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73 lines (36 loc) · 3.06 KB

Welcome to the Postgres helpers functions.

These are actually quite soild. They've been in use for years.

They are installed as part of make install from the top-level directory of the Pgtcl repo.

To make them available to your Tcl program, execute

package require sc_postgres
  • sc_pg::foreach_tuple pgResult arrayName body

    Given a postgres result, an array name, and a code body, fill the array in turn with each result tuple and execute the code body against it.

    This is largely superseded by the new Pgtcl pg_result -foreach option.

  • sc_pg::quote string

    Quote a string for Postgres. Puts single quotes around it and quotes single quotes if they're contained within it. It's just a synonym for pg_quote.

  • sc_pg::gen_insert_from_array tableName array

    Return a postgres SQL insert statement based on the specified table and the contents of the specified array.

  • sc_pg::gen_update_from_array tableName array keyFieldList

    Return a postgres SQL update statement based on the contents of an array. Key field list specifies the keys and their values must be in the array. The where clause is generated as a big "and", so all the keys in the key field list must match for a row to be updated.

  • sc_pg::perform_insert session insertStatement

    Execute a statement on the given database session. Grab the status out of the result. Clear the result. Return the status.

  • sc_pg::perform_update_from_array session tableName array keyFieldList

    Generate an update statement and execute it on the given session. Grab the status out of the result. Clear the result. Return the status.

  • sc_pg::gen_insert_from_lists tableName nameList valueList

    Generate a sql insert command based on the contents of an element list and a one-for-one corresponding value list, and return it.

  • sc_pg::perform_insert_from_array session tableName arrayName

    Generate a sql insert command based on the contents of an array and execute it against the specified database session.

  • sc_pg::clock_to_sql_time clockValue

    Convert a clock value (integer seconds since 1970) to a SQL standard abstime value, accurate to a day.

  • sc_pg::clock_to_precise_sql_time clockValue

    Generate a SQL time from an integer clock time (seconds since 1970), accurate to the second, with timezone.

  • sc_pg::clock_to_precise_sql_time_without_timezone clockValue

    Generate a SQL time from an integer clock time (seconds since 1970), accurate to the second, without timezone.

  • sc_pg::sql_time_to_clock sqlDate

    Given a SQL standard abstime value, convert it to an integer clock value (seconds since 1970) and return it.

  • sc_pg::res_must_succeed $resultHandle

    The given postgres result must be PGRES_COMMAND_OK and, if it isn't, throw an error. If it is OK, clear the postgres result.

  • sc_pg::res_dont_care $resultHandle

    Whether or not the give postgres result is PGRES_COMMAND_OK, the result is cleared. By default we write something to stdout, but that's probably dumb.