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This contains the configuration used by ArgoCD to make changes to my Kubernetes cluster. ArgoCD uses an App of Apps pattern to deploy the configuration.

This assumes that the Kubernetes cluster has first been deployed using Ansible and that ArgoCD has been bootstrapped.


The following NameSpaces are used for ArgoCD itself, other core infrastructure, general infrastructure, and apps.

Core Infrastructure

The core directory contains the minimum services that are required for the Kubernetes cluster to function and deploy other services and apps.

  • argocd-system
    • argocd [website] - GitOps continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes.
  • calico-system
  • kube-system
  • openebs-system

General Infrastructure

The infrastructure directory contains the services that are used by the Kubernetes cluster to run the apps.

  • metallb-system
  • traefik-infra
    • traefik [website] - Reverse Proxy that natively supports Let's Encrypt for SSL.


The apps directory contains the apps that are deployed onto the Kubernetes cluster.