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wf9a5m75 edited this page Feb 13, 2014 · 14 revisions

###Add a TileOverlay A tile overlay is an image that is fixed to a map. To add an image, call addTileOverlay() method. The map.addTileOverlay() method takes a single overlay options object literal, specifying the initial properties of the tile overlay.

The following fields are available when constructing a ground overlay:

Field Name Type Description
url String The url of the tile image. You must include <x>,<y> and <zoom> strings into your URL.
visible Boolean false if you want to hide the ground overlay.
zIndex Number Specify the zIndex.
  // <x>,<y> and <zoom> are replaced with values
  tileUrlFormat: "<zoom>/<x>/<y>.jpg"
}, function(tileOverlay) {
  mTileOverlay = tileOverlay;


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