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tombraiderjs result example

tombraider.js is a Javascript library for generating 3D spinning menus like the ones in the early Tomb Raider games. It is built on top of three.js. You can see it in action in this demos page.


Get the latest minified version of tombraider.js here.

After doing that you can include tombraider.js in your webpage.

<script src="js/tombraider.js-v0.0.1.min.js"></script>

Then the following code will initate a new 3D Menu inside a div container with the attribute id set to containerId:

var menu = TombRaiderMenu("your-container-id");

Now that the menu has been initialized you can call methods on it to add objects, define it's settings or bind functions. For example:

menu.addModel('New Model','models/newModel.gltf','link','')

In the example above some general options are set, and a new object is inserted. Alternatively, those paremeters could have been defined in a JSON string and loaded using the setConfig function. For more information check the following section.



This is the constructor of the class, is used to initiate a new menu on the page placed inside the div defined by the id passed as a parameter (See Usage for an example).


Adds a new object to the scene, the objects have a name, a model url pointing to a JSON 3D model object, an action keyword, and a parameter for using with that action.


Deletes the currently selected object from the scene.


Clears the scene and reset the config values to their defaults.


Selects the previous object rotating the menu to the left.


Selects the next object rotating the menu to the right.


Triggers the action associated to the currently selected object (see Action keywords).


Returns the name of the object currently selected.


Returns the radius of the circle where the objects are placed in 3D space.


Returns the distance of the camera.


Returns the height of the camera.


Returns the current configuration of the menu as a valid JSON string (see JSON config structure).


Sets the radius of the circle where the objects are placed in 3D space.


Sets the height of the camera.


Sets the distance of the camera.


Clears the current scene and sets a new menu defined by the JSON string passed as parameter (see JSON config structure).

Action keywords

Currently there are the following actions available:

link: Makes the browser going to the URL defined by params.

alert: Displays a Javascript alert defined by params.

An empty string means "Don't do anything" but it does not rise an error.

Any other words as an action keyword will be reported as an error in the browser console.


When calling the action function, there is a CustomEvent risen called "action" and containing the selected item index number in the detail, so out of the library function you can capture this event and execute whatever you want. For example:

document.addEventListener("action", function(e) {

JSON config structure

The format of the JSON string in order to load an already configured and populated menu is as follows:

"{"objects":[{"name":"go to google","action":"link","params":"","model":"models/chest/chest.gltf"},{"name":"go to facebook","action":"link","params":"","model":"models/chest/chest.gltf"}],"distance":12000,"height":3000,"radius":6000}"

At root level there is an array called objects, it contains a collection of JSON objects with four defined parameters, name which is the object's name, model that is the path where the browser can find the JSON 3D model for the object, action is the keyword that defines the action to be executed when the action function is triggered and the object is selected and params, containing the parameters pased to the corresponding action function. In this case the keyword link will make the browser go to the URL address defined by the params attribute. Also at root level are defined the three general settings for the menu, distance that sets the distance of the camera, height that will set the height of the camera and finally radius which will define the radius of the circle where the objects are placed in 3D space.


[02-06-2015] 0.0.1: First alpha version.

[11-04-2021] 0.0.2: Complete code revamp.

ToDo and ideas

Adding a lot more keyword actions.

Adding different selection effects.

Adding different transitions.

Adding 3D background scenarios.


The code is licensed under the GPLv2 license, and brought to you by namelivia. Feel free to use it, modify or contribute to it and share your impressions with me on Twitter or my personal blog.


Javascript library for generating 3D menus like the ones in the early Tomb Raider games.







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