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markzhai edited this page Apr 14, 2016 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the blockcanary wiki!


 * You should provide a real implementation of this class to use BlockCanary,
 * which provides runtime environment to library (including configuration
 * and app-related log like uid and network environment)
 * @author markzhai on 2015/9/25.
public class BlockCanaryContext implements IBlockCanaryContext {

    private static Context sAppContext;
    private static BlockCanaryContext sInstance = null;

    public BlockCanaryContext() {

    public static void init(Context context, BlockCanaryContext blockCanaryContext) {
        sAppContext = context;
        sInstance = blockCanaryContext;

    public static BlockCanaryContext get() {
        if (sInstance == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("BlockCanaryContext not init");
        } else {
            return sInstance;

    public Context getContext() {
        return sAppContext;

     * qualifier which can specify this installation, like version + flavor
     * @return apk qualifier
    public String getQualifier() {
        return "Unspecified";

     * Get user id
     * @return user id
    public String getUid() {
        return "0";

     * Network type
     * @return String like 2G, 3G, 4G, wifi, etc.
    public String getNetworkType() {
        return "UNKNOWN";

     * Config monitor duration, after this time BlockCanary will stop, use
     * with {@link BlockCanary}'s isMonitorDurationEnd
     * @return monitor last duration (in hour)
    public int getConfigDuration() {
        return 99999;

     * Config block threshold (in millis), dispatch over this duration is regarded as a BLOCK. You may set it
     * from performance of device.
     * @return threshold in mills
    public int getConfigBlockThreshold() {
        return 1000;

     * If need notification and block ui
     * @return true if need, else if not need.
    public boolean isNeedDisplay() {
        return true;

     * Path to save log, like "/blockcanary/log"
     * @return path of log files
    public String getLogPath() {
        return "/blockcanary/performance";

     * Zip log file
     * @param src  files before compress
     * @param dest files compressed
     * @return true if compression is successful
    public boolean zipLogFile(File[] src, File dest) {
        return false;

     * Upload log file
     * @param zippedFile zipped file
    public void uploadLogFile(File zippedFile) {


     * Config string prefix to determine how to fold stack
     * @return string prefix, null if use process name.
    public String getStackFoldPrefix() {
        return null;

     * Thread stack dump interval, use when block happens, BlockCanary will dump on main thread
     * stack according to current sample cycle.
     * <p>
     * PS: Because the implementation mechanism of Looper, real dump interval would be longer than
     * the period specified here (longer if cpu is busier)
     * </p>
     * @return dump interval(in millis)
    public int getConfigDumpIntervalMillis() {
        return getConfigBlockThreshold();




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