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File metadata and controls

132 lines (116 loc) · 4.8 KB

Porting guidelines

Update: actually, most layers can be efficiently ported by using the cltorch methods directly from lua. A notable exception to this is the convolutional layers.

Anyway, if you do want/need to port a layer that can't be efficiently implemented using cltorch methods, directly in lua, here are some guidelines for how you might proceed.

Add the files, and get them building

  • make sure that cunn is checked out to directory cunn, at the same level as clnn directory
  • change into clnn directory
  • create a directory port
  • run python util/, which will do a first-cut port of the cuda files from ../cunn directory into the port subdirectory
  • use meld or similar to copy the two or so files from the desired layer across into the clnn directory
  • add the .cpp file to CMakeLists.txt
  • change the init function, at hte bottom of the layer's .cpp file to not be static
  • add a call to the layer's init function to the init.cpp file
  • add some includes to the top of the .cpp file:
#include "luaT.h"
#include "THClTensor.h"
#include "THClTensorMath.h"
#include "THClBlas.h"
#include "THClKernels.h"
#include "templates/TemplatedKernel.h"

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
  • comment out any cuda-stuff in the .cpp file, and add THError("Not implemented"); in their place
  • try building, and fix any build errors

Port the .cl file

In the .cl file:

  • replace each float * foo kernel parameter with global float *foo_data, int foo_offset
  • at the start of the kernel, for each of these parameters, put:
global float *foo = foo_data + foo_offset;
  • put global in front of any float * variables that are derived from these variables
  • put local in front of any float * variables derived from any float variables

Stringify the kernel into the .cpp file

  • Add a stringify section to the bottom of the .cpp file. It should look something like:
std::string MyNewLayer_getKernelTemplate() {
  // [[[cog
  // import stringify
  // stringify.write_kernel( "kernel", "" )
  // ]]]
  // [[[end]]]
  return kernelSource;
  • change the bit saying to have the actual name of the .cl file
  • change the name of the method to replace MyNewLayer with the actual name of the layer
  • cd into build directory, run ccmake .., and change option DEV_RUN_COG to ON, and do configure and generate
  • rebuild => the bottom of the .cpp file should now contain the .cl source code, as a c++ std::string
  • copy the declaration of this method to the top of the .cpp file

Call the kernel

Calling the kernel comprises the following parts:

  • create a kernel templater, something like
TemplatedKernel kernelBuilder(THClState_getCl(state));
  • If there are any templated parameter to replace (not discussed in this doc yet), you'll need to pass those to the templater now
  • create the kernel
    • you need to create a unique name. This will be used to lookup the compiled kernel, and re-use. If it is not sufficiently unique, it will collide with other kernels of the same name, and the wrong kernel will be called ;-)
    • give the name of the cl file (this wont affect anything, just used for error messages; not so critical)
    • you need to provide the name of the stringify function you created above
    • you need to provide the exact name of the kernel function; if it's wrong, then the kernel wont be able to be run
    std::string uniqueName = __FILE__ "maxpool";
    CLKernel *kernel = kernelBuilder.buildKernel(uniqueName, __FILE__,
      SpatialMaxPooling_getKernelTemplate(), "maxpool");
  • create a THClKernels object, from the kernel object you created just now
    THClKernels k(state, kernel);
  • pass in parameters;
  • call the kernel :-), threads);

Now build, and run it, and fix any issues :-P


I'm using OpenCL on an nVidia device, which means no kind of debugging or profiling available to me.

What I tend to do is:

  • focus on a single thread, on a single workgroup
  • that's easy to do, just put:
if(get_global_id(0) == 0 && get_global_id(1) == 0 ) {
  // only one thread here :-)
  • comment out anything that changes the output tensor
// out_data[i] = sum;
  • use our single thread to write out interesting data to the output tensor, that we can then read from the lua, like
if(get_global_id(0) == 0 && get_global_id(1) == 0 ) {
  for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++ ) {
    out_data[i] = smem[i];
  • it's a bit more painful than using printf and cout and stuff, but it's workable :-)