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agora tutorial


Welcome to agora, a nodeJs command-line application for market data and trading! This tutorial will help you install agora and take you through a few basic workflows that you might find helpful when using the app. It may assume a basic knowledge of financial market terminology. This app currently uses iexcloud for most data requests and alpaca for the trading api.

It will reference the iex and alpaca api documentations. If you have any questions, please submit an issue on github.

download and install


  • nodeJs ✅ tested with v14.8.0
  1. download or clone this repo

    1. either run yarn global add @hp4k1h5/agora OR npm i -g @hp4k1h5/agora.
    2. or run git clone and get dependencies by running yarn in this directory, or npm i.
  2. add a publishable iex api key

    1. either export an ENV var named IEX_PUB_KEY
      ex. export IEX_PUB_KEY=pk_Y0urIeXaPipUbl15h4bLeKEY locally or in your .bashrc equivalent.
    2. or set the IEX_PUB_KEY in config.json in this repo, or the default config location; on a mac, this will be ~/.config/agora/config.json. You will have to create the directory with e.g. mkdir ~/.config/agora, and then copy over your config with e.g. on a mac
    cp  ~/.config/yarn/global/node_modules/@hp4k1h5/agora/config.json ~/.config/agora


    in .bashrc equivalent or from the command line

    export IEX_PUB_KEY="yourIEXpublishablekey"
    export IEX_SECRET_KEY="yourIEXsecretkey" # optional

    or in config.json

      "IEX_PUB_KEY": "yourIEXpublishablekey",
      "IEX_SECRET_KEY": "yourIEXsecretkey     # optional"

    See config.json for configuration tips and example configs.

alpaca setup

In order to trade with agora, you will need an alpaca trading account. Accounts are free as are trades. After signing up you can generate real or paper api keys. Use one set of these to set env vars or config.json values as follows:

export APCA_API_KEY_ID="YourAlpacaAPIid"
export APCA_API_SECRET_KEY="YourAlpacaSecretKey"


  "APCA_API_KEY_ID": "YourAlpacaAPIid",
  "APCA_API_SECRET_KEY": "YourAlpacaSecretKey"

Though it is not recommended, you can set config.json value "alpacaAccountType" to "live" if you wish to trade real-money with agora. The default value is "paper". If you have entered "live" account keys, you will need to see the value of "alpacaAccountType" to "live" in order for them to work.

Also see alpaca config for a sample trading work station.

getting started

If you installed globally, you should be able to use the shell alias agora from anywhere. If which agora does not return a path, refresh your terminal, e.g. exec zsh or start a new terminal window after installing so that the alias can be found. If you still cannot find an alias, try running yarn link from this project directory root. Otherwise, if you downloaded with git or to a local directory, RUN node src/index.js from the root of this directory, or yarn run run.

Most interaction is through the repl emulator input field, if the workspace has one. To focus the repl, type >, the "greater-than" sign. It accepts commands and updates the charts and data windows. If a component has more data than fits on the screen, try scrolling it with the mouse if your terminal allows it. Type esc to leave the repl.

Arrow keys left and right can be used to switch workspaces. See configuring workspaces

Type help or h for general information. Type e.g. h $ or h : for command-specific help. Type x from the repl to close the help window.

workspaces and components

By default, if you haven't changed the config or added a new one to the $HOME/.config/agora directory, agora comes with several workspaces that you can cycle through with left and right arrow keys. If a component is acting up or the workspace is erroring, try switching to another workspace and then back.

See configuring workspace for more information about how to configure your config.json


Most interaction in agora is through the repl, where the user can enter command strings and update the components or manage bots or trade. Typically command words are order-agnostic, though there are some exceptions. This means that the following two commands are interpreted identically by agora. If the repl is not focused, hit >, the "greater-than" sign. Now the repl should be highlighted and display a cursor.

$TM quote [1
[1 $tm "

This command tell agora to update the 1st window, [1, with a quote " component of $TM. Try it out. If you are not in the repl and have no cursor, type > to focus the repl. Then type one of the above commands and hit enter

You should see a real-time quote of $TM in the 1st window. Note that not all data is available to all iexcloud api users, please consult the iex api guide

Components remember all the inputs provided. In order to change the 1st window to a quote of $GM, just type $GM and hit enter. Notice that if you are targeting the last targeted component, you do not need to reenter the window-prefix [.

To change the component from quote to news, type news or ! the shortcut command, and hit enter. This will update the component from quote to news but the stock will remain the same, and you should have a news view of the stock symbol you entered.

Most commands in agora have a long and short form. See commands.

Unless a window prefix-command, [, has been entered, the last focused component will be the one targeted by commands entered into the repl.

Every targetable window in agora should have a number in the top-left corner of the window. From the repl you can type a [ window prefix to target a specific window with a command.

For now let's try some more commands. You can adjust these to your config's requirements. If, for instance, a command listed below targets a window number that is not available in your workspace, or is not the right target for the component you wish to query, change the window-prefix [.

Enter any of the following commands to get an overview of the features available in agora.

market data commands

[all poll3e4 $de   --> poll all components at 30 second intervals and update
                       all components to $DE

[all poll          --> stop polling in all components

[2 [3 $qqq         --> update windows 2 and 3 to $QQQ

$spy ^ [2          --> update the 2nd window with a book of $spy
" $r               --> update the last focused component with a quote of $R.
                       in this case, that would window 2.

! [3               --> update window 3 with news for the active symbol in the
                       component. in this case that would $QQQ.

You'll notice that not all components fit nicely into all workspace windows. Some components really are not made for certain width/height settings. This is partly the result of the mono-space terminal environment, and agora's goal of providing as much useful data in such an environment as possible. Certain defaults have been set and so forth that may not be amenable to your ideal workspace at the moment. Development plans include context-aware components that can resize their content horizontally and vertically based on "yxhw" settings. See configuring workspaces below.

trading commands

Currently all trading functionality in agora is done through the alpaca trading api. If you do not have an alpaca account none of these commands will work for you. Please see information about getting a free alpaca account and setting your api keys in the README.

+100 $AA              --> buy 100 shares of $AA

close $aa             --> close your position in $AA

$z -10 <90            --> sell 10 shares of $Z with a limit price of $90

$YYY +1_000 >14.39    --> buy 1,000 shares of $YYY with a stop price of 16.39

cancel $yyy           --> cancel $YYY orders

cancel all            --> cancel all orders

close $Z              --> close out the $Z position

+10 <10 >12 $tm       --> buy with stop_limit order stop price 12, limit price 10

These commands demonstrate most of the manual trading functionality currently available in agora. I encourage you to read the alpaca account section of the README to learn more.

The other way to trade in agora is to build a bot. While a bot tutorial is in progress, there is a well-documented demo bot example available at docs/bots/alpha.js, as well as some additional helpful information in the README.

configuring workspaces

See example configurations

Eventually, i will create a more comprehensive tutorial to configure your config.json workspaces, but the main idea is that each component needs a "yxhw" key representing the starting position of the top-left corner (y,x), and the height (h) and width (w) of the component. All workspaces are currently aligned on a 12x12 grid, so components should not be wider or taller than 12. If you add components that overlap, you can rotate through the focus-cycle to bring your desired component to the front, and return to repl directly using >, the "greater-than sign". Additionally, targeting your desired component window with the window-prefix [, will bring it the front.

As an example, a workspace with 4 evenly spaced windows like

                    ┃    /- ┃┃---    ┃
                    ┃_/\/   ┃┃ ----  ┃
                    ┃ /--\  ┃┃-: --  ┃
                    ┃ \__/  ┃┃-: ----┃

would have a config.json like the following:

  "workspaces": [
      "name": "4 windows",
      {"type": "chart", "yxhw":[0, 0, 6, 6]},
      {"name": "news", "yxhw":[0, 6, 6, 6]},
      {"name": "profile", "yxhw":[6, 0, 6, 6]},
      {"name": "quote", "yxhw":[6, 6, 6, 6]}

Note that not including a repl in a workspace is not ideal at the moment. If you have "read-only" workspaces, try to avoid using keys other than left right, as there is a ghost-repl that can catch focus and disrupt functionality.