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Orthanc Synology Setup

This is an example ansible playbook to set run the fantastic Orthanc DICOM server on a Synology DiskStation with Docker.


  • ansible (I am using ansible version 2.3.0, installed with pip)
  • a Synology NAS that can run Docker (I am running this on a DS 1813+)

On your DiskStation, you need to create a user ansible with a strong password and enable SSH. (Terminal & SNMP in Control Panel). Add that password and the IP address of your DiskStation to the hosts file.

After that, ansible should be able to connect to your NAS. You can verify with ansible synology -m ping.

Before running the playbook, you need to change the default passwords:

Running ansible-playbook with ansible-playbook site.yml should install and run Orthanc on your NAS. You should be able to connect via http://your_synology_ip:8042.

Overview of the playbook

Synology Preparation

The first thing this playbook does is enable SSH key based authentication on the Synology. (using the key given in site.yml)

- name: Enable SSH Key Login for 'ansible' User
  become: yes
    user: ansible
    key: '{{ synology_ansible_ssh_key }}'

Then, because the docker_container ansible module needs the docker-py python package, the playbook installs pip:

- name: check for pip
  shell: which pip
  changed_when: false
  failed_when: false
  register: pip_installed

- name: Download pip installer
  become: yes
    dest: /tmp/
  when: pip_installed.rc != 0

- name: Install pip
  become: yes
  command: python /tmp/
  when: pip_installed.rc != 0

- name: Install pip dependencies
  become: yes
  pip: name={{ item }}
    - docker-py

Create Directories

The next steps create the necessary directories. The postgres data directory expects special permissions:

- name: Create orthanc directories
  become: yes
    path: "{{ item }}"
    state: directory
    owner: ansible
    mode: 0755
    - '{{ orthanc_basedir }}'
    - '{{ orthanc_basedir }}/conf'
    - '{{ orthanc_basedir }}/storage'
    - '{{ orthanc_basedir }}/index'

- name: Create orthanc database directory
  become: yes
    path: '{{ orthanc_basedir }}/db'
    owner: 999
    group: 999
    state: directory
    mode: 0700

Upload Orthanc Configuration

The orthanc configuration (synology-orthanc/templates/orthanc.json.j2) has the PostgreSQL plugin enabled and the postgres server host is set to the postgres container.

If you have lua scripts, put them in synology-orthanc/files/lua-scripts/ and add them to the configuration.

  "PostgreSQL" : {
    "EnableIndex" : true,
    "EnableStorage" : false,
    "Host" : "{{ orthanc_name }}-postgres",
    "Port" : 5432,
    "Database" : "orthanc",
    "Username" : "orthanc",
    "Password" : "{{ orthanc_pg_password }}"

The configuration file is uploaded with these ansible steps:

- name: Upload Orthanc configuration
  template: src=orthanc.json.j2 dest={{ orthanc_basedir }}/conf/orthanc.json

- name: Upload orthanc scripts
    src: orthanc-scripts/
    dest: '{{ orthanc_basedir }}/conf/scripts/'
    recursive: yes
    rsync_path: "rsync"
    delete: yes
  -  Restart orthanc docker container

Start Postgres and Orthanc Docker Images

Now postgres and Orthanc can be started:

- name: Start docker container orthanc-postgres
  become: yes
    name: 'orthanc-postgres'
    image: 'postgres:9.6.2'
    restart_policy: always
      TZ: UTC
      PGDATA: /var/lib/postgresql/data/pgdata
      POSTGRES_USER: orthanc
      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: 'password'
      - '{{ orthanc_basedir}}/db:/var/lib/postgresql/data/pgdata'
- name: Orthanc docker container orthanc
  become: yes
    name: 'orthanc'
    image: jodogne/orthanc-plugins:1.2.0
    command: '/etc/orthanc'
    restart_policy: always
      - '4242:4242'
      - '8042:8042'
      - 'orthanc-postgres:orthanc-postgres'
      - '{{ orthanc_basedir }}/storage:/var/lib/orthanc/storage'
      - '{{ orthanc_basedir }}/index:/var/lib/orthanc/index'
      - '{{ orthanc_basedir }}/conf/orthanc.json:/etc/orthanc/orthanc.json:ro'
      - '{{ orthanc_basedir }}/conf/scripts:/etc/orthanc/scripts:ro'