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3D Augmented Reality Implementation of Slime Volleyball for Windows Phone 8

Columbia University 3D User Interfaces and Augmented Reality

This application is the final project created by Matthew Cowan and Shane Chin for our 3D UI class.

Technology Stack

  • Windows Phone 8
  • Goblin XNA
  • Matali Physics Engine
  • C#
  • XAML
  • NYARTOOLKIT Marker Tracking

Getting Up and Sliming

To get started you will need a few essential items:

  1. A developer unlocked Windows Phone 8 (ideally a Lumia 920 or HTC 8X)
  2. If you want to build the solution yourself you will need to setup Goblin XNA
  3. Print out the id511_multiples.pdf file and cut a marker and tape it to a pencil
  4. Print out the slime_ground.pdf file and attach the two pages together
  5. Deploy the built solution to your phone with VS2012
  6. Open the game, point at the ground marker and have fun