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firnsy edited this page Jul 7, 2011 · 3 revisions

If you haven't noticed already, the first beta release of what will become barnyard2-1.10 was tagged the other day on github. This was a significant milestone that was only enabled by the OISF team and the generous contributions. Thanks again! I was going to push first beta a week ago but have spent the past few days cleaning up documentation, some old and pesky bugs and even a small utility.

So what are the notable includes/updates from the 1.9 release: [LIST] [] A new output plugin for communication with SnortSam instances. [] Upgraded unified2 handling to latest unified2 standard [1]. [*] Improved handling of Sguil agent registration timeouts. Thanks (Victor Julian) [/LIST]

Some other worthy mentions from the previous stable release include: [LIST] [] Fixed signature loading issue that resulted in a rogue space being appended to messages. [] Fixed compile issue with IPv6 enabled. [] Fixed compile issue with TCL and PostgreSQL combinations [] Added support for new DLT_IPV4 and DLT_IPV6 link types introduced with Snort's new DAQ library. [/LIST]

The old project pages are still being reworked with the server change, so if you want to try it out you will need to become a little familiar with github (it'll be worth it).

So please go forth, download, compile, use and abuse. Be sure to send any feedback good or otherwise back to us.

[1] No output plugins currently utilise the extra data.

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