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144 lines (124 loc) · 6.47 KB


All Notable changes will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

2.0-alpha - 2015-11-03


  • Exception Disque\Connection\ResponseException has been moved to Disque\Connection\Response\ResponseException
  • The Disque constructor has changed, so instead of receiving an array of IP addresses, it now receives an array of Credentials, where each Credentials instance refers to a specific Disque node, and allows the use of passworded nodes.
  • JobInterface has changed to add the following methods: getBody(), setBody(), getQueue(), setQueue(), getNacks(), setNacks(), getAdditionalDeliveries(), setAdditionalDeliveries()
  • The pull() method in Queue no longer throws a JobNotAvailableException if no job is available, but instead returns null.
  • The JobNotAvailableException has been removed, as no jobs being available is not actually an exception, but a possible acceptable outcome.
  • ManagerInterface no longer has the getConnectionClass() and setConnectionClass() methods. Instead it uses the new setConnectionFactory() method to allow one to specify a connection factory.


  • Added Node, which handles the connection to a specific node.
  • Added the failed() method to Queue which can be used to mark a job as failed, therefore increasing its NACK counter.
  • Added ConnectionFactoryInterface, used by ManagerInterface, to create a new connection to redis.
  • Added ConnectionFactoryInterface implementation classes PredisFactory and SocketFactory
  • Added NodePrioritizerInterface to allow customizing the way the client switches through nodes based on a specific strategy.
  • Added NodePrioritizerInterface implementation classes ConservativeJobCountPrioritizer, RandomPrioritizer and NullPrioritizer
  • Added option withcounters to the $options argument in getJob() which allows the returned job to include its NACK and additional deliveries counters.

1.3.0 - 2015-05-18


  • Added support for WORKING.
  • Added processing() method to Queue API.
  • Added $password option to addServer() in Disque\Client.


  • By default when creating a new Disque\Client without arguments NO server is pre-loaded. You will have to manually add servers via addServer(), or specify them to the Disque\Client constructor.

1.2.1 - 2015-05-14


  • QPEEK changed in upstream and now returns the job queue. Client API has been modified to reflect this.
  • CommandInterface has a new method: isBlocking(), which tells if the given command should block while waiting for a response to not be affected by timeouts.


  • Added support for QSCAN.


  • Fixed bug where if the connection would timeout while waiting for a response a ConnectionException would be thrown. This affected getJob() which should not be interrupted by a timeout. This required a change in the definition of CommandInterface by adding the method isBlocking()

1.2.0 - 2015-05-12


  • JobInterface is now a simpler interface. Its load() and dump() methods have been moved to a MarshalInterface, effectively changing how custom Job classes work.
  • Disque\Queue\MarshalException has been moved to Disque\Queue\Marshal\MarshalException.
  • The setJobClass() method in Queue has been removed. Instead use setMarshaler(), which should be given an instance of Disque\Queue\Marshaler\MarshalerInterface.

1.1.0 - 2015-05-10


  • Refactoring of response parsing for greater flexibility.
  • Added new Disque\Connection\Manager class to manage connections to nodes.
  • GETJOB can now influence which node we are connected to. By means of $disque->getConnectionManager()->setMinimumJobsToChangeNode() we can specify that if a certain node produces that many jobs, then we should instead connect to the node producing those jobs (as suggested by Disque itself).
  • Added Disque\Queue\Queue and Disque\Queue\Job class to offer a higher level API that simplifies queueing and fetching jobs
  • Added method queue() to Disque\Client to create / fetch a queue which is an instance of Disque\Queue\Queue.
  • Added schedule() method to Disque\Queue that allows to easily schedule jobs to be processed at a certain time.


  • Disque\Connection\Connection is now named Disque\Connection\Socket.
  • The method setConnectionImplementation has been moved to Disque\Connection\Manager, and renamed to setConnectionClass. So from a disque instance you can change it via: $disque->getConnectionManager()->setConnectionClass($class)
  • Moved exceptions around:
    • Disque\Exception\InvalidCommandArgumentException to Disque\Command\Argument\InvalidArgumentException
    • Disque\Exception\InvalidCommandException to Disque\Command\InvalidCommandException
    • Disque\Exception\InvalidCommandOptionException to Disque\Command\Argument\InvalidOptionException
    • Disque\Exception\InvalidCommandResponseException to Disque\Command\Response\InvalidResponseException
    • Disque\Exception\Connection\Exception\ConnectionException to Disque\Connection\ConnectionException
    • Disque\Exception\Connection\Exception\ResponseException to Disque\Connection\ResponseException
    • Disque\Exception\DisqueException to Disque\DisqueException


  • Fixed issue where when a timeout was using when calling getJob(), and the call timed out because there were no jobs available, an non-array would be returned. No on that case it will return an empty array.
  • Fixed issue where if no options were provided to addJob(), yet all three parameters were specified, an InvalidCommandArgumentException was thrown.

1.0.0 - 2015-05-04


  • Added built-in connection to Disque.
  • Added support for Predis connections, and allowing adding new connection methods via ConnectionInterface.