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359 lines (284 loc) · 10.4 KB

My Nostalgia; codes for the old BASIC product family (GW-BASIC, QuickBASIC and so on) before Visual Basic


  • To practice Subroutine with GOSUB ~ RETURN statements

  • Be aware of BOM(Byte-Order Mark; EF BB BF) signature generation when creating a code file with an external editor

    Decimal/Hexadecimal Convertor

    Codes : HEXCONV.BAS
    0 CLS
    10 PRINT "*************************************"
    20 PRINT "*  <Decimal/Hexadecimal Convertor>  *"
    30 PRINT "*  kimpro82 / 2023.12.10, not 1993  *"
    40 PRINT "* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *"
    50 PRINT "* 1. Convert Decimal to Hexadecimal *"
    60 PRINT "* 2. Convert Hexadecimal to Decimal *"
    70 PRINT "* 3. Exit                           *"
    80 PRINT "*************************************"
    90 INPUT " Select a menu (1, 2, 3): "; MENU
    100 IF MENU = 1 THEN GOSUB 200
    110 IF MENU = 2 THEN GOSUB 300
    120 IF MENU = 3 THEN END
    130 GOTO 90
    200 ' Subroutine for Decimal to Hexadecimal Conversion
    210 INPUT " Enter a decimal value: "; DEC
    220 PRINT " Hexadecimal value    : "; HEX$(DEC)
    230 RETURN
    300 ' Subroutine for Hexadecimal to Decimal Conversion
    310 INPUT " Enter a hexadecimal value: "; HEXA$
    315     ' The keyword HEX$(X) is already in use
    320 PRINT " Decimal value            : "; VAL("&H" + HEXA$)
    330 RETURN
  • Finally I've got GW-BASIC 3.23!

  • Reversed line numbers are automatically rearranged as increasing order

  • Line numbers are allowed only when they are not exceeding 65529 and without decimal points.

    Why `65529`, not `65535`?
    • Variances in Basic highest line numbers (

      Line numbers are stored as a two byte word but the largest allowed by the input routines is 65529. Primarily because this is an easier limit to test rather than checking for overflow. The line number is converted from ASCII to binary a character at a time using a pretty standard algorithm. Start with a 16 bit value line = 0. For each digit multiply line by 10 and add the digit to line.

      To check if the line number is acceptable, compare line against 6552 before multiplying it by 10. This will guarantee the value is <= 65529 because a digit can add only 9 at most.

    What does `!` mean?
    Codes : LINENUM2.BAS
    • Saved in the file
      10 PRINT 10
      20 PRINT 20
      30 GOTO 50
      40 PRINT 40         ' Pass
      50 PRINT 50
      60 PRINT 60
      55 PRINT 55         ' Rearranged as increasing order
      70.5 PRINT 70.5     ' Syntax rrror; 70 .5 PRINT 70.5
      65530 PRINT 65530   ' Syntax rrror; 6553 0 PRINT 65530!
      65529 PRINT 65529   ' 65529!
      65531 PRINT 65531   ' Syntax rrror
    • Loaded on the GW-BASIC console
      10 PRINT 10
      20 PRINT 20
      30 GOTO 50
      40 PRINT 40             ' Pass
      50 PRINT 50
      55 PRINT 55             ' Rearranged as increasing order
      60 PRINT 60
      70 .5 PRINT 70.5                ' Syntax rrror; 70 .5 PRINT 70.5
      6553 0 PRINT 65530!     ' Syntax rrror; 6553 0 PRINT 65530!
      65529 PRINT 65529!      ' 65529!
      Syntax error
    • Output
      Syntax error in 70
  • I intended to write GW-BASIC code, but I actually executed it in QuickBASIC.

  • Unexpectedly, many things are allowed, including aspects that were not even considered.
    Ex) Line numbers including decimal points, reversed, or exceeding 65535 ……

    Codes : LineNum.bas
    '-10 print "-10"        ' A negative line number causes an error
    0 CLS
    10 PRINT "10"
    15 GOTO 30
    20 PRINT "20"           ' Pass
    30 PRINT "30"
    25 PRINT "25"           ' Decreasing numbering is OK
    30.5 PRINT "30.5"       ' Decimal point is allowed
    A: GOTO C
    B: PRINT "B"
    C: PRINT "C"            ' Alphanumeric line labels can be mixed
    PRINT "No label"        ' Lines without labeling is also available
    65535 PRINT "65535"
    65536 PRINT "65536"     ' The line number can be over 65536
    No label
  • References

  • Remember how I felt when I was a primary school student

    Draw A Car

    Codes : DrawCar.bas
    SCREEN 12       '640 x 480 / 16 colors
    wid% = 640      'Can I get these parameters automatically?
    hei% = 480
    LINE (10, 10)-(wid% - 10, 10), 15, B
    LINE (10, hei% - 80)-(wid% - 10, hei% - 80), 15, B
    LINE (10, 10)-(10, hei% - 80), 15, B
    LINE (wid% - 10, 10)-(wid% - 10, hei% - 80), 15, B
    LOCATE 3, 5
    PRINT "QuickBasic : My Nostalgia"
    LOCATE 3, 67
    PRINT "2022.02.09"
    LINE (wid% / 2 - 100, hei% / 2 - 100)-(wid% / 2 + 100, hei% / 2), 7, BF
    LINE (wid% / 2 - 200, hei% / 2)-(wid% / 2 + 200, hei% / 2 + 100), 7, BF
    LINE (wid% / 2 - 100, hei% / 2 - 80)-(wid% / 2 - 60, hei% / 2), 9, BF
    LINE (wid% / 2 - 50, hei% / 2 - 80)-(wid% / 2 - 5, hei% / 2), 9, BF
    LINE (wid% / 2 + 5, hei% / 2 - 80)-(wid% / 2 + 50, hei% / 2), 9, BF
    LINE (wid% / 2 + 60, hei% / 2 - 80)-(wid% / 2 + 100, hei% / 2), 9, BF
    CIRCLE (wid% / 2 - 90, hei% / 2 + 100), 50, 8
    CIRCLE (wid% / 2 + 90, hei% / 2 + 100), 50, 8
    PAINT (wid% / 2 - 120, hei% / 2 + 100), 8, 8
    PAINT (wid% / 2 + 120, hei% / 2 + 100), 8, 8
    CIRCLE (wid% / 2 - 90, hei% / 2 + 100), 30, 7
    CIRCLE (wid% / 2 + 90, hei% / 2 + 100), 30, 7
    PAINT (wid% / 2 - 90, hei% / 2 + 100), 7, 7
    PAINT (wid% / 2 + 90, hei% / 2 + 100), 7, 7
  • Practice of functions : BEEP SOUND PLAY

  • Run by MS QuickBASIC 4.5

    Codes : Xerxes.bas
    • Using SHELL function to borrow the CLS command from DOS
    PRINT "I am generous"

    I am generous

    Codes : Sound.bas
    PRINT CHR$(7)
    PRINT "SOUND" + CHR$(13) 'CHR$(13) : Line break
    FOR i% = 1 TO 30
            SOUND i% * 100, 1  'Frequency, Duration
    PRINT "PLAY" + CHR$(13)
    PLAY "L16 CDEFGAB>C" '> : Move up one octave
    • Results : BEEP SOUND PLAY
      (* These can't be played directly, but played after downloading.)
    Codes : SchoolBell.bas
    • Play the same song with the keys of both C major and C minor
    PRINT "School Bell"
    PRINT "C major"
    PLAY "MS G8G8A8A8 G8G8E4 G8G8E8E8 D6 P8"
    PLAY "MS G8G8A8A8 G8G8E4 G8E8D8E8 C6 P8"
    PRINT "C minor"
    PLAY "MS G8G8A-8A-8 G8G8E-4 G8G8E-8E-8 D6 P8"
    PLAY "MS G8G8A-8A-8 G8G8E-4 G8E-8D8E-8 C6 P8"
    • Results : C major C minor
      (* These can't be played directly, but played after downloading.)
  • PRINT, not print

    Codes : HelloWorld.bas
    print "Hello World!"

    Call to undefined sub 'print'

    print("Hello World!")

    Call to undefined sub 'print'

    print 'Hello World!'

    Call to undefined sub 'print'

    How can I make print work?

    PRINT "Hello World!"

    Hello World!

    The secret was UPPER CASE!

    PRINT 'Hello World!'

    '' seems to be used for single-line comments.

    'You can't see what I'm saying.'
