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Releases: leapmotion/autowiring


02 Dec 00:18
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Fixes a defect when trying to call an AutoFilter defined in the base of a type not inheriting ContextMember, also fixes some minor build issues on Linux


18 Nov 19:08
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Another minor release intended to address issues with architecture resolution


14 Nov 21:18
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Adding fat binary support for Mac. autowiring_ARCHIECTURE is now treated as a list, and this allows clients to request fat binary support by setting autowiring_ARCHIECTURE as follows:

set(autowiring_ARCHITECTURE "x86_64;i386")

Hypothetically this could allow Autowiring installations to specify arbitrary compatible architectures, but currently, only Mac fat binaries are covered.

Release-0.2.7, Android Support

12 Nov 00:30
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This version builds and links on Android!

Took an enormous amount of time to get this right! Way too much time! Way way too much time!

If you do decide to target Android, though, you will need to link to Boost in order to satisfy our Boost dependencies. Unfortunately, because our Android port of autowiring depends on std::async, which is not provided by the Android NDK, we have to rely on Boost's support for this in order to link there.

In 0.3.0, we expect to eliminate this dependency by providing our own little implementation of std::async


03 Nov 23:17
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More fixes to ensure that LibCXX flags are actually checked--or the user is provided an opportunity to select them--when using find_package(autowiring)


30 Oct 00:22
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Yet another incremental release!

This time, we fixed issues having to do with our support for libstdc++. Sadly, if you want to use libstdc++, you will not be able to make use of the AutoFilter support the library has, but as none of our known customers currently requires AutoFilter in conjunction with libstdc++, this should be a problem.


28 Oct 23:37
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Correcting some problems with mixed visibility settings in different projects.

This is causing issues with people who are using the -fvisibility flag in GCC, because GCC likes to instantiate vft's wherever the type is encountered, and we need to retain control of where such types are provided.

We've corrected as many of these as we possibly could, and then set -fvisibility=hidden for the few remaining warnings we were unable to address for now.


27 Oct 23:56
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We've got a few new features here--stiles, enhanced debugging capabilities, and general bugfixes. We're trying to enhance the capabilities of auto_out, too, so that eventually we can support keyed decoration types.

Our biggest changes, though, were to packaging. We fixed bugs with packaging steps in the previous version, bumped our CMakeLists to make use of the latest cmake (and updated travis accordingly), and continued in the vein of providing Autowiring as a fully best practices-compliant distribution. You can now install both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Autowiring on 64-bit windows side-by-side.

Setup Homebrew tap

25 Sep 19:12
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Create a tag for our homebrew tap

Initial Release

30 Jul 04:53
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This is the first release of Autowiring library. The binaries attached here do not include the AutoNet server, but do include everything else supported by Autowiring at this point.