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MarkLogic GeoTools Plugin & GeoServer Installation

Step 1. Install GeoServer

  1. Download Platform Independent Binary version of GeoServer 2.16.0 from

  2. Using the Operating System user that you want to run geoserver under, unzip the file:

     unzip -d /var/geoserver
  3. Create link so the path to geoserver is /var/geoserver/latest:

     ln -s /var/geoserver/geoserver-2.16.0 /var/geoserver/latest
  4. (Optional) Setup GeoServer as a linux service (CentOS7 or any systemctl based Linux OS)

    1. Create a file in /usr/lib/systemd/system called geoserver.service
    2. Paste the following content into that file
      #Required only if running on CentOS7 due to the migration from init to SystemV process manager
      #You should put this file in /usr/lib/systemd/system
      #IMPORTANT rename this file as <service_name>.service
      #often the service name for geoserver is simply geoserver
      Description=Start/Stop geoserver
      #RequiresMountsFor=/ha/datigis /ha/geoserver
      ExecStart=/etc/init.d/geoserver start
      ExecStop=/etc/init.d/geoserver stop
    3. Create a file in /etc/init.d called geoserver, and paste the following content into that file, while updating the START, STOP, GEOSERVER_HOME, and JAVA_HOME properties in the first section for your deployment.
      # Provides:          GeoServer
      # Required-Start:    $local_fs $network $named $time $syslog
      # Required-Stop:     $local_fs $network $named $time $syslog
      # Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
      # Default-Stop:      0 1 6
      # Description:       Starts and stops the GeoServer, which should be located at GEOSERVER_HOME as listed below
      ### END INIT INFO
      export JAVA_OPTS=-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=64643
      start() {
        if [ -f /var/run/$PIDNAME ] && kill -0 $(cat /var/run/$PIDNAME); then
          echo "$SERVICE_NAME is already running" >&2
          return 1
        echo "Starting $SERVICE_NAME…" >&2
        echo "$SERVICE_NAME is started" >&2
      stop() {
        if [ ! -f "$PIDFILE" ] || ! kill -0 $(cat "$PIDFILE"); then
          echo "$SERVICE_NAME is not running" >&2
          if [ -f "$PIDFILE" ]; then
              echo "Removing $PIDFILE"
              rm $PIDFILE
          return 1
        echo "Stopping $SERVICE_NAME…" >&2
        su -c "$STOP &> '$LOGFILE' & echo \$!" $RUNAS && kill -15 $(cat "$PIDFILE") && rm -f "$PIDFILE"
        echo "$SERVICE_NAME has stopped" >&2
      status() {
          printf "%-50s" "Checking $SERVICE_NAME..."
          if [ -f $PIDFILE ]; then
              PID=`cat $PIDFILE`
              if [ -z "`ps axf | grep ${PID} | grep -v grep`" ]; then
                  printf "%s\n" "Process dead but pidfile exists"
                  exit 1
                  echo "$SERVICE_NAME is running"
              printf "%s\n" "$SERVICE_NAME is not running"
              exit 3
      case "$1" in
          echo "Usage: $0 {start|restart|status|stop}"
      exit 0      
    4. Enable the service with the command: systemctl enable geoserver.service
    5. Start the service with the command: systemctl start geoserver.service

Geoserver Installation Notes:

  • This can be using either the standalone version OR the WAR deployment, however the war must be exploded for the MarkLogic geotools plugin to be deployed.
  • The plugin has NOT been tested with newer releases, and will not work with earlier versions of geoserver due to dependency changes.

Step 2: Deploy the MarkLogic GeoTools Driver

  1. Add the MarkLogic GeoTools Driver and Dependencies to the WAR deployed in Step 1.
    • Build the driver without running the test cases by running ./gradlew build -x test.
    • Copy the MarkLogicGeoToolsDriver*.jar and all jars in the dependency folder to the geoserver war/WEB-INF/lib directory.
    • OR, use the ./gradlew deployOffline or the ./gradlew deployGeoServerPluginJars tasks.

GeoTools Driver Notes:

  • The deployGeoServerPluginJars gradle task will copy the jars to the property location if the geoServerHome property in is pointing to the correct location of Tomcat or the GeoServer binary distribution.

Step 3. Start GeoServer

Depending on how you have setup your service use:

systemctl start geoserver.service or service geoserver start

##Step 4. Setup GeoServer

  1. Navigate to http://{host}:{port}/geoserver/web

  2. Login as an administrator (default is admin/geoserver)

  3. Create your workspace(s) where you are going to use the MarkLogic DataStore

    1. On the welcome page, click Create workspaces
    2. Provide a workspace name (eg. "MarkLogic")
    3. Provide a Namespace URI (eg. "")
    4. If you desire this to be the default workspace, click the corresponding checkbox.
    5. Click the submit button
    6. Click on the newly created workspace name on the Workspaces list
    7. Click on the Enabled checkbox
    8. Click on any checkboxes for services you want enabled on this workspace (eg. WFS)
    9. Fill out Contact Information for this service.
    10. Click save button
  4. Create a new Store

    1. On the left column, click the Stores link under Data
    2. Click on the Add new Store link at the top of the Stores list
    3. Select the MarkLogic (Basic) type from the Vector Data Sources
    4. Select the workspace created in Step 3
    5. Provide a Data Source Name (eg. "MarkLogic Store")
    6. Provide a Description of the Data Store
    7. Provide the Connection Parameters:
      • Hostname is the host running MarkLogic Server
      • Port is the geo-data-services-admin server on your MarkLogic Cluster
      • Username is an administrative user on the MarkLogic Cluster
      • Password is the adminsitrative user's password on the MarkLogic Cluster
      • Database is the corresponding database (eg. my-content)
      • User-Auth-Type should the authentication mechanism used by the MarkLogic app server that has marklogic-geo-data-services installed; this will default to digest. Use PreAuthenticatedHeader instead if you are using MarkLogic application-layer authentication.
      • User-Hostname is the host running the MarkLogic Server for user queries (may be the same as hostname above)
      • User-Port is the port for the application server running the marklogic-geo-data-services app server in MarkLogic.
    8. Click save button
      • This should show you a list of available Service Descriptors for publishing.
  5. Setup GeoServer Security (Optional).

    This section is necessary if you are using the PreAuthenticatedHeader authentication mechanism.

    1. Create a new Role called "USERS"
      1. On the left column, click the Users, Groups, Roles link.
      2. Click on the Roles tab
      3. Click Add new role link
      4. Provide the name USERS
      5. Click the save button
        Note: This role will be passed in on all calls to the WFS APIs.
    2. Create a new Authentication Filter
      1. On the left column, click the Authentication link.
      2. In the Authentication Filters section, click the Add new link
      3. Click the HTTP Header link
      4. Provide a name for your proxy (eg. proxy)
      5. Provide the Request Header Attribute (eg. authentication)
      6. Select the Request Header Role Source
      7. Provide the name of the header that will be passed in (eg. gs-role)
      8. Click save button
    3. Modify the rest, and default Filter Chains
      1. If not already there, on the left column, click the Authentication link
      2. In the Filter Chains section, find the rest chain, and click on that link
      3. In the bottom section, move the authentication filter you created earlier to the selected list, as the first entry
      4. In the bottom section, if anonymous is in the selected list, remove anonymous from the selected list
      5. Click the close button
      6. Back In the Filter Chains section, find the default chain, and click on that link
      7. In the bottom section, move the authentication filter you created earlier to the selected list, as the first entry
      8. In the bottom section, if anonymous is in the selected list, remove anonymous from the selected list
      9. Click the close button
      10. Scroll to the bottom of the window and click the save button