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This application contains both the client and server to route HL7 messages between users using Amazon S3.

Users folders are contained under a main HL7users folder.
Each user has a "in" and an "out" folder.

The client scans a send directory and pushes HL7 messages to their S3 out folder.  Sent messages are saved to a local archive directory.
It then downloads any HL7 messages in the S3 in folder to the local drive, and then deletes messages from S3 in.

More functionality is to be added to the client to check HL7 message structure, and the ability to detach binaries that are ED encoded.

The server scans each users' out folder and by inspecting the MSH segment determines which users' in folder it needs to go to.
It also checks the MSH segment to make sure the message is from the person it says it is, and also that the recipient is on the system.
Currently if it fails those tests, it leaves them in the users' out folder .. but could delete them and return an ACK error.

Users need both an access key and a secret key ... these are provided by the person running the server.  Users do not require an Amazon AWS account themselves.
Each user is a sub account of the master user, and has near full permissions on their own folder and sub folders.

The users.r file contains a demo list of users ...

Download - the compiled binary here

Graham Chiu
29 March 2011


Routes HL7 messages via Amazon S3






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