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File metadata and controls

383 lines (259 loc) · 7.98 KB

Installing Ruby

Now let's create a recipe which will install Ruby and all its associated dependencies.

Let's generate a new recipe like so:

 vagrant@workshop $ chef generate recipe ruby

Now we need to create the directory where our server specs will live:

 vagrant@workshop $ mkdir -p test/integration/ruby/serverspec

And create the test file

 vagrant@workshop $ touch test/integration/ruby/serverspec/ruby_spec.rb

And we need to be able to access a spec_helper similar to the one living in test/integration/default/serverspec. In this case, let's copy that one into our new integration test directory.

 vagrant@workshop $ cp test/integration/default/serverspec/spec_helper.rb test/integration/ruby/serverspec

Installing a base Ruby

We need to install a base version of Ruby for our system to use (though we will later be managing Ruby versions through RVM). First, let's write a test:

Open up your test file:

 vagrant@workshop $ vim test/integration/ruby/serverspec/ruby_spec.rb

And add in this content:

  require 'spec_helper'
   describe 'my_web_server_cookbook::ruby' do
     describe package('ruby') do
       it { should be_installed }

Now we need to add this test suite to our .kitchen.yml file so Test Kitchen will run it.

Open up you .kitchen.yml file

 vagrant@workshop $ vim .kitchen.yml

And add this content:

  - name: default
      - recipe[my_web_server_cookbook::default]
  - name: ruby
      - recipe[my_web_server_cookbook::ruby]

Next you'll need to create a new test instance for the new suite:

 vagrant@workshop $ kitchen create ruby-ubuntu-14-04-x64

And then converge on it.

 vagrant@workshop $ kitchen converge ruby-ubuntu-14-04-x64

Now, run the tests:

 vagrant@workshop $ kitchen verify ruby-ubuntu-14-04-x64

And you should see a failure.

Let's commit this to git:

 vagrant@workshop $ git add recipes/ruby.rb test/integration/ruby/serverspec/ruby_spec.rb .kitchen.yml
  vagrant@workshop $ git commit -m 'failing ruby package test'

Now open your recipe file:

 vagrant@workshop $ vim recipes/ruby.rb

And add in this content:

  package 'ruby'

Now apply the Chef changes to your kitchen instance:

 vagrant@workshop $ kitchen converge ruby-ubuntu-14-04-x64

And run your test again:

 vagrant@workshop $ kitchen verify ruby-ubuntu-14-04-x64

And it should pass!

Let's commit this to git:

 vagrant@workshop $ git add recipes/ruby.rb
  vagrant@workshop $ git commit -m 'passing ruby package test'

Installing Ruby Dependencies

Ruby depends on several packages already being installed:

git-core curl zlib1g-dev build-essential libssl-dev libreadline-dev libyaml-dev libsqlite3-dev sqlite3 libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev python-software-properties

Now let's create a test for each of these packages. Open up the test file:

 vagrant@workshop $ vim test/integration/ruby/serverspec/ruby_spec.rb

And add in this content:

  describe package('git-core') do
    it { should be_installed }

  describe package('curl') do
    it { should be_installed }

  describe package('zlib1g-dev') do
    it { should be_installed }

  describe package('build-essential') do
    it { should be_installed }

  describe package('libssl-dev') do
    it { should be_installed }

  describe package('libreadline-dev') do
    it { should be_installed }

  describe package('libyaml-dev') do
    it { should be_installed }

  describe package('libsqlite3-dev') do
    it { should be_installed }

  describe package('libxml2-dev') do
    it { should be_installed }

  describe package('libxslt1-dev') do
    it { should be_installed }

  describe package('libcurl4-openssl-dev') do
    it { should be_installed }

  describe package('python-software-properties') do
    it { should be_installed }

Then run these tests on your instance:

 vagrant@workshop $ kitchen verify ruby-ubuntu-14-04-x64

You'll see several failures.

Commit this:

 vagrant@workshop $ git add test/integration/ruby/serverspec/ruby.rb
  vagrant@workshop $ git commit -m 'failing ruby dependencies tests'

Now let's add in the code to make these tests pass.

Open up your recipe file:

 vagrant@workshop $ vim recipes/ruby.rb

And add in this content:

  package 'git-core'

  package 'curl'

  package 'zlib1g-dev'

  package 'build-essential'

  package 'libssl-dev'

  package 'libreadline-dev'

  package 'libyaml-dev'

  package 'libsqlite3-dev'

  package 'sqlite3'

  package 'libxml2-dev'

  package 'libxslt1-dev'

  package 'libcurl4-openssl-dev'

  package 'python-software-properties'

Now apply these changes to your test instance with:

 vagrant@workshop $ kitchen converge ruby-ubuntu-14-04-x64

Whoops, looks like we need to run apt-get update here as well. Fortunately, we can include the default recipe with this one, which will ensure that apt-get update runs. Add this content to the top of your recipes/ruby.rb file.

  include_recipe 'my_web_server_cookbook::default'

Apply these changes:

 vagrant@workshop $ kitchen converge ruby-ubuntu-14-04-x64

And run your tests:

 vagrant@workshop $ kitchen verify ruby-ubuntu-14-04-x64

And now they should all pass!

Let's commit this to git:

 vagrant@workshop $ git add recipes/ruby.rb
  vagrant@workshop $ git commit -m 'passing ruby dependencies tests'

Installing RVM and Ruby

Ruby has several different versions, the most recent of which is Ruby 2.1. It helps immensely to have a Ruby Version Manager to deal with compiling and managing Ruby versions. For this workshop, we're going to use RVM, but there are also alternatives including rbenv and chruby

Installing RVM with Chef can be frustratingly complicated. Fortunately, someone has already done much of the work for us. Rather than creating your own, it is sometimes much easier to use a community cookbook.

Using this community cookbook

The rvm cookbook GitHub Page has good instructions on how to use the community cookbook to install RVM and Ruby.

Next, you need to add the dependency on the rvm cookbook to your metadata file in your cookbook.

Change back to the my_web_server_cookbook directory:

 vagrant@workshop $ cd my_web_server_cookbook

And open up the metadata file.

 vagrant@workshop $ vim metadata.rb

And add this line to the file

  depends 'rvm'

Save and close the file.

Now let's add a test to ensure that Ruby 2.1.3 is installed through rvm.


  describe command('bash -l -c "rvm list"') do
    its(:stdout) { should match /ruby-2.1.3/ }

First, let's run those tests and watch them fail:

Then commit:

 vagrant@workshop $ git add test/integration/ruby/serverspec/ruby.rb
  vagrant@workshop $ git commit -m 'failing rvm test'
 vagrant@workshop $ kitchen verify ruby-ubuntu-14-04-x64

Now open up your recipe file and add in this content to make the tests pass. Note that we need to include the default recipe from the rvm cookbook we just downloading from Supermarket.

  include_recipe 'rvm::system_install'

  rvm_ruby "ruby-2.1.3" do
    action :install

Now apply the Chef changes:

 vagrant@workshop $ kitchen converge ruby-ubuntu-14-04-x64

And run the tests again:

 vagrant@workshop $ kitchen verify ruby-ubuntu-14-04-x64

Ruby and RVM are working!

Let's commit this!

 vagrant@workshop $ git add recipes/ruby.rb
  vagrant@workshop $ git commit -m 'passing rvm test'