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Releases: meladroit/svdt

another functional and inelegant release

08 Sep 10:34
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Some moderately exciting stuff here:

  • _Rudimentary, highly experimental support against anti-savegame restore._ This has been tested once, on Pokémon Shuffle. Use at your own risk. This is broken right now for Pokémon Rumble World (working out the kinks on compressing back to an acceptable file).
  • Enhancements to copying all save data to SD. In interactive mode, pressing Y while save data root was selected would automatically copy the data to a subdirectory of the SD cwd. Now, not only does svdt ask for confirmation to copy all save data, but it also gives you the option of copying the data to sd:/svdt/[title]/[timestamp]/ as would happen in an emergency extraction.
  • Almost forgot to mention: holding down up/down scrolls through the listing more quickly without additional button presses.

intermediate release

08 Sep 06:32
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intermediate release Pre-release

This release mainly fixes an issue with game titles that have characters forbidden in FAT directory names. (Animal Crossing: New Leaf is just a bundle of trouble for svdt, isn't it?) Thanks for the report, Blazingflare!

However, keep an eye on that debug output. We're trying to resolve issue #1, and the source code shows some theoretical progress that isn't too far off from being tested ...

another usable release!

06 Sep 07:00
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v0.2 brings a somewhat important change: app titles.

  • App titles are automatically obtained from games on gamecards.
  • App titles are prompted for if the target app is on the SD card.
  • Emergency dumps of all save data are now stored in sd:/svdt/[title]/[timestamp] if a title is given or obtainable.
  • Interactive dumps of all save data are still stored in a new subdirectory of the working directory, but the subdirectory name is now [title]_[timestamp] rather than [timestamp].

Note, however, that emergency save injections still work from sd:/svdt_inject.

First usable release

05 Sep 18:49
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First usable release Pre-release

Changes since repo was first posted publicly:

  • Emergency mode was implemented.
  • Overwrite doesn't throw NULL around anymore.