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File metadata and controls

712 lines (585 loc) · 22.5 KB


JetStream is the NATS persistence engine providing streaming, message, and worker queues with At-Least-Once semantics. JetStream stores messages in streams. A stream defines how messages are stored and how long they persist. To store a message in JetStream, you simply need to publish to a subject that is associated with a stream.

Messages are replayed from a stream by consumers. A consumer configuration specifies which messages should be presented. For example a consumer may only be interested in viewing messages from a specific sequence or since a specific time. The configuration also specifies if the server should require for a message to be acknowledged, and how long to wait for acknowledgements. The consumer configuration also specifies options to control the rate at which messages are presented to the client.

For more information about JetStream, please visit the JetStream repo.

JetStream client for JavaScript

The new generation of Javascript clients:

all support JetStream. Please report any issues you find.


The client provides CRUD functionality to manage streams and consumers, via JetStreamManager. To create a JetStream manager:

const jsm = await nc.jetstreamManager();

// list all the streams, the `next()` function
// retrieves a paged result.
const streams = await jsm.streams.list().next();
streams.forEach((si) => {

// add a stream
const stream = "mystream";
const subj = `mystream.*`;
await jsm.streams.add({ name: stream, subjects: [subj] });

// publish a reg nats message directly to the stream
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
  nc.publish(`${subj}.a`, Empty);

// find a stream that stores a specific subject:
const name = await jsm.streams.find("mystream.A");

// retrieve info about the stream by its name
const si = await;

// update a stream configuration
await jsm.streams.update(si.config);

// get a particular stored message in the stream by sequence
// this is not associated with a consumer
const sm = await jsm.streams.getMessage(stream, { seq: 1 });

// delete the 5th message in the stream, securely erasing it
await jsm.streams.deleteMessage(stream, 5);

// purge all messages in the stream, the stream itself remains.
await jsm.streams.purge(stream);

// purge all messages with a specific subject (filter can be a wildcard)
await jsm.streams.purge(stream, { filter: "a.b" });

// purge messages with a specific subject keeping some messages
await jsm.streams.purge(stream, { filter: "a.c", keep: 5 });

// purge all messages with upto (not including seq)
await jsm.streams.purge(stream, { seq: 90 });

// purge all messages with upto sequence that have a matching subject
await jsm.streams.purge(stream, { filter: "a.d", seq: 100 });

// list all consumers for a stream:
const consumers = await jsm.consumers.list(stream).next();
consumers.forEach((ci) => {

// add a new durable pull consumer
await jsm.consumers.add(stream, {
  durable_name: "me",
  ack_policy: AckPolicy.Explicit,

// retrieve a consumer's configuration
const ci = await, "me");

// delete a particular consumer
await jsm.consumers.delete(stream, "me");

JetStream Client

The JetStream client functionality presents a JetStream view on a NATS client. While you can implement your own API to interact with streams, the JetStream APIs make this convenient.

const jsm = await nc.jetstreamManager();
await jsm.streams.add({ name: "a", subjects: ["a.*"] });

// create a jetstream client:
const js = nc.jetstream();

// to publish messages to a stream:
let pa = await js.publish("a.b");
// the jetstream returns an acknowledgement with the
// stream that captured the message, it's assigned sequence
// and whether the message is a duplicate.
const stream =;
const seq = pa.seq;
const duplicate = pa.duplicate;

// More interesting is the ability to prevent duplicates
// on messages that are stored in the server. If
// you assign a message ID, the server will keep looking
// for the same ID for a configured amount of time, and
// reject messages that sport the same ID:
await js.publish("a.b", Empty, { msgID: "a" });

// you can also specify constraints that should be satisfied.
// For example, you can request the message to have as its
// last sequence before accepting the new message:
await js.publish("a.b", Empty, { expect: { lastMsgID: "a" } });
await js.publish("a.b", Empty, { expect: { lastSequence: 3 } });
// save the last sequence for this publish
pa = await js.publish("a.b", Empty, { expect: { streamName: "a" } });
// you can also mix the above combinations

// this stream here accepts wildcards, you can assert that the
// last message sequence recorded on a particular subject matches:
const buf: Promise<PubAck>[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
  buf.push(js.publish("a.a", Empty));
await Promise.all(buf);
// if additional "a.b" has been recorded, this will fail
await js.publish("a.b", Empty, { expect: { lastSubjectSequence: pa.seq } });

Processing Messages

Messages are processed by subscriptions to the stream. The JavaScript client provides several ways a consumer can read its messages from a stream.

Requesting a single message

The simplest mechanism is to request a single message. This requires a round trip to the server, but it is very simple to use. If no messages are available, the request fails. This API requires the consumer to already exist.

let msg = await js.pull(stream, durableName);

Fetching batch of messages

You can also request more than one message at time. The request is a long poll. So it remains open until the desired number of messages is received, or the expiration time triggers.

// To get multiple messages in one request you can:
let msgs = await js.fetch(stream, durable, { batch: 10, expires: 5000 });
// the request returns an iterator that will get at most 10 messages or wait
// for 5000ms for messages to arrive.

const done = (async () => {
  for await (const m of msgs) {
    // do something with the message
    // and if the consumer is not set to auto-ack, ack!
// The iterator completed
await done;

Push Subscriptions

A push subscription is similar to a standard NATS subscription. The consumer configuration registers for messages to be delivered to a specific subject. When a client subscribes to that subject, JetStream starts presenting messages.

The jetstream subscribe() provides the syntactic sugar to auto-create the consumer for you if it doesn't exist by matching the stream to the requested subject. It also presents messages to you as a JsMsg. To stop getting messages, unsubscribe(). The consumer will be preserved, so the client can resume at a later time. To destroy the consumer, call destroy(). This will stop the subscription and destroy the consumer.

const opts = consumerOpts();

let sub = await js.subscribe(subj, opts);
const done = (async () => {
  for await (const m of sub) {

// when done (by some logic not shown here), you can delete
// the consumer by simply calling `destroy()`. Destroying
// a consumer removes all its state information.

Pull Subscriptions

Pull subscriber API is similar to the push subscriber, but messages will be delivered by pull(). The subscription remains open, but the client has to periodically pull for messages. This allows the subscriber to determine when to ask for messages and only for those messages it can handle during its pull interval.

const psub = await js.pullSubscribe(subj, {
  mack: true,
  // artificially low ack_wait, to show some messages
  // not getting acked being redelivered
  config: {
    durable_name: durable,
    ack_policy: AckPolicy.Explicit,
    ack_wait: nanos(4000),

(async () => {
  for await (const m of psub) {
      `[${m.seq}] ${
        m.redelivered ? `- redelivery ${}` : ""
    if (m.seq % 2 === 0) {

const fn = () => {
  psub.pull({ batch: 1000, expires: 10000 });

// do the initial pull
// and now schedule a pull every so often
const interval = setInterval(fn, 10000); // and repeat every 2s

Note the above example is contrived, as the pull interval is fixed based on some interval.

Consumer Binding

JetStream's subscribe(), and pullSubscribe() can bind to a specific durable consumer. The consumer must already exist, note that if your consumer is working on a stream that is sourced from another bind is the only way you can attach to the correct consumer on the correct stream:

const inbox = createInbox();
await jsm.consumers.add("A", {
  durable_name: "me",
  ack_policy: AckPolicy.None,
  deliver_subject: inbox,

const opts = consumerOpts();
opts.bind("A", "me");

const sub = await js.subscribe(subj, opts);
// process messages...

JetStream Queue Consumers

Queue Consumers allow scaling the processing of messages stored in a stream. To create a Queue Consumer, you have to set its deliver_group property to the name of the queue group (or use the ConsumerOptsBuilder#queue()). Then reuse the consumer from the various subscriptions:

const opts = consumerOpts();
opts.callback((_err, m) => {
  if (m) {

const sub = await js.subscribe(subj, opts);
const sub2 = await js.subscribe(subj, opts);


A JsMsg is a wrapped Msg - it has all the standard fields in a Msg, a JsMsg and provides functionality for inspecting metadata encoded into the message's reply subject. This metadata includes:

  • sequence (seq)
  • redelivered
  • full info via info which shows the delivery sequence, and how many messages are pending among other things.
  • Multiple ways to acknowledge a message:
    • ack()
    • nak(millis?) - like ack, but tells the server you failed to process it, and it should be resent. If a number is specified, the message will be resent after the specified value. The additional argument only supported on server versions 2.7.1 or greater
    • working() - informs the server that you are still working on the message and thus prevent receiving the message again as a redelivery.
    • term() - specifies that you failed to process the message and instructs the server to not send it again (to any consumer).

If you implement a standard NATS subscription to process your JetStream messages, you can use toJsMsg() to convert a message. Note that subscriptions processing stream data can contain nats Msgs that are not convertible to JsMsg.


JetStream subscribe() and pullSubscribe() normally have iterators associated with them, but you can also specify to handle the message in a callback. Unlike the standard message callaback (err: NatsError|null, msg: Msg)=>void, JetStream callbacks look like this: (err: NatsError | null, msg: JsMsg | null) => void

As you can see, it is possible for your callback to get null for both the error and the message argument. The reason for this, is that JetStream sends standard NATS Msg that contains headers to inform the client of various things. When using iterators, any control message is handled, so your iterator won't see them. When specifying callbacks to process your JetStreamSubscription or JetStreamPullSubscription, this is not possible. Protocol messages will be handled behind the scenes, but your callback will still be invoked.

Flow Control

JetStream added a new consumer option to control whether flow control messages are dispatched to a client. Flow control messages enable JetStream to dynamically attempt to determine an optimal delivery message rate for the client. This feature can help prevent the slow consumer issues when the number of messages in a stream are large.

You don't need to do anything special to make use of the flow control feature, except for setting flow_control property on your consumer configuration.

If you are creating plain NATS subscriptions, you'll need to handle these flow control messages yourself. To identify them, simply test to see if the message has headers, and if the code of the header is equal to 100. If it has a reply subject, simply respond to it. The server will then adjust its delivery rate as necessary. Note that there's also the handy function isFlowControlMsg(Msg) that can perform this check for you. Note that msg.respond() is a noop if there's no reply subject (in that case it is not a flow control message but a heartbeat).

Here's a snippet:

let data = 0;
let fc = 0;
// note this is a plan NATS subscription!
const sub = nc.subscribe("my.messages", {
  callback: (err, msg) => {
    // simply checking if has headers and code === 100
    if (isFlowControlMsg(msg)) {
    // do something with the message
    const m = toJsMsg(msg);
    if (data === N) {
      console.log(`processed ${data} msgs and ${fc} flow control messages`);

// create a consumer that delivers to the subscription
await jsm.consumers.add(stream, {
  ack_policy: AckPolicy.Explicit,
  deliver_subject: "my.messages",
  flow_control: true,


Since JetStream is available through NATS it is possible for your network topology to not be directly connected to the JetStream server providing you with messages. In those cases, it is possible for a JetStream server to go away, and for the client to not notice it. This would mean your client would sit idle thinking there are no messages, when in reality the JetStream service may have restarted elsewhere.

By creating a consumer that enables heartbeats, you can request JetStream to send you heartbeat messages every so often. This way your client can reconcile if the lack of messages means that you should be restarting your consumer.

const stream =;
const subj =;
await jsm.streams.add({ name: stream, subjects: [`${subj}.>`] });

const js = nc.jetstream();
let opts = consumerOpts()
const iter = await js.subscribe(`${subj}.>`, opts);
// if 2 heartbeats are missed, the iterator will end with an error
// simply re-do the js.subscribe() and attempt again
const done = (async () => {
  for await (const m of iter) {
done.catch((err) => {
  console.log(`iterator closed: ${err}`);

opts = consumerOpts()
  .callback((err, m) => {
    if (err) {
      // the callback will also report a heartbeat error, however because the
      // callback can receive errors, it continues active. If the server returns
      // the client will automatically resume receiving messages
    } else {

const sub = await js.subscribe(`${subj}.>`, opts);
await sub.closed.then(() => console.log("sub closed"));

JetStream Ordered Consumers

An Ordered Consumers is a specialized push consumer that puts together flow control, heartbeats, and additional logic to handle message gaps. Ordered consumers cannot operate on a queue and cannot be durable.

As the ordered consumer processes messages, it enforces that messages are presented to the client with the correct sequence. If a gap is detected, the consumer is recreated at the expected sequence.

Most consumer options are rejected, as the ordered consumer manages its configuration in a very specific way.

To create an ordered consumer (assuming a stream that captures my.messages):

const subj = "my.messages";
const opts = consumerOpts();
const sub = await js.subscribe(subj, opts);

Use callbacks or iterators as desired to process the messages. sub.unsubscribe() or break out of an iterator to stop processing messages.

JetStream Materialized Views

JetStream clients can use streams to store and access data. The materialized views present a different API to interact with the data stored in a stream.

Currently there are two materialized views:

  • KV
  • ObjectStore

First materialized view for JetStream is the KV view. The KV view implements a Key-Value API on top of JetStream. Clients can store and retrieve values by Keys:

const sc = StringCodec();
const js = nc.jetstream();
// create the named KV or bind to it if it exists:
const kv = await js.views.kv("testing", { history: 5 });

// create an entry - this is similar to a put, but will fail if the
// key exists
await kv.create("", sc.encode("hi"));

// Values in KV are stored as KvEntries:
// {
//   bucket: string,
//   key: string,
//   value: Uint8Array,
//   created: Date,
//   revision: number,
//   delta?: number,
//   operation: "PUT"|"DEL"|"PURGE"
// }
// The operation property specifies whether the value was
// updated (PUT), deleted (DEL) or purged (PURGE).

// you can monitor values modification in a KV by watching.
// You can watch specific key subset or everything.
// Watches start with the latest value for each key in the
// set of keys being watched - in this case all keys
const watch = await;
(async () => {
  for await (const e of watch) {
    // do something with the change
      `watch: ${e.key}: ${e.operation} ${e.value ? sc.decode(e.value) : ""}`,

// update the entry
await kv.put("", sc.encode("world"));
// retrieve the KvEntry storing the value
// returns null if the value is not found
const e = await kv.get("");
// initial value of "hi" was overwritten above
console.log(`value for get ${sc.decode(e!.value)}`);

const buf: string[] = [];
const keys = await kv.keys();
await (async () => {
  for await (const k of keys) {
console.log(`keys contains ${buf[0] === ""}`);

let h = await kv.history({ key: "" });
await (async () => {
  for await (const e of h) {
    // do something with the historical value
    // you can test e.operation for "PUT", "DEL", or "PURGE"
    // to know if the entry is a marker for a value set
    // or for a deletion or purge.
      `history: ${e.key}: ${e.operation} ${e.value ? sc.decode(e.value) : ""}`,

// deletes the key - the delete is recorded
await kv.delete("");

// purge is like delete, but all history values
// are dropped and only the purge remains.
await kv.purge("");

// stop the watch operation above

// danger: destroys all values in the KV!
await kv.destroy();

The second materialized view is objectstore. It allows you to store large assets under JetStream. Data for an entry can span multiple JetStream messages, called "chunks". When an asset is added you can specify how small the chunks should be. Assets sport a sha256 hash, so that corruption can be detected by the client.

const sc = StringCodec();
const js = nc.jetstream();
// create the named ObjectStore or bind to it if it exists:
const os = await js.views.os("testing", { storage: StorageType.File });

// ReadableStreams allows JavaScript to work with large data without
// necessarily keeping it all in memory.
// ObjectStore reads and writes to JetStream via ReadableStreams
// You can easily create ReadableStreams from static data or iterators

// here's an example of creating a readable stream from static data
function readableStreamFrom(data: Uint8Array): ReadableStream<Uint8Array> {
  return new ReadableStream<Uint8Array>({
    pull(controller) {
      // the readable stream adds data

// reading from a ReadableStream is similar to working with an async iterator:
async function fromReadableStream(
  rs: ReadableStream<Uint8Array>,
) {
  let i = 1;
  const reader = rs.getReader();
  while (true) {
    const { done, value } = await;
    if (done) {
    if (value && value.length) {
      // do something with the accumulated data
      console.log(`chunk ${i++}: ${sc.decode(value)}`);

let e = await os.get("hello");
console.log(`hello entry exists? ${e !== null}`);

// watch notifies when a change in the object store happens
const watch = await;
(async () => {
  for await (const i of watch) {
    // when asking for history you get a null
    // that tells you when all the existing values
    // are provided
    if (i === null) {
    console.log(`watch: ${i!.name} deleted?: ${i!.deleted}`);

// putting an object returns an info describing the object
const info = await os.put({
  name: "hello",
  description: "first entry",
  options: {
    max_chunk_size: 1,
}, readableStreamFrom(sc.encode("hello world")));

  `object size: ${info.size} number of chunks: ${info.size} deleted: ${info.deleted}`,

// reading it back:
const r = await os.get("hello");
// it is possible while we read the ReadableStream that something goes wrong
// the error property on the result will resolve to null if there's no error
// otherwise to the error from the ReadableStream
r?.error.then((err) => {
  if (err) {
    console.error("reading the readable stream failed:", err);

// use our sample stream reader to process output to the console
// chunk 1: h
// chunk 2: e
// ...
// chunk 11: d
await fromReadableStream(r!.data);

// list all the entries in the object store
// returns the info for each entry
const list = await os.list();
list.forEach((i) => {
  console.log(`list: ${}`);

// you can also get info on the object store as a whole:
const status = await os.status();
console.log(`bucket: '${status.bucket}' size in bytes: ${status.size}`);

// you can prevent additional modifications by sealing it
const final = await os.seal();
console.log(`bucket: '${final.bucket}' sealed: ${final.sealed}`);

// only other thing that you can do is destroy it
// this gets rid of the objectstore
const destroyed = await os.destroy();
console.log(`destroyed: ${destroyed}`);