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Releases: morinel/gcmpush

Version 2.0

21 Dec 22:14
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Recompiled for Ti SDK 7.0.0. Now uses ti.playservices module to overcome Google Play Services incompatibilities when this dependency is used with other modules, like and many others.

Version 1.7

08 Aug 09:50
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Fix issue with non String extras in an intent (e.g. google.send_time which is a Long)

Version 1.6

24 Jun 13:02
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Fix issue where push payload data was not saved when backgroundOnly was used. Thanks @cr0ybot

Version 1.5

26 May 17:47
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Use notificationId, either in the notification settings or in the push payload, to specify a unique id for each push message received. This makes sure subsequent notifications will not override / overwrite previous ones.

Version 1.4

21 Jan 22:57
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Added bigText support, customizable keys, led support, backgroundOnly

Please let me know whether all these settings work the way they're intended.

Thanks for all the pull requests!

Version 1.3 works with Ti SDK 5.0.2.GA

10 Nov 12:38
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Restore compatibility with Titanium SDK 5.x

Version 1.2 also supports topic subscriptions

19 Sep 22:51
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Added a new method to subscribe to GCM Topics (thanks @m1ga).

Updated documentation and examples to show the two different ways to register your app for push notifications or to subscribe to a topic. The notification settings for both are the same.

New version with more notification settings

08 Sep 21:01
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New version with additional properties to specified in either the notification settings or in the notification payload sent from the server:

  • priority: -2 to +2 to specify the notification priority
  • insistent: true/false whether the notification should be insistent
  • group: the name of the group to group similar notifications together
  • localOnly: whether the notification should be bridged to other devices or is only relevant to the current device


12 Jun 21:52
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First binary release