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TCP socket not delivery data #562

alex0732 opened this issue Jan 9, 2023 · 13 comments

TCP socket not delivery data #562

alex0732 opened this issue Jan 9, 2023 · 13 comments


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alex0732 commented Jan 9, 2023

There is a bunch of arduino MEGA256 - esp8266. It works fine, correctly sends data to the server via MQTT. It is required to remake on TCP-socket. I do as in the example, in debug I see the following output:
185270> SOCKET #0: send dataLen=135 socketData=#A0:20:A6:02:20:9C
185270> #t2#10.7
185270> #h2#63.5
185270> #p2#763.9
185270> #v2#3.04
185270> #t1#-12.5
185270> #h1#84.8
185271> #v1#2.95
185271> #h0#45.6
185271> #t0#21.5
185271> #l0#29
185271> #tr#20.0
185271> #D1#94
185271> #D2#107
185271> ##�n�?(
185271> SOCKET #0: Create connection to ip
185271> SOCKET #0: Connect to ip
187969> HTTP GET /console/text: 200, 107ms, h=17424
188577> HTTP GET /console/text: 200, 47ms, h=17424
189268> SLIP: start or end len=0 inpkt=0
189268> SLIP: start or end len=10 inpkt=1
189268> cmdParsePacket: cmd=4 argc=0 value=0
189269> cmdExec: Dispatching cmd=WIFI_STATUS
189269> cmdResponse: cmd=2 val=2 argc=0
191558> SOCKET #0: conn reset, err=-11
No data is sent to the server. Confusing extra bytes "�n�?(" after "##", they are not in the original packet. "##" - is the end of packet.
The python test script delivers data to the server normally. Tried with firmware esp-link v3.0.14-g963ffbb and v3.2.47-g9c6530d.
El-client - last release. What is my problem? err=-11 - is normally closed session?

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This looks like a baud rate problem. Confusing extra bytes "�n�?(" after "##",

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Thanks for trying to help. I don't think there are any problems with data transfer speed: with the same settings, MQTT works correctly. And all my data in the debugger is shown correctly, only the tail is added. My data is from the first # to two ## in a row, and everything is correct. Baud rate set to 115200. Does transmission via ESP-link using TCP-socket work correctly for anyone?

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I looked a little El-Clietnt's source. "Extra" bytes are like CRC. So the version of the wrong speed is not accepted. From the source:
// output padding
uint16_t pad = (4-(len&3))&3;
uint8_t temp = 0;
while (pad--) {
crc = crc16Add(temp, crc);
Although no more than 3 bytes should be written here: 0 and 2 bytes CRC. I will break further. There is only no time for this.

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uzi18 commented Jan 13, 2023

@alex0732 please show your test code

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My test code very big... Exaple from el-client-master does not work exactly the same.

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I will try to make a small test code, later.

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My small test code:

#include <ELClient.h>
#include <ELClientSocket.h>

char * const tcpServer PROGMEM = "";
uint16_t const tcpPort PROGMEM = 8283;

ELClient esp(&Serial);

// For boards using the hardware serial port!
// Initialize a connection to esp-link using the normal hardware serial port both for
// SLIP and for debug messages.
//ELClient esp(&Serial, &Serial);

// Initialize a TCP socket client on the connection to esp-link
ELClientSocket tcp(&esp);
int tcpConnNum;

uint32_t wait; // Timer value to send out data
uint32_t waitTime; // Time to wait between sending out data
boolean wifiConnected = false; // Flag for wifi connection

// Parse error codes and returns error message as char *
// Definitions from error values from espconn.h (Espressif SDK)
// #define ESPCONN_OK 0 /< No error, everything OK. */
// #define ESPCONN_MEM -1 /
< Out of memory. */
// #define ESPCONN_TIMEOUT -3 /< Timeout. */
// #define ESPCONN_RTE -4 /
< Routing problem. */
// #define ESPCONN_INPROGRESS -5 /< Operation in progress. */
// #define ESPCONN_MAXNUM -7 /
< Total number exceeds the maximum limitation. */

// #define ESPCONN_ABRT -8 /< Connection aborted. */
// #define ESPCONN_RST -9 /
< Connection reset. */
// #define ESPCONN_CLSD -10 /< Connection closed. */
// #define ESPCONN_CONN -11 /
< Not connected. */

// #define ESPCONN_ARG -12 /< Illegal argument. */
// #define ESPCONN_IF -14 /
< UDP send error. */
// #define ESPCONN_ISCONN -15 /**< Already connected. */

char* const errTxt[] PROGMEM = {"No error, everything OK.","Out of memory.","Unknown code.","Timeout.","Routing problem.","Operation in progress.",
"Unknown code.","Total number exceeds the maximum limitation.","Connection aborted.","Connection reset.","Connection closed.",
"Not connected.","Illegal argument.","Unknown code.","UDP send error.","Already connected."};
char * getErrTxt(int16_t commError) {
commError = commError*-1;
if (commError <= 15) {
return (char *) pgm_read_word (&errTxt[commError]);
} else {
return (char *) pgm_read_word (&errTxt[2]); // Unknown code

// Callback for TCP socket, called if data was sent or received
// Receives socket client number, can be reused for all initialized TCP socket connections
void tcpCb(uint8_t resp_type, uint8_t client_num, uint16_t len, char *data) {
Serial.println("tcpCb connection #"+String(client_num));
if (resp_type == USERCB_SENT) {
Serial.println("\tSent " + String(len) + " bytes over client#" + String(client_num));
} else if (resp_type == USERCB_RECV) {
char recvData[len+1]; // Prepare buffer for the received data
memcpy(recvData, data, len); // Copy received data into the buffer
recvData[len] = '\0'; // Terminate the buffer with 0 for proper printout!

	Serial.println("\tReceived " + String(len) + " bytes over the client on connection #" + String(client_num));
	Serial.println("\tReceived: " + String(recvData));
} else if (resp_type == USERCB_RECO) {
	if (len != -11) { // ignore "not connected" error, handled in USERCB_CONN
		Serial.print("\tConnection problem: ");
} else if (resp_type == USERCB_CONN) {
	if (len == 0) {
	} else {
} else {
	Serial.println("Received invalid response type");


// Callback made from esp-link to notify of wifi status changes
// Here we print something out and set a global flag
void wifiCb(void *response) {
ELClientResponse res = (ELClientResponse)response;
if (res->argc() == 1) {
uint8_t status;
res->popArg(&status, 1);

	if(status == STATION_GOT_IP) {
		Serial.println(F("WIFI CONNECTED"));
		wifiConnected = true;
	} else {
		Serial.print(F("WIFI NOT READY: "));
		wifiConnected = false;


void setup() {
Serial.println(F("EL-Client starting!"));

// Sync-up with esp-link, this is required at the start of any sketch and initializes the
// callbacks to the wifi status change callback. The callback gets called with the initial
// status right after Sync() below completes.
esp.wifiCb.attach(wifiCb); // wifi status change callback, optional (delete if not desired)
bool ok;
do {
	ok = esp.Sync();			// sync up with esp-link, blocks for up to 2 seconds
	if (!ok) Serial.println(F("EL-Client sync failed!"));
} while(!ok);
Serial.println(F("EL-Client synced!"));

// Wit for WiFi to be connected. 
ELClientPacket *packet;
Serial.print(F("Waiting for WiFi "));
if ((packet=esp.WaitReturn()) != NULL) {

// Set up the TCP socket client for a connection to <tcpServer> on port <>, this doesn't connect to that server,
// it just sets-up stuff on the esp-link side and waits until we send some data
tcpConnNum = tcp.begin(tcpServer, tcpPort, SOCKET_TCP_CLIENT, tcpCb); // SOCKET_CLIENT ==> we don't expect a response
if (tcpConnNum < 0) {
	Serial.println(F("TCP socket setup failed, try again in 10 seconds after reboot"));
	asm volatile ("  jmp 0");
} else {
	Serial.println(String(tcpServer)+":"+String(tcpPort)+" is served over connection number # = "+String(tcpConnNum));

Serial.println(F("EL-TCP ready"));
wait = millis()+29000; // Start first sending in 1 second


void loop() {
// process any callbacks coming from esp_link

// if we're connected send data over TCP socket
if(wifiConnected) {
	if (millis() - wait > 30000) { // Send some data every 30 seconds
		wait = millis();

		// Send message to the previously set-up server #1
		Serial.print(F("Sending message to "));
} else {
	// This is just for demo, you can as well just try to reconnect
	// and setup the connection to esp-link again 
	Serial.println(F("Lost WiFi connection, try to reboot"));
	asm volatile ("  jmp 0");


/* =============================================================== */
EL-Client starting!
EL-Client synced!
.2 is served over connection number # = 1
EL-TCP ready
Sending message to
tcpCb connection #1
/* =============================================================== */

200818> SLIP: start or end len=37 inpkt=0
200893> SLIP: start or end len=110 inpkt=1
200894> cmdParsePacket: cmd=41 argc=2 value=1
200894> cmdExec: Dispatching cmd=SOCKET_SEND
200894> SOCKET #1: send dataLen=48 socketData=#A0:20:A6:02:20:9C
200894> #t1#14.34
200894> #h1#26
200894> #p1#715.9
200894> ##�o�?�
200894> SOCKET #1: Create connection to ip
200895> SOCKET #1: Connect to host
200904> SOCKET #1 DNS: found ip
200905> SOCKET #1: connecting...
207141> SOCKET #1: conn reset, err=-11
207141> cmdResponse: cmd=3 val=1113 argc=3

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Script powershell, succefull send data:

$server = ''
$port = 8283
$message = '#A0:20:A6:02:20:9C\n#t1#14.34\n#h1#26\n#p1#715.9\n##'
$ip = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostAddresses($server) | Where-Object {$PSItem.AddressFamily -eq 'InterNetwork'}
$socket = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TCPClient($ip, $port)
$stream = $socket.GetStream()
$writer = New-Object System.IO.StreamWriter($stream)
foreach ($line in $message){

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uzi18 commented Jan 24, 2023

@alex0732 err -11 means not connected

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uzi18 commented Jan 24, 2023

@JDP-Maker �o�?� it is print error nothing special.

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This is CRC - #562 (comment).
But even if this is not the case - why does the data not go to the server? What is wrong, where?

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uzi18 commented Jan 24, 2023

This CRC shouldn't be printed at all
I think it is not esp-link fault.
Try with raw IP instead hostname.

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Thanks for the advice. I agree about CRC.
I tried to use the unprocessed IP, the same result. In addition, DNS correctly finds IP:
200894> SOCKET #1: Create connection to ip
200895> SOCKET #1: Connect to host
200904> SOCKET #1 DNS: found ip
Are there any more ideas?

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