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executable file
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File metadata and controls

executable file
282 lines (194 loc) · 10.4 KB

Mock Exam 3

Solutions for lab - Mock Exam 3:

With questions where you need to modify API server, you can use this resource to diagnose a failure of the API server to restart.

  1. A kube-bench report is available at the Kube-bench assessment report tab. Fix the tests with FAIL status for 4 Worker Node Security Configuration.

    Make changes to the /var/lib/kubelet/config.yaml

    After you have fixed the issues, you can update the published report in the Kube-bench assessment report tab by running /root/ to validate results.


    Update /var/lib/kubelet/config.yaml as below

    1. Change authorization to Webhook for authorization-mode failure:

        mode: Webhook
    2. Add below for KernelDefaults Failure:

      protectKernelDefaults: true
  2. Enable auditing in this kubernetes cluster. Create a new policy file that will only log events based on the below specifications:
    • Namespace: prod
    • Level: metadata
    • Operations: delete
    • Resources: secrets
    • Log Path: /var/log/prod-secrets.log
    • Audit file location: /etc/kubernetes/prod-audit.yaml
    • Maximum days to keep the logs: 30

    Once the policy is created it, enable and make sure that it works.

    1. Create /etc/kubernetes/prod-audit.yaml as below:

      kind: Policy
      - level: Metadata
        namespace: ["prod"]
        verb: ["delete"]
        - group: ""
          resource: ["secrets"]
    2. Next, make sure to enable logging in api-server by adding the following arguments in the API server manifest:

          - --audit-policy-file=/etc/kubernetes/prod-audit.yaml
          - --audit-log-path=/var/log/prod-secrets.log
          - --audit-log-maxage=30
    3. Then, add to the volumes and volume mounts sections as shown in the below snippets.

        - name: audit
            path: /etc/kubernetes/prod-audit.yaml
            type: File
        - name: audit-log
            path: /var/log/prod-secrets.log
            type: FileOrCreate

      In the above, the type of each hostPath are set as follows:

      • File - /etc/kubernetes/prod-audit.yaml is a file that must pre-exist (you created it in step i of this solution)
      • FileOrCreate - The file prod-secrets.log will be created in directory /var/log if it does not exist. If it does exist, it will be appended to.

          - mountPath: /etc/kubernetes/prod-audit.yaml
            name: audit
            readOnly: true
          - mountPath: /var/log/prod-secrets.log
            name: audit-log
            readOnly: false
    4. Finally save the file and make sure that kube-apiserver restarts. This can take up to a minute. You can run the following to see the pods restarting (press CTRL-C to exit the watch):

      watch crictl ps

      If it does not start, then know how to diagnose why. Being able to do this can be the difference between passing and failing the CKS exam!

  3. We have a pod definition template /root/kubesec-pod.yaml on controlplane host. Scan this template using the kubesec tool and you will notice some failures.

    Fix the failures in this file and save the success report in /root/kubesec_success_report.json.

    Make sure that the final kubesec scan status is passed.

    1. Scan the pod YAML

      kubesec scan /root/kubesec-pod.yaml

      You will see failure message as:

      containers[] .securityContext .privileged == true

    2. Update privileged flag in /root/kubesec-pod.yaml

      privileged: false
    3. Then run

      kubesec scan /root/kubesec-pod.yaml
      kubesec scan /root/kubesec-pod.yaml > /root/kubesec_success_report.json
  4. In the dev namespace create below resources...
    • A role dev-write with access to get, watch, list and create pods in the same namespace.
    • A Service account called developer and then bind dev-write role to it with a rolebinding called dev-write-binding.
    • Finally, create a pod using the template /root/dev-pod.yaml. The pod should run with the service account developer. Update /root/dev-pod.yaml as necessary
    1. Create role dev-write as below:

      kubectl create role -n dev dev-write --resource pods --verb get,watch,list,create
    2. Create service account developer and rolebinding as below:

      kubectl create sa -n dev developer
      kubectl create rolebinding -n dev dev-write-binding --role dev-write --serviceaccount dev:developer
    3. Update /root/dev-pod.yaml. Adjust serviceAccount and namespace accordingly and deploy pod.

  5. Try to create a pod using the template defined in /root/beta-pod.yaml in the namespace beta. This should result in a failure.

    Troubleshoot and fix the OPA validation issue while creating the pod. You can update /root/beta-pod.yaml as necessary.

    The Rego configuration map for OPA is in untrusted-registry under opa namespace.

    NOTE: In the end pod need not to be successfully running but make sure that it passed the OPA validation and gets created.


    If you inspect the rego file defined in the configmap called untrusted-registry, you will see that it denies repositories that do not begin with

    To fix this, update the image URL to and then create the pod:

    1. Inspect the configmap

      kubectl get cm -n opa untrusted-registry -o yaml
    2. Edit /root/beta-pod.yaml and adjust the image...

        - image:
    3. Create it

      kubectl create -f /root/beta-pod.yaml

    NOTE: The pod will now be created as it passes the policy checks. However, it will not run as such an image does not exist.

  6. We want to deploy an ImagePolicyWebhook admission controller to secure the deployments in our cluster.
    • Fix the error in /etc/kubernetes/pki/admission_configuration.yaml which will be used by ImagePolicyWebhook
    • Make sure that the policy is set to implicit deny. If the webhook service is not reachable, the configuration file should automatically reject all the images.
    • Enable the plugin on API server.

    The kubeconfig file for already created imagepolicywebhook resources is under /etc/kubernetes/pki/admission_kube_config.yaml

    1. Update /etc/kubernetes/pki/admission_configuration.yaml and make required changes:

      • Set the path to the kubeconfig file. Note that you are not told where this file is, so we need to look for it.

        • Check the directory /etc/kubernetes/pki where the admission configuration is. You should find it in the same directory as admission_kube_config.yaml.
        • Note that when API server loads the admission configuration, the path for kubeConfigFile refers to the file system of the container not the host. Therefore you should validate API server's volumes and volume mounts to know where in the container the host path /etc/kubernetes/pki will be mounted. Luckily it is the same path.
      • Set the path to the kubeConfigFile and change defaultAllow to false to satisfy the "automatically reject" condition.

        kind: AdmissionConfiguration
        - name: ImagePolicyWebhook
              kubeConfigFile: /etc/kubernetes/pki/admission_kube_config.yaml
              allowTTL: 50
              denyTTL: 50
              retryBackoff: 500
              defaultAllow: false
    2. Update /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml as below:

          - --enable-admission-plugins=NodeRestriction,ImagePolicyWebhook
          - --admission-control-config-file=/etc/kubernetes/pki/admission_configuration.yaml
    3. Finally save the file and make sure that kube-apiserver restarts. This can take up to a minute. You can run the following to see the pods restarting (press CTRL-C to exit the watch):

      watch crictl ps

      If it does not start, then know how to diagnose why. Being able to do this can be the difference between passing and failing the CKS exam!

  7. Delete pods from alpha namespace which are not immutable.

    Examine the pods by getting them with -o yaml. Look for settings that voilate the condition of immutability.

    • Pod solaris is immutable as it has readOnlyRootFilesystem: true so it should not be deleted.
    • Pod sonata is running with readOnlyRootFilesystem: false thus it can be mutated so should be deleted.
    • Pod triton has no setting for readOnlyRootFilesystem. The default for this when not present is false therefore it should be deleted.