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Getting started with mqtt-smarthome - Homematic, Node-RED and Node-RED-Dashboard

I created and tested this Howto using a minimal Debian Jessie (8.7) 64Bit VM, but it should be also applicable for e.g. Armbian, Ubuntu and other Debian based Linux Distributions.

To follow this Howto you should have basic Linux system administration knowledge. Also you should already know how the mqtt-smarthome concept works, I suggest you read through the talks and architecture overview if you have not done so yet.

If you have questions or experience problems with this Howto please create an Issue. English and German are ok.


Software Installation


sudo apt-key add mosquitto-repo.gpg.key
cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
sudo wget
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mosquitto mosquitto-clients


Edit Mosquittos config file to allow connections via websocket on Port 8080. This is needed to enable Browser based apps to connect to the Broker, we come back to this later.

Use your favorite editor and add the following 4 Lines to the file /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf:

listener 1883
protocol mqtt

listener 8080
protocol websockets

Restart Mosquitto afterwards: sudo systemctl restart mosquitto


I suggest to use n to install Node.js. This will make it comfortable to update Node.js or even use different Versions in parallel. We will need git and make for this installation.

sudo apt-get install git make
git clone
cd n
sudo make install
sudo n stable


pm2 is a process manager. We use it to start the needed software on system boot and manage log files.

sudo npm install -g pm2


This is a little piece of Software that interfaces your Homematic CCU to the MQTT Broker.

sudo npm install -g hm2mqtt


Node-RED is an awesome software giving you the possibility to connect things and implement automation rules with a graphical user interface.

sudo npm install -g node-red
sudo npm install -g node-red-dashboard

Create a user

I suggest to create an user under which all your mqtt-smarthome related software will run.

sudo adduser smarthome --shell /bin/bash
sudo usermod -aG sudo smarthome

Now log out and re-login with the newly create user smarthome.

Configure pm2

First we let pm2 install itself as a service that starts up automatically on system boot. Then we tell pm2 which software it should start for us. Replace the IP Address of your CCU in this example. The save command at the end persists the pm2 settings.

sudo -E pm2 startup -u smarthome
pm2 start node-red
pm2 start hm2mqtt -- --ccu-address
pm2 save

If you call pm2 list you should see an output like this:

│ hm2mqtt  │ 0  │ fork │ 3605 │ online │ 0       │ 11s    │ 0%  │ 90.9
│ node-red │ 0  │ fork │ 3573 │ online │ 0       │ 39s    │ 0%  │ 77.1 

Now the software setup is done.

Check logfiles

To check if everything is alright with hm2mqtt and node-red you can use pm2 to show their logfiles, e.g. pm2 logs hm2mqtt. See pm2 help for more options.

Use mqtt-admin

You can use the tool mqtt-admin to see what's going on on your MQTT broker. This Tools doesn't need to be installed, you can just open in your browser and connect to your broker. In the connect screen enter the IP address of the host running Mosquitto and 8080 as port, then click Save Settings. When the conenction dialog disappears you're connected to Mosquitto. Then change to the Tab 'Status' and enter hm/# in the top-most input field. You should see a list of MQTT topics on which messages were already published by hm2mqtt. You could now filter out a specific Homematic sensor or actuator, do something with it (e.g. switch a light on) and see what happens.

Here an example Screenshot for my basement light: Screenshot basement light when I switch that light on and off I can see the val attribute changing on the topic hm/status/Licht Kellertreppe/STATE

You can now also switch that light on and off via MQTT, use the tab 'Publish' for that and try out different payloads (0 to turn off, 1 to turn on)

Publish example

Notice that we don't publish on the same topic the status is published by hm2mqtt. Instead of hm/status/... we use hm/set/... to switch the light on and off.

Node-RED flow example

Add an MQTT input node

Node-RED is reachable via http on port 1880, so open http://<ip-address>:8080/ in your browser. In this simple example I will create a flow that switches my basement light off 5 minutes after it was switched on. For this we will need at first an mqtt input node. Just drag it from the left to the right. Doubleclick it to open its configuration dialog. Click on the small pencil next to 'Add a new mqtt-broker'. In the dialog that opens then just enter as Server and click on 'Add' then. Back in the nodes configuration we have to enter a topic, I use my basement light as example again:


Process the incoming message

Because mqtt-smarthome conform software publishes a JSON payload with the actual value in the val attribute we need some processing to get the actual state of the light. For this we use a function node, in this node it's possible to use javascript:


This node will now output just a the content of the attribute val, we can now add a switch node that gives us two different outputs, one emits a message if the val is 1, the other if the val is 0.


Wait 5 minutes

Now we add a delay node that delays message forwarding for 5 minutes.


Send message to switch lamp off

Another function node that sets the messages payload to 0 (as we want to switch the lamp off)


... and an mqtt output to send the command to hm2mqtt. Again take care to use the correct topic, again we need hm/set/... here.


Wire and start the flow

The final step is then to wire all the nodes together and press the red 'Deploy' button on the top right to activate the flow.


Now you can test your first flow by switching on the light and wait for 5 minutes. Or you just reduce the time in the delay node if you're in a hurry ;-)

Please notice that this flow isn't meant as a real smart home rule, it's just an example to show you the principles. It could be done better, it could be done with less nodes, now it's up on you to find out how to use Node-RED :-)

Node-RED-Dashboard example

Node-RED-Dashboard is an awesome tool to easily create an user interface that can be used in any browser and on your mobile devices. Following example will just show you how create a website with a switch for the basement light. We can reuse some nodes from our first flow example here, you can just copy the mqtt input node, the mqtt output node and the 'process payload' function node. In between the 'process payload' and the mqtt output node we insert a Dashboard switch node. Please mind that you have to remove the if msg arrives on input, pass through to output checkmark.


After deploying this new flow point your browser on http://<ip-address:1880/ui and you will see this result:


Now we have a user interface for the lamp in the basement and we can switch it on and off. Again - this is just a very simple example, with Node-RED-Dashboard you have many many more possibilities - have fun! ;-)

Where to go from here?

You now opened up two "worlds" at once:

  • You can go further with mqtt-smarthome and attach more things directly to your MQTT broker. There are a lot of mqtt interfaces for all kinds of soft- and hardware and different smart home systems. See this list of software that "speaks" MQTT...
  • You can extend Node-RED with additional Nodes. Just take look at the Node-RED library, you will find thousands of flows and nodes...


  • Howto version 1, 5'2017, Sebastian Raff

In memoriam of Oli Wagner (✝ 2016), the founder/initiator of the mqtt-smarthome project.