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This is a tutorial about how to use the fperf command line. We will take the builtin testcase "http" as an example.


fperf is developed in golang, make sure you have setup the go environment correctly.


go get

Run benchmark

fperf in fact is a performance benchmark framework, you can use it to develop your own performance benchmark tools. It has some demo implementation builtin including http and grpc_testing. We will take the http to demonstrate how to use fperf

Run by default

fperf http

We call the http a testcase, fperf runs the testcase and pass an url to it. This will run the benchmark with default fperf options(1 connection, 1 goroutine, no delay)

Run by concurrency

fperf -cpu 8 -connection 100 -goroutine 2 -tick 1s http
-cpu :set the GOMAXPROCS witch better be the number of core of cpu
-connection : the number of the connection
-goroutine : the number of goroutine per connection, so we have 200 concurrent goroutines in this example
-ticks : the interval between output and statistics

The result:

2016/04/13 19:34:47 latency 752.369972ms qps 198 total 198
2016/04/13 19:34:48 latency 813.625948ms qps 138 total 336
2016/04/13 19:34:49 latency 1.277809701s qps 105 total 441
2016/04/13 19:34:50 latency 1.533281819s qps 105 total 546
2016/04/13 19:34:51 latency 1.402846393s qps 152 total 698
2016/04/13 19:34:52 latency 1.308274418s qps 145 total 843
2016/04/13 19:34:53 latency 1.471700286s qps 119 total 963
2016/04/13 19:34:54 latency 1.717590479s qps 82 total 1045
Count: 1145  Min: 684840084  Max: 6674918683  Avg: 1275677320.56
[     10000,      11000)     0    0.0%    0.0%
[     11000,      13800)     0    0.0%    0.0%
[     13800,      21639)     0    0.0%    0.0%
[     21639,      43590)     0    0.0%    0.0%
[     43590,     105055)     0    0.0%    0.0%
[    105055,     277158)     0    0.0%    0.0%
[    277158,     759048)     0    0.0%    0.0%
[    759048,    2108340)     0    0.0%    0.0%
[   2108340,    5886359)     0    0.0%    0.0%
[   5886359,   16464814)     0    0.0%    0.0%
[  16464814,   46084490)     0    0.0%    0.0%
[  46084490,  129019584)     0    0.0%    0.0%
[ 129019584,  361237849)     0    0.0%    0.0%
[ 361237849, 1011448991)   813   71.0%   71.0%  #######
[1011448991, 2832040189)   270   23.6%   94.6%  ##
[2832040189,        inf)    62    5.4%  100.0%  #

The result has two parts. The first part show the latency and qps witch will be printed every time. The second part shows the histogram of latency. This will be outputed only when you terminate fperf.