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This is our research prototype code used in the evaluation of our secure
device discovery and recognition (SDDR) protocol, as presented in our

SDDR: Light-Weight, Secure Mobile Encounters
Matthew Lentz, Viktor Erdelyi, Paarijaat Aditya,
Elaine Shi, Peter Druschel, Bobby Bhattacharjee
USENIX Security Symposium 2014

# Android Pre-Requisites

A Galaxy Nexus smartphone. (Note: While this software should run on other
devices, we have not attempted to build or run it for anything other than
the Galaxy Nexus.)

Download/Install: Android SDK
(We require android-16 support)

Download/Install: Android NDK
(We used version r9)

Download/Build: Android Source for android-4.1.2 on Galaxy Nexus ("maguro")

Download/Install: Galaxy Nexus ("maguro") Factory Image for 4.1.2

Software to root the device. The "adb" commands, as well as our SDDR
application, assume that they are executed on a root privileges on the

# AWake Application

In order to let the device suspend between SDDR protocol actions (e.g.,
discovery), the AWake java application must be built and installed on the
phone. Use the following commands:

cd <Root Directory>/awake
android update project --path .
ant debug
adb install -r bin/AWake-debug.apk

# Third-party Libraries w/ Custom Makefiles

Use the following commands to build the third-party libraries for Android.
This must only be done for GMP and Google Protocol Buffers, since other
Makefiles were simple enough to port to the format.

NOTE: This assumes that $NDKROOT points to the root directory of the NDK.

$NDKROOT/build/tools/ \
--toolchain=arm-linux-androideabi-4.8 \
--platform=android-14 \

export PATH=/tmp/ndkchain/bin:$PATH

cd <Root Directory>/third-party/gmp
./configure --host=arm-linux-androideabi
make -j4

cd <Root Directory>/third-party/google
./configure --host=arm-linux-androideabi
make -j4

# SDDR Application

Use the following commands to build and install the application:

cd <Root Directory>
export AOSP_ROOT=<Root Directory of Android 4.1.2 Source>
ndk-build -j4

adb root
adb remount
adb push libs/armeabi-v7a/sddr /system/xbin
adb push libs/armeabi-v7a/ /system/lib

# jl10psicompare Application

This application builds with the above SDDR application. Use the following
commands to install the application:

cd <Root Directory>

adb root
adb remount
adb push libs/armeabi-v7a/jl10psicompare /system/xbin
adb push libs/armeabi-v7a/ /system/lib
adb push third-party/jl10psi/dsa.1024.priv /data/local
adb push third-party/jl10psi/ /data/local

# Replicating Experiments in USENIX Security 2014 Paper

[[Figure 2: Protocol execution times of PSI vs SDDR...]]

Modify jni/ to remove the "-DLOG_W_ENABLED -DLOG_D_ENABLED" flags
to prevent log messages from influencing the results.

Run the following command for advertised set sizes of 2**N, for N in [0,8],
and <# Discoveries> in [0,1]:

> sddr -r BT2 -c None -b <Size of Advertised Set> --psicmp <# Discoveries>

Run the following command for the entire set of PSI times (across all
advertised set sizes):

> jl10psicompare

[[Table 2: Average power and energy consumed by various components...]]
[[Table 3: Energy and battery life consumption for different states...]]
[[Figure 3: Power traces from running the SDDR and DH+PSI protocols...]]

For SDDR over BT2.1 use the following command:

> sddr -r BT2 -c None -b 256 --churn

For DH+PSI over BT2.1 use the following command:

> sddr -r BT2PSI -c None -b 256 --churn

For ResolveAddr in BT4.0 use the following command:

> sddr -r BT4AR -c None -b 256 --churn

[[Figure 4: Estimated daily battery life consumption while running...]]

None. This is based on results from Table 2 and 3, but also looking at 1,3
devices instead of just 5 nearby devices for use in extrapolating the
energy costs associated with the SDDR protocol according to Equation 1.

[[Smokescreen Conservative Energy Estimates]]

Currently this requires modifying the EbNRadioBT2NR.cpp code to ignore
processing the result from the name request. We will update this with an
option in the main manu shortly.


Encounter-based Networking - Secure Device Discovery and Recognition






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