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title: Use the same vimrc for terminal and gui updated: 2013-08-09 10:00:00 description: If you like to use Vim in the Terminal and within various GUI's (Macosx and Linux), as I do, here are parts of my .vimrc file that help to make this happen. os: [macosx, windows, linux] tags: [vim] deps: [] contributors: [""]

##Dropbox is the glue

If you keep your .vimrc and .vim folder on Dropbox and then symlink into your home directory, you are able to use Vim on multiple computers.

##Fonts and colors

The first snippet from my .vimrc file, shows howto test for the varoius environments.

"Set the color scheme.
set background=dark
if has("gui_running")    
  let base16colorspace=256
  colorscheme base16-tomorrow
  if has("gui_macvim")
    set guifont=Source\ Code\ Pro:h12
    set mouse=a
    set guifont=Source\ Code\ Pro\ 10
    set mouse=c
  colorscheme solarized
  set mouse=c

##Use a .vimlocal on each computer

Store a file for each system in Dropbox and symlink .vimlocal to it.

On Dropbox I have:

  • .vimlocal_t430
  • .vimlocal_mm
  • .vimlocal_mackbook

Then symlink .vimlocal in your home folder to the appropriate one.

The snippet below is from the very bottom of my .vimrc file.

source $HOME/.vimlocal

##Sample .vimlocal

I try to keep my .vimlocal file really small.

"Set the initial window size
set lines=43
set columns=189

Here is a Gist of gcman105's .vimrc file.