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Google Summer of Code 2023 - Ideas for Projects

FOSSi Foundation is applying as an umbrella organization for Google Summer of Code 2023. That means that we give FOSSi community projects the chance to participate in the program. Below you can find a list of ideas that community mentors had, but mentees are encouraged to propose their own ideas. These projects are mostly open-ended and can be tailored to your level of experience, assuming that you have the appropriate set of required skills for the particular project idea.

Whether you’re an aspiring mentee or mentor, feel free to contact us, either through the private GSoC-specific mailing list, through the public discussion mailing list, or through the mentors listed for each project below. We are also available on Gitter in librecores/Lobby.

Looking forward to meet you all!

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Jupyter Notebook add-ons for Open Silicon development

Details: Jupyter Notebook allows developers to share interactive documents that allow to reproduce a given computation, by capturing in a single file: the environment with the tools installation the code with a given set of parameters the results and their analysis

This is a natural fit for Open Silicon design that often tuning input parameters, inspecting visual results and comparing metrics and simulation measurements.

Possible contributions to this project:

  • Create Jupyter extensions that interface the common Open Silicon data formats (GDS, LEF, DEF, Waveform, Timing and Power analysis report) with its display primitives.
  • Create Jupyter kernels to support writing cells in HDL and HSL languages and evaluating their testbenches.
  • Create a corpus of notebook examples that capture popular Open Silicon flows (analog, digital, hls-based). Bootstrap the developer infrastructure and community to maintain those projects.

Skill level: Beginner to Intermediate

Duration: ~350 hrs.

Language/Tools: Python, Typescript

Mentor: Johan Euphrosine

TinyParrot: A minimal BlackParrot RISC-V Multicore variant

Details: BlackParrot aims to be the default open-source, Linux-capable, cache-coherent, RV64GC multicore used by the world. It has been FPGA and Silicon-validated as an industry-strength design with leading efficiency. We wish to make it even tinier. This project will look into various size optimizations which may include parameterizing out support for the RISC-V MFD extensions or remapping FPGA primitives using the portability layer in BaseJump STL. The final optimizations may depend on the applicant's skill set. At the end of this project, we hope to use the ZynqParrot infrastructure to fit a BlackParrot multicore into affordable educational FPGA boards such as the Z2!

Skill level: intermediate

Project length: medium (175 hours)

Mentors: Dan Petrisko, Michael Taylor

Language/Tools: SystemVerilog, some knowledge of computer architecture, RISC-V knowledge preferred but not required

Building Manycore SoCs with OpenPiton + LiteX

LiteX makes building FPGA-based SoCs easy. Using the Python hardware design library Migen, LiteX provides a variety of peripherals to enable users to build a complex SoC around a core of their choice. For this project, we would like to connect a manycore OpenPiton processor design in order to build a new manycore LiteX SoC.

Skill level: Intermediate

Duration: 175 hours or 350 hours

Language/Tools: Python (Migen), Verilog

Mentor: Jonathan Balkind

Online Compilation Through CPU Simulation

This project aims to demystify the complete process of going from a high-level program down to cycle-level circuit simulation of the executing that program.

Compiler Explorer ( is an open-source online tool that allows a user to explore how compilers turn source code in various languages through various compilers into assembly code.

WARP-V is an open-source CPU core generator with a built-in assembler. A CPU can be configured and assembly code can be provided, to generate a customized CPU core. This core can be loaded in Makerchip, simulated, and edited online.

The combination of Compiler Explorer and WARP-V would create a full online experimentation platform to go from high-level software to circuit simulation of the program in a customized CPU core.

Skill level: Intermediate

Duration: ~175 or ~350 hrs.

Language/Tools: Node.js and general web developement

Mentor: Steve Hoover (email)

Minimal RISC-V core with AI Acceleration synthesizable with open source tools

A series of projects between Embecosm and Southampton University over the past and a FOSSi GSoC project from 2021 have developed a simple (8 instruction) open source ISA extension for the CV32E40P and CV32E40X RISC-V cores to accelerate neural network inference acceleration. The project GitHub has demonstrated a 5 fold increase in inference performance. YouTube has the most recent presentation of the project, given at the London Open Source RISC-V meetup in January 2022.

This demonstrated the potential benefit of this approach, but could only be synthesized using proprietary FPGA synthesis tools. This project proposes trying to create a stripped down version which can be synthesized using the Yosys open source tool suite.

The core is delivered within the CORE-V MCU, a SoC wrapper which provides a debug interface, memory and a range of peripherals. In order to make this project tractable, this will be stripped down to a minimal MCU providing just the debug interface and memory alongside the core. CORE-V MCU uses FuseSoc for ease of development, but the AVA work has not picked this up, so cleaning up the code to use FuseSoc will be an important starting point.

There are a series of steps in this project, so it can be provided as either a medium or long project. It is also quite open ended, so applicants should consider how they would wish to craft the project to directions that most interest them.

The deliverables of this project would be for the medium project:

  • the stripped down, synthesizable with Verilator as a model;
  • the stripped down CORE-V MCU with the CV32E40P core, synthasizable for FPGA with Yosys; and
  • Embench benchmarking of the stripped down CORE-V MCU on FPGA.

The long project would then extend these deliverables with the AI interface using the CV32E40X core:

  • a modified stripped down CORE-V MCU using the CV32E40X core with AI instruction set extensions cleaned up to build completely under FuseSoc.
  • a modified stripped down CORE-V MCU using the CV32E40X core with AI instruction set extensions as a Verilator model;
  • a modified stripped down CORE-V MCU using the CV32E40X core with AI instruction set extensions, synthasizable for FPGA with Yosys; and
  • measurement of the impact on AI inference using TinyMLPerf.

Skill level: Advanced (particularly FPGA synthesis using Yosys)

Project length: medium or long

Mentors: Jeremy Bennett (email) and William Jones (email)

Language/Tools: Verilog, SystemVerilog, RISC-V, Yosys open source tool suite, TinyML benchmark suite

OpenRISC Benchmarking and Performance improvements

The OpenRISC CPU architecture has multiple CPU implementations including the mor1kx and marocchino. Recent testing has shown that memory access on the marocchino is slightly slower compared to the mor1kx.

This project will have the student:

  • Use tools like the Embench modern benchmark suite to measure OpenRISC processor and compiler toolchain performance.
  • Document the OpenRISC performance at Embench IoT results to be able to compare OpenRISC vs other popular CPUs.
  • Track down and improve OpenRISC CPU performance by finding and fixing deficiencies in the verilog designed cores.

Skill level: Advanced

Project Length: large

Language/Tools: Verilog, Shell scripting, C, Assembly, Python

Mentor: Stafford Horne

Circuit Visualization

Details: The Makerchip platform for open-source circuit design has introduced support for custom visualization of circuit simulations. This has been used to great success in RISC-V training and is useful for circuit debug and conveying microarchitectural behavior as well. Any circuit can be visualized in useful ways. Find a few examples here.

Some circuits we would like to provide visibility into include:

These are ideal projects for Google Summer of Code because of the immediate and incremental impact. Visualization is written in (very straight-forward) JavaScript that has access to trace data from simulation and a canvas to draw on, described here.

Skill level: Beginner/Intermediate

Duration: ~175 or ~350 hrs.

Language/Tools: JavaScript, Verilog/SystemVerilog/TL-Verilog

Mentor: Steve Hoover (email), Alternate Mentor (for gamified circuit education) Gayatri Mehta (email) (or other alternates depending on the specific project)

LiteX SMP SoC for OpenRISC

The LiteX project makes creating FPGA-based SoCs easy. LiteX supports creating SoCs containing OpenRISC CPU cores. Up until now however, there have been no LiteX SoCs that support running OpenRISC multicore/SMP Linux. The linux-on-litex-vexrisc project provides a good example of how to develop and document getting Linux up and running on a LiteX SoC; including multicore.

Using linux-on-litex-vexrisc as an example, this project will have the student creating a project to help people get up and running with OpenRISC. The final goal shall be to have a documented multicore OpenRISC LiteX SoC running Linux SMP.

Skill level: Advanced

Project Length: large

Language/Tools: Verilog, LiteX, Linux, Python, OpenRISC architecture

Mentor: Stafford Horne

Other TL-Verilog-Related Projects

If you are interested in the TL-Verilog ecosystem, you might also consider any of these TL-Verilog project ideas. All would make excellent GSoC projects and mentors can be identified.

Architectural Improvements to OpenPiton+Ariane

OpenPiton+Ariane is a permissively-licensed RISC-V manycore processor, built as a collaboration between the PULP Platform from ETH Zürich and the OpenPiton Platform from Princeton University. We would like to co-optimise OpenPiton and Ariane/CVA6 in their combined platform, to improve performance of the processor both in FPGA emulation systems and for eventual silicon chips. One possible idea this year is to implement the RISC-V cache management operation (CMO) extensions. We are open to many potential projects aimed at improving the performance of aspects of either Ariane/CVA6 or OpenPiton and encourage you to get in touch to discuss ideas.

Skill level: Intermediate

Duration: 175 or 350 hours

Language/Tools: Verilog, SystemVerilog, RISC-V

Mentor: Jonathan Balkind, Nils Wistoff

Enhancing OpenPiton+Ariane With a High Performance Data Cache

The CVA6/Ariane core supports several different L1 data caches for different contexts and user demands. CEA are leading a new effort building a high performance data cache (HPDC) for integration into CVA6. This project would extend the HPDC to make it usable within OpenPiton through connection to OpenPiton's L1.5 cache via the standard P-Mesh Transaction-Response Interface.

Skill level: Intermediate

Duration: 350 hours

Language/Tools: Verilog, SystemVerilog, RISC-V

Mentor: Jonathan Balkind, César Fuguet Tortolero

OpenRISC Linux Feature Development

The OpenRISC Linux kernel support is under constant development but there are certain Linux facilities that are not yet used or available on the OpenRISC platform.

This project will have the student developing, testing and sending patches up to the Linux kernel. This includes:

  • Develop rseq support to OpenRISC Linux and glibc.
  • Add floating point support to OpenRISC Linux.
  • Use the cacheinfo API for reporting CPU details in OpenRISC Linux.
  • Add virtio support to OpenRISC Linux which would allow running OpenRISC containers.

Skill level: Advanced

Project Length: large

Language/Tools: Linux, C, Assembly, OpenRISC architecture

Mentor: Stafford Horne

Push a Design through the Moore HDL Compiler

Moore is a compiler for SystemVerilog and VHDL hardware designs. Its goal is world domination by finally moving the burden of implementing SV and VHDL out of tools like synthesizers and simulators and into a separate frontend, very much like what Clang and LLVM did for the software world. In contrast to other projects that focus on specific use cases such as synthesis or netlists processing, Moore strives to support the entirety of the SV and VHDL languages. As output the compiler produces LLHD IR, a simple intermediate representation that is able to capture the semantics of today's hardware description languages including their behavioral, verification, and testing features. (See also the LLHD paper from PLDI 2020 for details.)

We would love to have you help make Moore even better! As a proof of concept that goes beyond the single RISC-V core that Moore tackles successfully, we would like to push a larger, more complex compute cluster through the compiler. This could be for example a Snitch compute cluster of ETH Zurich which contains complex caches, interconnects, memory systems, multiple processor cores and large floating-point data paths. The goal of this project is to take this cluster's SV source code and implement the pieces Moore currently lacks in order to be able to compile the cluster. You'll be able to look for frequent sources of errors and juicy implementation targets, implement them in the compiler, and see the errors disappear one by one. If it turns out that not a lot of pieces are missing, you'll be able to fully simulate the cluster with an LLHD-based simulator and push the project forward significantly.

The Moore compiler is written in Rust. Don't be scared if you haven't touched Rust before -- if you know C or C++ you'll feel right at home. The main language we're currently tackling with Moore right now is SystemVerilog, so either knowing the language a bit or not being scared of looking into language reference manual will be useful.

Skill Level: Advanced

Duration: 175 hours or 350 hours

Language/Tools: Rust, SystemVerilog

Mentor: Fabian Schuiki

Embench DSP Extensions

We will be developing a set of new digital signal processing benchmarks to add to the current suite of Embench DSP benchmarks. The starting point will be the current suite of DSP benchmarks (FIR, IIR, and FFT). New benchmarks will be run on a microprocessor and its performance evaluated.

These new benchmarks will be added to the Embench DSP suite and be made available to the world.

There will the opportunity to engage with students at Rice University who are also working on the project.

Skill level: Beginner (accessible to students who have some programming experience and are willing to learn)

Project length: medium

Mentors: Ray Simar (email).

Language/Tools: C, embedded platforms on which to evaluate the benchmarks.

Improve Test Coverage of the Moore HDL Compiler

Moore is a compiler for SystemVerilog and VHDL hardware designs. Its goal is world domination by finally moving the burden of implementing SV and VHDL out of tools like synthesizers and simulators and into a separate frontend, very much like what Clang and LLVM did for the software world. In contrast to other projects that focus on specific use cases such as synthesis or netlists processing, Moore strives to support the entirety of the SV and VHDL languages. As output the compiler produces LLHD IR, a simple intermediate representation that is able to capture the semantics of today's hardware description languages including their behavioral, verification, and testing features. (See also the LLHD paper from PLDI 2020 for details.)

We would love to have you help make Moore even better! Since the input languages are very complex, a key aspect of Moore is to perform well on existing test suites and benchmarks. The SymbiFlow project maintains a large suite of SystemVerilog tests where Moore is also represented. The goal of this project is to go into these tests and extend and improve the Moore compiler to support more of the use cases that are currently failing. You'll be able to look for juicy optimization targets and common reasons of failure, fix them, and reap the benefits of seeing a lot more green on this dashboard!

The Moore compiler is written in Rust. Don't be scared if you haven't touched Rust before -- if you know C or C++ you'll feel right at home. The main language we're currently tackling with Moore right now is SystemVerilog, so either knowing the language a bit or not being scared of looking into language reference manual will be useful.

Skill Level: Advanced

Duration: 175 hours or 350 hours

Language/Tools: Rust, SystemVerilog

Mentor: Fabian Schuiki

Embench Interrupt Latency benchmark

Embench has always envisaged measuring the dynamic behavior of systems as well as computation throughput. This is the Embench-RT benchmark suite.

One of the benchmarks on Embench-RT is IRQ latency. The benchmark goal is to measure an MCU interrupt latency. This factor is crucial for RT FW/SW that is driven by interrupts.

Currently, this benchmark can run on RISCV cores; the project will be to integrate the benchmark for the reference Arm Cortex M4 board used for the main Embench IoT benchmark. This will act as the reference against which all others will be compared.

Skill level: Intermediate (some experience with embedded devices and board support packages).

Project length: long

Mentors: Ofer Shinaar (email) assisted by one of his colleagues (name TBC).

Language/Tools: C, embedded platforms on which to evaluate the benchmarks.

Python bindings for OpenROAD

Details: OpenROAD is a standalone application capable of performing RTL-to-GDSII SoC design, from floorplanning through detailed routing with metal fill insertion, signoff parasitic extraction and timing analysis. It currently provides a comprehensive high-level scriptable layer in TCL, but also embeds a Python interpreter. The embedded Python interpreter provides support only for the database (odb) and is a subset of what is available in TCL.

Possible contributions to this project:

  • Compile odb as a standalone python module
  • Extend the bindings to other components of OpenROAD
  • Write Python and/or Conda packaging recipes for the package and its dependencies
  • Bootstrap infrastructure to continuously build and publish the package to PyPI and/or Conda.

Skill level: Intermediate to Advanced

Duration: ~350 hrs.

Language/Tools: Python, C++, Conda

Mentor: Johan Euphrosine, Matt Liberty

Support for multiple RISC-V cores on a mini MCU

OpenHW Group is a not-for-profit organization that develops industrial-quality open-source HW. The CORE-V RISC-V cores family includes embedded and application class processors. The embedded cores are customized for performance CV32E40P, security CV32E40S, extendability, CV32E40X, and for code size CV32E41P. core-v-mini-mcu is a simple MCU meant to quickly try out new core HW and SW features. It targets simulation with Verilator, Questasim, etc, as well as real implementation on FPGAs and ASICs. FuseSoc is used to handle tools and targets.

In this project, we propose extending the core-v-mini-mcu to support all the OpenHW Group embedded class cores (as today we only use CV32E40P) and to demonstrate performance and code size differences across them.

Skill level: Medium (SystemVerilog)

Project length: medium

Mentors: Davide Schiavone (email) and Veronia Bahaa (email)

Language/Tools: SystemVerilog, RISC-V, C, Verilator

Conda packages for Open Silicon tooling

Details: Bootstrapping a working environment for Open Silicon development is often a tedious task that involves installing multiple tools written in many different languages from various distribution channels (PyPI, debian, homebrew, containers image) and more often than not building them directly from sources!

The project aims to fix this by providing packages for popular FPGA and ASIC tools and distributing them on a dedicated channel:

Possible contributions to this project:

  • Make an inventory of the tools commonly used in popular Open Silicon flows.
  • Identify the tools (and their dependencies) that are not yet packaged.
  • Add new recipes to the project to cover those gaps.
  • Moving the package to to provide automated build and distribution for Linux, MacOSX and Windows.
  • Creating meta-packages that capture the environment for popular Open Silicon flows (analog, digital, hls-based).

Skill level: Beginner

Duration: ~175 hrs.

Language/Tools: Conda, Shell scripting, Git

Mentor: Johan Euphrosine

Porting Compiler test-suite (micro-benchmarks) to Embench

Embench contains several benchmarks for IoT, benchmarks targeting performance, and code-size comparison. One missing piece is a compiler test-suite.

The project goal is to port the riscv32-Code-density-test-bench to Embench IoT new repo. The effort will include porting the Embench build system, bringing up the repo for users (instructions, build, and full run), adding "correctness testing" to the test suite.

Skill level: Beginner (some experience with C Python and Git).

Project length: medium

Mentors: Ofer Shinaar (email) assisted by one of his colleagues (name TBC).

Language/Tools: C, embedded platforms on which to evaluate the benchmarks.

Klayout ASAP7 DRC and LVS decks

ASAP7 PDK is a 7-nm predictive process design kit (PDK) c, developed by Arizona State University in collaboration with ARM Ltd. for academic use. The PDK is realistic, based on current assumptions for the 7-nm technology node. Currently, there is an effort to port ASAP7 to OpenLane. To complete the port, ASA7 technology files must be ported to physical verification tools used by OpenLane.

The objective of this project is to develop ASAP7 Design Rules Checker (DRC) and Layout vs. Schematic (LVS) technology files for Klayout. Also, the scope of the project includes the development of a CI regression test suite.

Skill level: intermediate

Project length: medium

Language/Tools: Python, Ruby and Klayout

Other requirements: Good EE background

Mentors: Mohamed Shalan, Mohamed Kassem

Parameterized device layouts for Sky130

The purpose of this project is to expand the set of available parameterized devices available in magic for use with the SkyWater Sky130 foundry process. These devices are created using an existing framework written in Tcl/Tk, although most of the code involves magic command-line commands (which are implemented in Tcl). Only a basic understanding of Tcl variables, conditionals, loops, and subroutine calls is needed.

Existing devices could use more thorough checks of DRC cleanliness across a wide range of parameters. FET devices could use an option to have all gate contacts merged into a single net, which would also allow a tighter pitch for the smallest length devices.

New devices of interest that have not yet been done in parameterized cells include (but are not limited to): The photodiode, extended-drain MOSFETs, bipolar transistors, ESD transistors, inductors, metal fuses, UHV (ultra-high-voltage) devices.

Each new device should follow the design specifications for device layout from the SkyWater DRC manual, and needs to implement five routines that (1) define the device parameters and limits, (2) convert parameters from a SPICE netlist, (3) define the user interface dialog (UI) for setting those parameters, (4) check and enforce parameter limits, and (5) draw the device. After implementing, each device needs to be checked for DRC correctness by generating a "torture test" of a large array of devices with different sets of parameters which can be passed to the DRC checkers to make sure that the drawing routine produces DRC clean layouts.

Skill level: Intermediate/Advanced

Duration: medium (175 hours)

Language/Tools: Tcl/Tk, Magic

Mentors: Tim Edwards

Parameterized device layouts for GF180MCU

The purpose of this project is to expand the set of available parameterized devices available in magic for use with the Global Foundries GF180MCU foundry process. These devices are created using an existing framework written in Tcl/Tk, although most of the code involves magic command-line commands (which are implemented in Tcl). Only a basic understanding of Tcl variables, conditionals, loops, and subroutine calls is needed.

At the moment, even the basic parameterized devices for GF180MCU have not been thoroughly vetted and checked across a large number of parameters.

New devices of interest that have not yet been done in parameterized cells include (but are not limited to): Extended-drain MOSFETs (LDNMOS, LDPMOS), bipolar transistors, schottky diode, ESD devices (salidice-blocked drain (SAB) devices), fuse devices (metal, poly, and eFuse).

Each new device should follow the design specifications for device layout from the GF180MCU DRC manual, and needs to implement five routines that (1) define the device parameters and limits, (2) convert parameters from a SPICE netlist, (3) define the user interface dialog (UI) for setting those parameters, (4) check and enforce parameter limits, and (5) draw the device. After implementing, each device needs to be checked for DRC correctness by generating a "torture test" of a large array of devices with different sets of parameters which can be passed to the DRC checkers to make sure that the drawing routine produces DRC clean layouts.

Time permitting (e.g., 350 hour internship instead of 175 hour), the internship can include general improvements to the methods for Tcl-scripted parameterized devices in Magic.

Skill level: Intermediate/Advanced

Duration: medium or long (175 or 350 hrs)

Language/Tools: Tcl/Tk, Magic, (extended internship: C/C++)

Mentors: Tim Edwards

Capiche system development

The purpose of this project is to expand the set of scripts in the github repository RTimothyEdwards/capiche into a system for understanding and modeling parasitic capacitance in a foundry process. This is ideally done using a Jupyter notebook and taking advantage of the existing Python scripts, but allow users to simulate and plot capacitance over a number of different variables.

The system should make it convenient for the user to create a set of model equations representing parasitic capacitance and then measure the accuracy vs. simulation by the field equation solver FasterCap.

Plots should be made interactive with matplotlib instead of the current method of generating static SVG images.

Plots should be extended to include surface plots over two variables.

Time permitting (e.g., 350 hour internship instead of 175 hour), the internship can include extending the FasterCap input file format to include 3-dimensional geometry. Ideally, one would make a layout in magic, and convert the layout directly into an input file for FasterCap using the routines in Capiche plus some parsing of the 2D layout file.

Skill level: Intermediate/Advanced

Duration: medium or long (175 or 350 hrs)

Languages: Python + scipy and matplotlib, C, Jupyter notebooks

Tools: Magic, FasterCap, Octave

Mentors: Tim Edwards

RISC-V TensorCore for Edge AI

The goals of the RISC-V TensorCore project are to create RISC-V V-extension-based hardware accelerators that leverage custom numerics to gain energy-efficiency, performance, reproducibility, or reliable computations for robotics, model-predictive control, AI/ML, Reinforcement Learning, data acquisition and signal processing applications.

As many embedded intelligence applications will reside on the edge, and hardware experimentation requires a cost-effective and flexible design environment, most of the vector engines presented here are targeted as softcores on different FPGA platforms.

As the reconfigurability of an FPGA adds overhead to the realization of the logic for a computational transformation, it is paramount for energy-efficiency that the computational engine takes full advantage of the hardmacros available in the FPGA. The micro-architecture of a vector engine maps well to the DSP-slice architecture of most FPGAs, they are a productive technology target to deliver on custom compute engines with custom numerics.

Furthermore, when introducing custom numerics, the language support for these new types will always lag by many years, and sometimes the language standard committee will never be motivated to adapt. This means that only languages that offer user-defined types, such as Julia and C++, are ready to take advantage of custom hardware accelerators that differentiate through custom numerics. The user-defined type can be emulated by the scalar core, and computational kernels can be executed faithfully in the custom arithmetic by the vector engine. A user-defined type library, such as Universal will function as the custom type emulation layer, and higher level libraries, such as hprBLAS will function as the kernel dispatch layer.

Skill level: intermediate

Project length: 175 or 350 hrs

Language/Tools: TL-V, SV, Verilog

Mentors: Theodore Omtzigt

Enhancing the Sootty Terminal-based Graphical Waveform Viewer

Sootty is a terminal-based waveform viewer that can be used to display the contents of a VCD file. It is written in Python in order to leverage the read-eval-print loop to enable interactive hardware debugging. It also provides a textual query language that lets the user search a waveform for interesting events to assist in debugging.

We are interested in developing a more robust backend to better support real-world designs, some of which contain gigabytes of data that must be efficiently stored and parsed. The goal for this project is to incorporate polars, a fast DataFrame library with Python bindings in order to improve the tool’s scalability and overall performance.

Skill Level: Beginner-Intermediate

Duration: 175 or 350 hours

Language/Tools: Python

Other Requirements: Familiarity with basic data structures/algorithm design

Mentors: Benjamin Darnell, Jonathan Balkind

Improving SDF support in Icarus Verilog

Details: With the release of the open source PDKs from Skywater Technology and Globalfoundries and the associated OpenMPW program, ASIC design has never been more accessible. Icarus Verilog covers the parts for RTL and GL simulations. But when it comes to back-annotated timing simulations using the Standard Delay Format (SDF), Icarus lacks certain features.

There are three categories of features not yet supported in Icarus:

  • wire/interconnect delays
  • conditional path delays
  • timing checks

The focus of this project is to improve Icarus' support for SDF files. Simple cases will be implemented first, and then the code will be extended to handle the more complex cases. The ultimate goal is to perform accurate SDF simulations for SKY130 (and possibly GF180).

Skill level: Intermediate to Advanced

Duration: ~350 hrs.

Language/Tools: C, C++, Verilog

Mentors: Cary R. (email), Stephen Williams (email)

Multiple Frontends for OpenLane

Details: OpenLane lacks support for many popular HDLs, including the previously DARPA-endorsed VHDL which continues to be popular in FPGA spaces and the European EDA scene, Chisel/FIRRTL, a Scala-based HDL and intermediate representation of integrated circuits, and BSV by Bluespec, a popular variant of SystemVerilog.

The project will entail both adding support for these frontends as well as adding a set of designs as tests.

Skill level: Beginner-Intermediate

Duration: 175 hrs.

Language/Tools: Python, Verilog, Docker (or Nix)

Mentor: Mohamed Gaber, Mohamed Shalan

Testing for OpenLane

Details: OpenLane is the world's most popular open-source RTL-to-GDSII flow. However, testing and coverage is still somewhat lacking as of 2023. There are two tasks that may be done to enhance this, ideally worked on by two candidates but can be done by the same candidate over a longer period:

Write an extensive Python unit test suite for an upcoming version of OpenLane, including for all included steps and functions. A candidate is to explore and evaluate the various Python test libraries, present a good option, then embark on writing the unit tests. Create an exhaustive design suite out of various open source projects that exercise the limits of the OpenLane project, including niche use-cases.

Skill level: Intermediate

Duration: 175 hrs (two candidates,) 350 hrs (one candidate)

Language/Tools: Python, Verilog, Docker (or Nix)

Mentor: Mohamed Gaber, Mohamed Shalan

Remove X11-specific code and redundant backends from Magic and enhance C99 adherence

Details: The Magic VLSI utility, the primary signoff tool for OpenLane, does not compile on platforms without X11 support. As a layout viewer, Magic uses a mixture of X11 + Cairo to render its various views. Additionally, large swaths of the codebase are not C99-adherent, with declaration problems and the like.

This prevents it from compiling properly on some platforms we're looking to target, such as macOS and Windows.

The project will entail replacing the X11 and optional OpenGL dependencies on simple, pure Cairo code.

Skill level: Advanced

Language/Tools: C, Tcl/Tk, Magic

Duration: 175 or 350 hrs.

Mentors: Mohamed Gaber, Tim Edwards

Extending Verilator with insertion customization

Details: Verilator is a popular simulator for digital designs. For special simulations, such as fault injection simulation, it would be useful to have the ability to configure parts of the design where specific elements are inserted. This perfectly integrates into the flow of model creation and keep optimization high.

Skill level: Advanced

Language/Tools: C++

Duration: 350 hrs

Mentors: Stefan Wallentowitz

Enhancing OpenPiton+Ariane SoC With an Open-Source Advanced Interrupt Architecture (AIA)

The Platform Level Interrupt Controller (PLIC) is the de facto interrupt controller in RISC-V systems. However, the specification has intrinsic limitations regarding scalability and feature richness, e.g., it lacks support for Message Signal Interrupts (MSI) and virtualization. The RISC-V Advanced Interrupt Architecture (AIA) is the new reference specification for interrupt handling. RISC-V International has just ratified the AIA specification. This project aims to integrate an (in-house) open-source AIA IP into the OpenPiton+Ariane platform and conduct an in-depth evaluation of the performance and suitability for general-purpose, multithreaded, manycore processors.

Skill level: Intermediate

Duration: 350 hours

Language/Tools: Verilog, SystemVerilog, RISC-V

Mentor: Sandro Pinto, Jonathan Balkind