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109 lines (75 loc) · 3.62 KB

File metadata and controls

109 lines (75 loc) · 3.62 KB

Implementation Overview

The core of lumail is written in C++, with extensive Lua support.

The main Lua code, used for configuration, is located in the global.config.lua file, with a number of supporting libraries located beneath lib/.

The C++ code can all be found beneath the top-level src/ directory.

For IMAP support I've chosen to delegate all operations to external perl code, located beneath the top-level perl.d directory. On a final installation this will be located at /usr/share/lumail.

Code Formatting

To ensure consistency we wish all code to be formatted in an identical fashion.

The C++ code can be (re)formatted by running make indent.

The Lua-code can be (re)formatted by running make indent-lua, and this will reply upon you having the lunadry module available.

C++ Overview

The C++ code is located beneath src/ and consists of a collection of classes, documented in the header-files, and implemented in the .cc files.

Each class has a C prefix, for example the class relating to screen-functionality is named CScreen, and the class relating to file-operations is named CFile.

The main objects are:

  • CConfig
    • A class to get/set configuration values.
  • CDirectory
    • Directory primitives.
  • CLua
    • For calling Lua code from C++.
  • CFile
    • File-related primitives
  • CGlobalState
    • Holding the currently selected message, messages, and maildir.
  • CHistory
    • For storing input-history.
  • CMaildir
    • Represents a folder of messages.
  • CMessage
    • Represents a single message.
  • CMessagePart
    • Represents and holds MIME-data from a message.
  • CScreen
    • Which implements the drawing code, and runs the main event-loop of the application.
  • CViewMode
    • Is the base-class for each of the modal-modes.
    • Derived classes implement the actual mode.

The different view-modes are each derived from the CViewMode base-class, and are implemented in * The view-modes are instantiated in the CScreen-setup phase, and are selected by name.

Design Patterns

We implement several design patterns:

  • The Singleton-pattern:
    • The CHistory, CInput, and CLogfile classes are singletons.
    • These are implemented via the template class in singleton.h.
  • The Observer-pattern:
    • Changes to values stored in the CConfig class are broadcast to observers.
    • Observers currently include the CGlobalState and CLua objects.
    • The observer-pattern is implemented in observer.h.

Wrapping C++ to Lua

The rule of thumb is that when we want to wrap a C++ object we create a new file with a suffix.

So for example our configuration getter/setter class is CConfig, which is implemented in and config.h. The Lua wrapper to this class is defined in

The wrappers are very simple, and follow a template.


Regrettably much of our code is not tested in a systematic fashion.

However there are some test-cases built into our main binary, to invoke them please run:

$ make test

Testing is accomplished via the CuTest library, as something I picked on a whim many years ago and stuck with. The implementation of our tests is stored in files with a suffix.

There are also some (minimal) test-cases of our Lua code, which are driven by the luaunit-framework, to execute these test-cases please run:

$ make test-lua