarding Azure and above mentioned configuration
  • OpenAPS 0.6 users OpenAPS 0.6 has issues with date comparison that cause the Nightscout treatment synchronization to fail for users in time zones with the relative time earlier to UTC (UTC minus something). This release adds a workaround to the system that converts dates back to the originating form in the REST API, causing the OpenAPS date comparison logic to work as expected. You can enable this workaround by setting DE_NORMALIZE_DATES=true in Heroku / Azure.* Fixes the button positioning the toolbar
  • The clock view close X button is now controlled by a parameter in the URL and a setting. If you want to bookmark a clock view without the X but have the X appear when opening the view from the navigation, open the clock view from Nightscout navigation and remove the showClockClosebutton=true parameter from the page address before adding the bookmark. To have the X never appear, set SHOW_CLOCK_CLOSEBUTTON to false in the server settings.
  • Latest Stop Sensor event from last 32 days is now loaded to fix some plugin issues for users who have a sensor that was started and stopped recently but more than 2 days ago


  • Allow Node 12 in the node version checks
  • Swagger REST API documentation how works over /api-docs and developer docs in have been updated

Nightscout 0.12.2 Jellybean

20 Jul 15:31
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Another small but important fix: adds X close buttons to all views on the site, to help unstuck iOS users who've added the site to springboard, so they don't have to restart the phone to get back to the graph view

Nightscout 0.12.1 Jellybean

20 Jul 11:01
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Bug fix release: the 0.12.0 release had an issue with loading the clock view javascript bundle, which was fixed in this release

Nightscout 0.12 Jellybean

20 Jul 07:06
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The release focuses improving the data management and packaging of Nightscout, to both make it load faster and consume less resources on the client, but also to fix data related issues. Based on testing, the release resolves many issues related to data, such as site loading slowly or the admin section showing treatments in the future.

READ THIS: The Nightscout REST API now normalizes dates in the data to the UTC time zone. This might cause some data loading to behave unexpectedly for n hours after updating the site (where n is the number of hours between your local time and UTC). If you're using systems that syncronizes data both ways with Nightscout (such as a DIY artificial pancreas), please keep a close eye to how everything is behaving after you upgrade.

While installing, please sanity check the following:

  • Check you have the DISPLAY_UNITS setting in Heroku or Azure, and that it's set to either mmol or mg/dl
  • In the Profile Editor, double check the profile is fully filled and matches the actual profile

Notable new features

  • Guardian Connect now supports the EU servers (set MMCONNECT_SERVER=EU in site settings, among other parameters)

Notable changes

  • Random metrics: 12299 new lines of code, with 6692 old lines gone
  • The site now loads less data on start, with up to around 50% less data needed for people using a DIY artificial pancreas
  • Related to the data loading changes, battery, cannula, sensor age now support up to 31 day old entries
  • You can now log protein and fat intake for meal treatments and see the aggregate records in daily reports
  • Speech: Pressing the button to enable sounds now also enables speech on mobile devices
  • Guardian Connect now supports the EU servers (set MMCONNECT_SERVER=EU in site settings, among other parameters)
  • Nightscout now visualizes Guardian users’ trend arrows using the one to three arrow format for consistency with Medtronic CGM systems
  • REST API fixes to bugs introduced in the previous release
  • Fixes an issue where the latest iOS caused a stale data alarm every time, when Nightscout had been added as a Home Screen web app
  • Javascript packaging has been improved, so the site should both load faster and require less memory to run
  • Layout fixes for setups with a lot of features enabled
  • Glucose distribution report was showing slightly elevated variability for users with noisy CGM records
  • Plugin code was improved to reduce issues when a single plugin is misbehaving
  • Many dependencies were updated to newer versions with no know security issues
  • Many language updates and fixes


  • The REST API now users Moment.js to parse dates and normalize the date to UTC. If the date had a time zone defined in the object, the resulting new date will be in UTC and a new utcOffset field will be added to the data, which defines the time zone delta from UTC in minutes (positive numbers indicate zones ahead of UTC)
  • The clock face code was completely refactored
  • ESLint is now happy with the site (and .eslintrc is committed to the repository)
  • Developers should check for changes in how the site is now run in dev mode and how to run the site to get automatic reload on code changes. Javascript packaging now uses the webpack dev mode along with nodemon, so when running in dev mode, all changes are deployed when you save changes in your editor. The site also runs eslint in the packaging mode; please check any reported errors and fix them before PRing changes.
  • The repository now includes .eslintrc and .jsbeautifyrc files; using VSCode for editing with those plugins is recommended

Contributors to this release: @sulkaharo, @PieterGit, @unsoluble, @jasoncalabrese, @jpcunningh, @rob-andy, @mitchellhenke, @m-a-v, @janrpn, @OpossumGit, @diabetlum, @tanja3981, @thecubic, @jungsomyeong

Ice Cream - release 0.11.1

08 Feb 00:26
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Ice Cream - release 0.11

07 Feb 21:21
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Make sure you use the released version. That can be found at



Over 360 commits, 89 files changed, +8,428 / −6,569 lines of changes (full list of changes here: )

New features

  • Fully secure by default out of the box. Unsecure access via http is not allowed anymore by default. This might force you to re-authenticate with your API_SECRET or token if you were using unsecure access. (@PieterGit )
  • No outdated packages with vulnerabilities are being used anymore (@PieterGit )
  • Add Week to Week report (@jpcunningh, #4123 )
  • Add Loopalyzer report to analyse looping. Visualize your loop (@lixgbg, #3629 #4235 )
  • Add predictions support to Day to Day report (@lixgbg, #3179 )
  • Add cgm sensor stop to Careportal (@jpcunningh, #4060)

Removed features

  • remove mqtt module, because it had a security issue and was not used
  • remove sgvdata module, because it had a security issue, added a lot of complexity and wasn't needed (@PieterGit ). Replacement implementation for CSV and TSV export (@sulkaharo ).


  • Fix MongoDB database insert handling. Log error on inserts and don't crash in case the MongoDB disk is full or MongoDB quota is reached (@sulkaharo and @jpcunningh)
  • Upgrade packages to recent version, fixing all known security issues with dependencies (@PieterGit)
  • Redirect redirect HTTP to HTTPS and implement HSTS (@jweismann, @PieterGit, #4044 and #4010 and #4253 )
  • Technical improvement: Migrate from uglify-js to terser-webpack-plugin (@PieterGit)
  • Streamlined Heroku deployment template with more descriptive text and more appropriate defaults for new users (@unsoluble, #4116 )

Bug fixes

Documentation and language updates

  • Language updates for Danish, Dutch, German, Hebrew, Norwegian, Russian
  • New languages: Japanese, Turkish
  • Update Alexa documentation. Note that some Alexa improvements are postponed to Nightscout 0.12 because the Alexa plugin needs refactoring, see #4168 (comment)
  • Update IFTTT docs (@Dave9111, @unsoluble, #4206 )
  • Updated various docs, including CONTRIBUTING documentation

Upgrade notes

  • We only allow Nightscout to start with a secure Node JS.
    • Latest Node 8 LTS (8.15.0 or later) and Latest Node 10 LTS (10.15.1 or later) are recommended and supported.
    • Latest Node version on Azure (currently 10.14.0) is tolerated, but not recommended
    • Other versions will not start
  • The rawbg settings are converted to a single setting tri-state variable.
  • We improved security and added several new environment variables such as INSECURE_USE_HTTP and SECURE_HSTS_HEADER
    • Your site redirects to https by default. If you don't want that or use a Nginx or Apache proxy, set INSECURE_USE_HTTP to true.
    • We enabled HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) headers by default, settings SECURE_HSTS_HEADER and SECURE_HSTS_HEADER_*

Upgrade notes for Azure users

We recommend Azure users consider migrating their hosting to Heroku, as we've observed Heroku users have significantly less issues with having their sites work reliably. If you want to continue using Azure, change the following configuration variables in Azure before updating to the latest Nightscout version:


Install instructions

Install instructions can be found:

Contributors to this release

The release coordination for this release was done by @PieterGit
We would like to thank the following people for their contribution (in alphabetical order):
@anderser, @apanasef, @balshor, @bewest, @blocklist_twitter, @CaroGo, @cascer1, @cluckj, @danamlewis, @Dave9111, @diabetlum, @herzogmedia, @janrpn, @jasoncalabrese, @jpcunningh, @jweismann, @kenstack, @Kywalh, @lixgbg, @LuminaryXion, @MilosKozak, @mitrei, @PaperT1D, @PieterGit, @unsoluble, @rarneson, @renegadeandy, @scottleibrand, @sulkaharo, @T-o-b-i-a-s, @tynbendad, @unsoluble, @veryfancy, @viq, @wootmasterslick

(if I forgot somebody, please respond)

TODO for next release

TODO: Translations, Languages with less than 80% will be removed in a future Nightscout version. Currently the following languages are at risk:
中文(繁體) (zh_tw), Hrvatski (hr), Ελληνικά (el), 한국어 (ko)

Habanero Purple (patch

12 Aug 09:06
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This is a bug fix release to so the web visualizatio loads on iOS 9 and older

Habanero Purple (0.10.3)

05 Aug 09:43
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  • New feature: speech plugin added. Speech synthesis plugin. When enabled, speaks out the blood glucose values, IOB and alarms.
  • New feature: xdrip-js plugin added. Integrated xDrip-js monitoring
  • Nightscout now deals with mLab and other Mongo database outages better and shouldn't need a restart after an outage
  • Nightscout web page loading is now more robust for people using Loop, OpenAPS, AndroidAPS or multiple uploaders
  • Site navigation now links to multiple clock views
  • Client color themes now has a new 'colorblindfriendly' scheme that works better for users with deuteranopia (and possible other forms of color blindness)
  • Careportal. Add support for temp targets in mmol/l
  • New plugin to track pump battery age (batteryage) has been added

Other Changes & Bugfixes

  • Over 250 commits, 118 files changed, +13,734 / −7,169 lines of changes (full list of changes here: )
  • Only locales that have language support are loaded as Moment.js locales, reducing the size of the javascript bundle
  • upgrade to Node 8.11.x LTS. Use of Node 9 or Node 10 is not recommended
  • upgrade to Npm 5.6.x or later. Npm 6.1.x is recommended. No support for Npm 5.x (x<4)
  • upgrade a lot of upgrades to dependencies, including security fixes
  • forever has been removed for Heroku startup with the Procfile
  • upgrade mongodb client and support MongoDB 4.x
  • README updated, especially Windows instructions
  • Glucose variability report now works correctly with hourly filters and sorting
  • activity data storage API has been added (but no visualization for the data yet, scheduled for a later release)
  • PUMP_WARNONSUSPEND renamed to PUMP_WARN_ON_SUSPEND. Set to true to get an alarm when the pump is suspended.
  • DEVICESTATUS_ADVANCED (true) - Now defaults to true. Users who only have a single device uploading data to Nightscout can set this to false to reduce the data use of the site.
  • swagger and OPEN API restored, see /swagger.yaml or /swagger.json
  • most language localizations have been improved but still need work! Please join the Nightscout Translators group for details on how to help!
  • Updated docs for alexa plugin
  • Careportal: add Pump Battery Change event
  • TDD average on daytoday report (total daily dosage)

We recommend Azure users consider migrating their hosting to Heroku, as we've observed Heroku users have significantly less issues with having their sites work reliably. If you want to continue using Azure, change the following configuration variables in Azure before updating to the latest Nightscout version:


Install instructions can be found:

The release coordination for this release was done by @PieterGit and @sulkaharo.
We would like to thank the following people for their contribution (in alphabetical order): @2flea, @aaronjknox, @AdrianLxM, @apanasef, @bogdangorescu, @brutevinch, @Dave2526, @dbeasy, @dideldum, @dm61, @dougboss, @h2oil, @HenrikHL, @herzogmedia, @hichameyessou, @hummelstrand, @jaylagorio, @jasoncalabrese, @jimrandomh, John Weston, @jpcunningh, @Kdisimone, @kretch, @lsandini, @mdomox, @MilosKozak, @mpangburn, @norbertgaal, @pedrojparedes, @PieterGit, @PoweRGbg, @rhdtv2002, @ScheddyD, @schmitzn, @scottleibrand, @someoneAnyone, @sulkaharo, @tanja3981, @Tornado-Tim, @unsoluble, @veryfancy, @whooze, @winni67.

Habanero Red (0.10.2)

01 Dec 21:01
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This release contains a large amount of fixes reported for the earlier Habanero releases & improvements lined below. Huge thanks for all the help - this release has more contributors than most of the previous releases. <3

If you haven't noticed issues with the previous Habanero release, there is no need to update to this version.

IMPORTANT If deploying the site to Azure, due to limitations in how Azure works, you have to ensure WEBSITE_NODE_DEFAULT_VERSION app setting is set to 8.9.0 for Nightscout before updating the site.

If hosting yourself, note npm must be run as the non-root user used to run node web server (as intended by npm) for the deploy to succeed.

This release now has a "sub-name" to make it easier to talk about which version of each release everyone has installed. This update is called Habanero Red (0.10.2), the previous update has been renamed to Habanero Yellow (0.10.1) and the initial Habanero is... still just Habanero (0.10.0).

Translations notice: the Danish, French, Spanish, Hebrew, Hungarian and Taiwanese Mandarin coverage of all translatable text has dropped to unacceptably low level and we might need to officially drop support for these languages unless we find a volunteer to update the translations. If you're interested in helping out (or adding a new language!), please join the Nightscout Translators group in Facebook to find the instructions and coordinate your work with others.


  • Updated Node to 8.9.1, with security fixes (@sulkaharo & big thanks to @PieterGit for helping test the new Node versions)
  • Downgraded npm to 5.2.0 to fix intermittent issues with installing Nightscout (@sulkaharo)
  • New faster mechanism to load food data into the client (thanks @MilosKozak)
  • Additional unit tests for higher test coverage (thanks @christopher-fredregill)
  • Fixed an issue with generating javascript source maps for development and production to help debug issues (@sulkaharo)
  • Fixes a date handling issue with the If-Modified-Since in the treatments API (Thanks @jamorham and @ecc1)
  • Profile editor now calculates daily total basal (@alimhassam)
  • Adds recommended bolus and eventual BG to Loop pill, improves RSSI handling (@dm61)
  • BG Clock now has a trend arrow (@danielharrelson)
  • Added BG Clock link to the Settings menu & added 24H support (@sulkaharo)
  • Dutch translations have been improved (@boysim)
  • There is a new 2 hour view mode & OpenAPS prediction / uploaded data rendering has been improved (thanks @scottleibrand)
  • Further improvements to glucose data filtering for distribution reports (@sulkaharo)
  • AAPS profile switch feature improvements and fixes (@MilosKozak)
  • Report rendering of events with a duration has been improved (@MilosKozak)