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Releases: madoar/angular-archwizard


15 Jul 09:42
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  • Fixed a bug, that threw an error when a wizard-completion-step was selected in the navigation bar
  • Fixed a bug in the css of the navigation bar, which displayed the step links in different sizes for the small and large navigation bar layouts
  • Fixed a bug in the css of the navigation bar, which displayed the lines between two step circles too short, for the large-empty layouts
  • Fixed a bug in the css of the navigation bar, which displayed the step symbol inside a step circle not vertically centered, for the large-empty layouts
  • Added a new [enableBackLinks] directives which can be used to enable back links inside a wizard-completion-step. This makes it possible to exit an entered wizard-completion-step
  • Added two new directives [wizardStep] and [wizardCompletionStep], which can be used as an alternative to the <wizard-step> and <wizard-completion-step> components to define a wizard step. These directives make it possible to move a wizard step to a new component, which can then be used inside a wizard component


09 Jun 13:24
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  • Added documentation to all classes, methods and files
  • Added typedoc to generate a html documentation page in the docs folder, during npm run build
  • Added a wizardStepTitle directive to enable developers to create more custom step titles inside a ng-template environment. This feature can only be used with angular 4+


01 Jun 17:46
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  • Fixed a bug, that made it possible to select optional steps in the navigation bar that are not yet completed


26 May 15:03
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  • Added an index.ts file to the root level of the project, which allows imports of the form import {WizardModule} from 'ng2-archwizard' (see #2)
  • Added a new component wizard-completion-step, which is a new wizard step component that is added to the end of the wizard as its last step. It should be used to signal to the user that he/she has successfully completed the wizard
  • Added a reset method to the wizard, that can be used to reset its state


12 May 19:09
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  • Fixed the css of the navigation bar in vertical mode. In version 1.4.0 the space between multiple lines in a link label was too large for all navigation bar layouts with a large prefix
  • Changed the text size of the links in the navigation bar to 14, which is the same size as the bullets in the small navigation bar layout.


07 May 14:05
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  • Added a new input attribute to the wizard component, that lets the user specify the layout of the navigation bar. As of now there are 5 layouts available.
  • Added a new input attribute to the wizard step, that lets the user set a symbol to be shown for the step inside the navigation bar
  • Added a new input attribute to the wizard step, that lets the user set the font family of the symbol to be shown for the step inside the navigation bar
  • Some changes inside the less files for the navigation bar (mainly for the new layouts)


17 Apr 15:25
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  • Changed the wizard step in the GoToStepDirective constructor to be optional, thus removing the need to set a provider for it
  • Changed the return type of the destinationStep getter method in the GoToStepDirective to number and removed all following unused internal WizardStepComponent input arguments


12 Apr 13:37
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  • Added a [canExit] input value to the wizard-step component. This input value can be either a boolean or a function, taking a MovingDirection enum and returning a boolean. In both cases the boolean decides whether the wizard step can be exited
  • Added a new possible argument type for the goToStep directive, the StepOffset. A StepOffset describes the destination step as an offset to the current step.


08 Apr 13:13
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  • Moved dependencies to devDependencies
  • Updated all dependencies to current version (this includes an update from Angular 2 to Angular 4)
  • Removed the width, height and margin from the wizard component less file, to these values better changeable via css by the user.


22 Feb 09:44
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  • Renamed ng2-wizard to ng2-archwizard
  • Added a vertical navigation mode, where the navigation bar can be displayed at the left or the right side. If the step height is larger than the screen the navigation bar behaves sticky and will remain visible when scrolling.
  • Improved the gulp build script
  • Added an example to the README
  • Added parameter tables for the different angular 2 components and directives to the README
  • Improved the less-stylesheets
  • Improved the html-layouts