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174 lines (123 loc) · 4.95 KB


#Main Developer - gld1982ltd -

#ubuntu branch Developer - Htmlgifted -

My config files


git clone && cd configs && ./INSTALL

#01/25/2015 Added two files #04/00/2021 Added new files and updates for alais's #o4/26/2021 updated this read me

#About this project This project was created by me and a really good pal online (name here). The project was offered to me and I used it to create a fun and easy to use cli interface for ubuntu. I have been working and using these scripts since ubuntu 14.04 I have updated the script for usage with the bash shell as the commands and options change from time to time. as of today's updates and changes in commands and adding more scripts.

#2021 - As of these updates and changes I am using these scripts and commands on my xubuntu 18.04 system.

If you like this set of config files please feel free to star the respitorie.

Added Items you may want to install for use with the scripts.

  1. nmap
  2. whois
  3. traceroute
  4. curl
  5. tor


  1. .bash_profile
  2. .bashrc
  3. .bash_aliases
  4. .exports
  5. .gitconfig
  6. bin/mybey
  8. This readme.


This file will be the first file sourced by bash when a user logs in. It sets up any system wide programs usually called upon by bash a;nd sets up the initial $PATH variable.


This file is sourced by .bash_profile and is the recommended file to edit for user configuration. This file sets general bash options, command aliases, environment variables and throws a nice greeting to the user before the prompt.


This file is sourced by .bashrc and holds all aliases for the shell. Aliases are command shortcuts set by the user. The format for an alias is simple:

alias shortcut='command --options'


This file is also sourced by .bashrc and holds various environment variable to be set by the user.


This file holds settings for git. Set your git username and email address as well as other git settings.


This file is sourced by .bashrc to show some nice system info before a greeting in your shell.


WARNING: This file WILL OVERWRITE any of these files in your home directory when ran. Please read this script and backup your files before usage.

This file is the file you are reading!

Extra bin script Files/Commands

##Tor start script witch starts tor.

##clsetor this script closes an active tor connection

##exicute Got tired of running the exicute command every time i wanted a file exicutable. so yup. I made one.

##chrt This script is to run a connection routing table on your active network

##openports Get info about remote host ports and aviod Network Administrator detection.

##traceroute This script is to run a trace ip address connection to you.

##iptrace find geographical location of any ip address.

How to run this script-

  1. put in bin dir.
  2. enter line "iptrace (ipaddress to track)"

##scan This script is meant to report pingable ip address that are not supposed to be active. If active then will display outcome

##whoison This script runs and checks for all active ips on a network then adds the list to a file called ips.txt in the user dir.

##mybey This Script is ran when a cli interface is opened displaying the technical aspects of users device.

##sshfsmount This script line connects you to a successful set up of a ssh server. Use this code for all machines you want to connect to the ssh share with sshfs. make sure to pay attention to where your share is and where you want it.. It will create dir if it does not find it.

##command to make alais in cli mkalias ""

example - Example: mkalias rm "rm -i"

Alias commands added

1.Update 2.Upgrade 3.autoclean 4.close 6.install 7.bios 8.fix

#Other alias commands

1.Git Commands 2.ssh commands ls commands 3.package management commands commands - basic commands shortened 5.Privileged access commands

Example of how to use bin scripts.

senerio - A unknown ip address is accessing your device.

we will use google dns ip for this example ( )

usage - $ scan Output - Please enter ip address to look up (enter & hit enter) The command will then output the hopes it takes to the desitnation ip entered.

usage - $ iptrace Output - Please enter the ip address to trace. The command will the output the hops back to the enter ip address

Geoip script usage. Taking the second to last address on the results from the ip trace. last Or using thelast ip in the list. Can be done for comairing results of output.

usage - $ geoip output - please enter ip to scan (enter ip address from ipscan results & hit enter) The command will then output all information pertaining to the ip's geo location data

#Message from Me.

If you are having issues with commands not functioning on your system please feel to let me know.

Contact me @