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Releases: gklka/GKFadeNavigationController

Black navigation bar and orientation change support, bug fixes

30 Mar 18:27
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  • Fixed iOS 11 bug in the example, where the header image was not properly clipped
  • Fixed iOS 11 bug where going back from the second controller didn’t hide the navigation title
  • Added screen orientation change support
  • Added black navigation bar style support

iOS 11 support & merged pull requests

19 Nov 23:37
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iOS 10 support

17 Sep 23:23
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Fixed a few bugs for iOS 10.

Please note: iOS 7 is not supported anymore. (Yikes!)

Quick Back button fix

12 Oct 21:16
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When the user controller was transitioning from hidden to visible state and the user was tapped the back button during this 0.3 sec short animation, the header was not updated correctly. Sorry about that.

Handling back swipe gesture

09 Oct 06:53
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This release handles correctly if the user starts a side back swipe gesture, but cancels it.

Moved to entirely custom header

08 Oct 19:41
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Transitioning between system and custom navigation caused a lot of interesting artifacts, like seeable black backgrounds, missing or unnecessarily displayed headers, wrong colors, etc. Now GKFadeNavigationController uses only it's own header background. Controllers which do not support it will get the Visible custom header. Now works 100% better.


08 Aug 14:11
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Somehow the podfile was screwed again (probably because I restored my computer from Time Machine backup), I fixed it.


08 Aug 13:39
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  • Changed project SDK to 7.0
  • Changed license from WTFPL to MIT (see LICENSE file)


28 Jul 11:23
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  • Fixed podspec file, sorry for the mistake


28 Jul 10:38
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  • Added support for iOS 7. On iOS 7, there is no way to use UIVisualEffectView, so we fall back to use a simple semi-transparent view instead.
  • Made some optimisations: the navigation bar view is not reinitialised every time anymore