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SpringXD Docker Image

Spring XD docker file for SpringXD image - 1.3.0.RELEASE 1.3.0.RELEASE ###Get started on MacOS The fastest way on MACOS to get up and running with docker is Kitematics. However there are few more options to play with latticecf by Pivotal or RancherOS. Both are good and are one level up from Kitematic. Rancher is particularly impressive. Kitematic and perhaps Docker Compose is good enough if you want to work with local multi container apps and don't want to get bogged down with building cloud/microservices sh** just yet.

###How to get this thing up and running (assuming you have docker installed)

####Pull the image To pull the image just type the following on your docker host.

>docker pull mohdaliiqbal/springxd-docker

####Spring XD single node container To run SpringXD in single node run the following command (daemon mode)

>docker run -d mohdaliiqbal/springxd-docker xd/bin/xd-singlenode

This should return a container id - keep track of it for connecting later with shell.

You will need to grap IP address of the running container using the following command

>docker inspect -f "{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}" $containerid

container id = the id of the single node container

####Spring XD Shell container To run SpringXD shell container run the following command (interactive mode)

docker run -i mohdaliiqbal/springxd-docker shell/bin/xd-shell

One the shell prompts comes up you can issue the following command to connect the shell with the single node admin container.

xd:>admin config server http://<single-node-container-ip>:9393

single-node-container-ip = the ip obtained by docker inspect command ######Note: This is/was originally managed by Eric Bottard of Pivotal. Since the automatic build on the original docker file was failing so I had to make my own. I recommend that you use his repository but if that did not work, you can always use this repository.

#####Github URL for the project

#####Dockerhub URL for the project