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72 lines (57 loc) · 3.76 KB

File metadata and controls

72 lines (57 loc) · 3.76 KB

Contributing to Kando

Whenever you encounter a 🐛 bug or have 🎉 feature request, report this as a GitHub issue!

We are happy to receive contributions in the form of pull requests on GitHub. Feel free to fork the repository, implement your changes and create a merge request to the main branch!

Branching Guidelines

Kando uses a simplified version of GitFlow: New features are usually implemented in feature/* branches and are merged to main once they are finished. Similarly, bugfixes are implemented in fix/* branches, where the * is usually the issue number (e.g. fix/#123).

Git Commit Messages

Commits should start with a Capital letter and should be written in imperative mood (e.g. 🎉 Add cool new feature instead of 🎉 Added cool new feature). It's a great idea to start the commit message with an applicable emoji. This does not only look great but also makes you rethink what to add to a commit: Commits should be small and focused on a single task. Therefore, only one emoji should be used per commit.

  • 🎉 :tada: when adding a cool new feature.
  • 🐛 :bug: when fixing a bug.
  • 🔧 :wrench: when adding small piece of code.
  • 🚀 :rocket: when improving performance.
  • ♻️ :recycle: when refactoring the code.
  • 🔥 :fire: when removing files or code.
  • 🚚 :truck: when moving / renaming files or classes.
  • :sparkles: when formatting the code.
  • 🎨 :art: improving or adding assets like themes or fonts.
  • 💄 :lipstick: when working on the UI styling.
  • 📝 :memo: when writing docs.
  • 🌐 :globe_with_meridians: when working on localization.
  • 💞 :revolving_hearts: when updating credits.
  • ✔️ :heavy_check_mark: when working on tests.
  • 🔼 :arrow_up_small: when adding / upgrading dependencies.
  • 🔽 :arrow_down_small: when removing / downgrading dependencies.
  • 🔀 :twisted_rightwards_arrows: when merging branches.

Usage of these emojis is not mandatory; we will still accept your pull request if you don't use them. However, we will be very happy if you do 😄.


Kando uses semantic versioning and the changelog follows the rules of Keep a Changelog. Whenever you add a new feature or fix a bug, please add an entry to the top of the changelog in the [unreleased] section. When a new version is released, this section will be marked as released and a tag is created on the main branch.

Continuous Integration

Github Actions are used for continuous integration.

  • For each commit, several checks are performed. These include code formatting, linting, REUSE compliance and unit tests.
  • For pull requests, it is checked in addition that the application can be packaged for Linux and Windows.
  • When a new tag is created, the application is packaged for Linux, macOS, and Windows and uploaded to the releases page.

Changelog Index Building Kando