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Releases: imgix/imgix-rails


30 Jan 19:10
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What's Changed

  • ci: deprecate ruby 2.6, add 3.1
  • feat: expose disable path encoding on imgix_image_url

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v4.3.0...v4.3.1


15 Dec 20:58
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  • Add img_tag_options to ix_picture_tag (#118)


05 Jan 22:51
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  • Add support for lazy image loading (#108)


15 Oct 20:37
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Release Notes

Version 4.1.0 has been released! The goal of this release is to offer flexibility to those using imgix-rb's purger capabilities through imgix-rails.

Prior to this release, this gem offered purging capability through imgix '~> 3.0'. However, that purging capability has been deprecated in favor of the new-style purging API––available now in imgix-rb v4.0.0.

To upgrade to the new purging API used in imgix '~> 4.0':

  • navigate to the API Keys portion of your dashboard
  • generate a new API Key
  • use this new key in your imgix client: '...', api_key: NEW_API_KEY)

If you would like to read more about purging, see our official documentation.


  • build: use optimistic constraint for imgix >= 3.0 (#104)


31 Jul 22:07
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chore(release): 4.0.2 (#97)


11 Jun 22:10
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chore(release): 4.0.1


03 Dec 19:43
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The v4.0.0 release of imgix-rails introduces a variety of improvements relating to how this gem handles and generates srcset attributes. However, in releasing this version there are some significant interface/behavioral changes that users need to be aware of. Users should note that the min_width and max_width fields (passed via tag_options), as well as the widths field, have all been moved to their own encompassing srcset_options field. This is done with the intention of providing a more organized and intuitive experience when fine-tuning how srcset width pairs are generated. See the following example demonstrating this new pattern:

<%= ix_image_tag('/unsplash/hotairballoon.jpg',
  srcset_options: { min_width: 1000, max_width: 2500},
  tag_options: { alt: 'A hot air balloon on a sunny day' }) %>

For users migrating to version 4.0 or later, it is important that all srcset-related modifiers be passed via srcset_options, as doing so through tag_options or widths directly will result in errors. For more details on these modifiers, please see the ix_image_tag or ix_picture_tag sections.

In addition to these changes, imgix-rails is now capable of producing fixed-image srcsets. Users should note that when certain dimension information is provided, imgix-rails will produce a srcset at different screen resolutions rather than the typical width pairs. This feature provides expanded functionality to cover more srcset use cases that users can take advantage of. We are always happy to provide our users with more tools to assist them in their efforts to build out responsive images on the web.

  • feat: utilize Imgix::Path#to_srcset when constructing srcsets (#83)
  • chore: remove deprecated domain sharding behavior (#80)
  • fix: deprecate resizing height when maintaining aspect ratio (#78)


25 Oct 22:27
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  • Update bundler dev dependency to include new major version 2.x (#71)
  • README: Fix typo (#73)
  • docs: add ActiveStorage instructions to README (#74)
  • chore(deprecate): emit warning when generating srcset (ccc906b) (e2ffc2b)


21 Nov 20:12
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  • Fixed a bug where a widthless source was being appended to generated srcset lists.


30 Oct 20:10
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  • Fixed a bug where the widths option wasn't being passed through the ix_picture_tag helper.